School of Society and Culture

PhD on the Basis of Prior Published Works in Education


0-1 year OR 1 year maximum

Course type


Study location Plymouth

The PhD from the Plymouth Institute of Education allows you to join a vibrant research community where you can explore a question about formal or informal education and learning that interests you, in-depth, with the support of world-leading academics. It can help you develop an academic career, deepen understanding in your professional field or keep your mind engaged and active in retirement.

This degree programme enables eligible candidates who have not previously been able to register for a higher degree but have been research active and publishing – or making research available – in the public domain, to submit a collection of works for consideration for the award of a PhD.

Key features

  • Opportunity to join an active research network in the Institute of Education.
  • Designed to be flexible with both full time and part time modes of study available.
  • Comprehensive support from a team of dedicated supervisors.
  • Access to a wide range of courses focussed on the development of research skills and knowledge through the Doctoral College.
  • Specialisms in Children and Families, Inclusive Education, Learning outside Formal Education and Education Policy.
  • Research across all ages and in formal and informal contexts.
  • International students very welcome.

Entry requirements

Applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, the programme is only open to experienced professionals with a proven track record in innovation within the domain. For full details on application process and what the programme entails, please read the section ‘AWD2 PhD on the Basis of Prior Published Works’ in Section E of the University of Plymouth Academic Regulations .

Fees, costs and funding

Please visit tuition fees for postgraduate research for information about fees.

How to apply

Apply online

The application process comprises two phases:
  • Phase 1: Expression of Interest (no fee)
  • Phase 2: Full prima facie application (fee payable)
Phase 1: Expression of Interest
Applicants must first submit an Expression of Interest to the University’s Doctoral College Admissions Team - - comprising:
  • an abstract of their research (of no more than 300 words)
  • a list of the works on which the submission is likely to be based, and
  • a curriculum vitae (no longer than 5 pages)
There is no fee attached to this phase of application.
The Doctoral College will, having consulted with relevant Faculties, send the application for consideration by the appropriate School within the University.
The purpose of this stage is to enable the University to determine whether resources and expertise are available to support the applicant to completion of the degree within this area of study.
Phase 2: Full prima facie application
If, under Phase 1 (above), a Faculty confirms that it has the resources and expertise to support the research content to completion, candidates must submit a full application within three months of the Phase 1 outcome. The purpose of Phase 2 is to satisfy the University that a prima facie case can be made for candidature.
An application ‘reading fee’ is payable for this phase. Details of application and tuition fees for postgraduate research students are linked from our fees and costs of studying page.
The Faculty Doctoral Committee will determine whether a prima facie case exists and if accepted then the applicant will be permitted to enrol for the degree and to prepare their submission for examination.
The successful candidate will be assigned a supervisory team and have a maximum of 12 months from the time of approval of the prima facie case to prepare their final submission for examination.
For full details on how to apply and what the programme entails, please read the section ‘AWD2 PhD on the Basis of Prior Published Works’ in the University of Plymouth Academic Regulations . When you are ready to make an application, please complete an expression of interest template and return it to

Welcome from the PhD Programme Leader – Professor Jocey Quinn

Educational research at the University of Plymouth is rich and varied. Underpinning all of our research is a commitment to seek to transform education experiences and outcomes for both learners and teachers.
At Plymouth we offer opportunities to engage in research that is relevant to current educational issues, both nationally and internationally; interdisciplinary; linked to strong local, national and international networks and partnerships; and supported by committed, expert supervisors who are keen to work with the next generation of education researchers.
I hope the information provided here will help you make an informed decision about whether you would like to join our research community.
If you have questions or would like further information, please contact me.
PhD Programme Leader – Professor Jocey Quinn

Doctoral supervisors