COAST Lab - 1409590 20m Tilting Flume
The Coastal, Ocean and Sediment Transport (COAST) laboratory houses two wave and current flumes: a 35m flume and a 20m flume with the capability to be tilted.
The inclusion of current circulation in the facility allows tidal energy to be studied as well as wave energy technology.
The novel current circulation technology enables a smooth current to be modelled without disturbing the wave signal, this enables the controlled study of wave-current interaction and wave-current-device interaction.

Wave generation capabilities

Waves up to 0.35m high can be generated. Regular waves, focused waves and plunging breakers are all possible. The paddles absorb reflected wave energy.

Technical specification

  • the Sediment Flume is 35m long with a working section of 0.6m wide and a maximum still water depth of 0.8m
  • the Tilting Flume is 20m long with a working section of 0.6m wide by 0.5m deep.


  • absorbing piston paddles
  • regular wave heights up to 0.35m
  • irregular waves.


  • Reversible flow recirculation of >1.0 m/s including sediment trap.


  • Pumps are able to deal with large grain sediment (up to 2mm grain size); the equivalent of very coarse sand.


  • Removable flat beach to simulate fixed-bed beach or to support sediment.


  • glass sides the full length of the flumes facilitate flow visualisation
  • hoist for lifting models, wet sediment and equipment into flume (maximum 1.0 tonne).

35m wave and current flume

COAST Lab - 1829808 35m wave and current flume
COAST Lab - 1829804 35m wave and current flume
COAST Lab - 1829949 35m wave and current flume
COAST Lab - 1829830 35m wave and current flume
COAST Lab - 1829819 35m wave and current flume
COAST Lab - 1409624 35m wave and current flume

20m wave and current flume

COAST Lab - 1409590 20m Tilting Flume
Sediment Wave Flume 20m Tilting Flume
COAST Lab - 1409602 20m Tilting Flume
Please contact the Coastal, Ocean and Sediment Transport (COAST) laboratory if you would like to use these facilities