Our researchers and scientists are working across the globe on issues relevant to the health of our seas – from acidification and its consequences for sea-life, to coastal erosion, flood risk and the impact of renewable energy technologies upon the environment. This remarkable facility will provide a world-class platform to support and extend the work we do.
Professor Martin Attrill
Professor of Marine Ecology
Access to outstanding marine-focused facilities
The first-of-its-kind facility within the UK, that enables physical modelling experiments with wind, wave, and currents simultaneously

The Ocean Basin is a unique facility that allows waves and currents to be generated at any relative orientation and can be run at different water depths.

The Coastal Basin allows sediment transport and coastal structures to be studied at scale in a controlled environment

A £3.2 million hardware-based, fully configurable maritime IT&OT cyber security research platform

Offering an innovative networking solution that allows real-time collaboration between multiple simulators, software, or hardware

COAST houses two flumes: a 35m flume and a 20m flume with the capability to be tilted. The inclusion of current circulation in the facility allows tidal energy to be studied as well as wave energy technology.

Meeting the needs of the navigation world with a ship simulator, CAD modelling facility, ECDIS lab and chart room

Providing world-class test facilities for students, researchers, academics and industry including an ocean basin, a coastal basin, wave and current flumes
University of Plymouth,
Marine Building,
Drake Circus,
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