Biodiversity and land-use change in the British Isles
Using long-term environmental records to explore how land-use and population change has impacted upon land-cover and biodiversity patterns

Jessie Woodbridge:
Ralph Fyfe:
Ruth Pelling:
Anne De Vareilles:
David Smith:
Biodiversity at a Crossroads | Research Festival 2020
Global environmental and climatic change and human activities are affecting biodiversity on unprecedented levels, requiring widespread interdisciplinary responses to tackle these issues.
In this full-day event, scientists from across the University of Plymouth and further afield came together with practitioners, individuals from Government organisations, artists, the third sector and the general public, to showcase nationally and globally important research, focused on the understanding and management of natural and human-modified landscapes.
Left to right: Jessie Woodbridge, Ralph Fyfe, David Smith and Ruth Pelling
The archaeobotanical data is being collated in ArboDat 2016 English Version (©Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen, Wiesbaden, Germany, hessenARCHÄOLOGIE) held by Historic England.