Academic tutor
You will be allocated an academic tutor who oversees your academic progress and personal and professional development. Your tutor is the first point of contact for academic support for the duration of the programme. You will meet with your tutor to review your progress in clinical skills, personal development and academic learning once a term. Students are allocated a new tutor each year. Remediation and study skill support are available.
Technology-enhanced learning
At all stages of the curriculum your learning is supported with on-line systems, activities, and materials including state-of-the-art multimedia. Moodle, the Schools’ web-based Digital Learning Environment (DLE) provides access to both your personal space including your emails and timetable, as well as supporting course information, learning materials and library resources.
Resources such as electronic journals, encyclopaedias, interactive on-line learning materials, formative on-line computer aided assessments, and discussion forums in various open, private, academic, and social contexts are all available to students at any time through the web via Moodle.
Working in the community
The Dental Community Engagement Team will support and help you to understand the issues and problems facing different neighbourhoods and how you can make a difference. Devonport, as a neighbourhood faces many challenges; it is a ‘New Deal for Communities’ area and as such has received government funding to improve and develop housing, increase community cohesion and develop regeneration initiatives. In terms of its health deprivation indicators, health inequalities in Devonport are one of the most pronounced of any of the government’s New Deal for Communities areas.