Imagine you were about to start university again - with the benefit of hindsight - what would you now tell yourself to have done differently?
I would alter the way of studying for the modules. In addition, I would spend more time in the labs.
What was your main reason for choosing to study your course at Plymouth? With hindsight how significant was this for you?
The main reason that I wanted to study at the University of Plymouth was that I searched the internet and I found out that it is one of the best universities in the field of robotics. In addition, Plymouth is a very nice place that makes me feel relaxed.
How did we support you in your studies? If you used any support services whilst at the University how did they enable you to get to where you are today?
The careers and employability department helped me to become a student ambassador and now I am one of the robotics ambassadors in charge of the humanoid robots. Also, the library services helped me to concentrate on my studies and be able to finish my degree. Finally, in my second year, I attended some PALS sessions and I can tell that that helped me as well.
How did studying at Plymouth change your career aspirations and plans?
The University of Plymouth made me realise how difficult is to study in a university but on the other hand, it proved that if you love what you study and you study hard for that, then you will succeed in your career and you will make your plans and dreams true.
What is your favourite memory of studying for your degree at Plymouth?
There are lots of loving memories that I had while studying at the University of Plymouth, but I think that my favourite memory is when I received an email from the University telling me that I was in the Dean’s list. That made me feel so happy about myself and gave me the confidence to try harder.
How well did Plymouth prepare you for the challenges that you have faced, or will face, in your career?
I believe that the University of Plymouth prepared me very well for the challenges that I will face in my career because I learned how to deal with taught coursework, how to manage my time, how to work in a team, how to be the leader and not the boss and more like these.
Why would you recommend undertaking a course with the University of Plymouth?
I believe that the major reason that I would recommend undertaking a course with the University of Plymouth is that it is a well organised university, during your ‘studies trip’ you can earn a lot of experiences and finally, after your graduation, you will be able to be proud of yourself for having a degree from the University.
What will your next move (job or further study) be after graduation?
I already applied for a master’s degree at the University of Plymouth for next academic year - MSc Robotics.