"I found that my masters year had the most bearing on my career plans, as I was properly introduced to 3D modelling, which is now a large part of my job. "
What have you been up to since graduating?
"My first graduate job was based in Norwich working for a small consultancy primarily designing small domestic extensions. I provided structural analysis and validation calculations for the architects in the firm to ensure that the extensions were structurally fit for purpose. Since then, I have returned to Plymouth and started working for a larger consultancy company as an engineer technician. As a result, I have been developing 2D and 3D CAD and Revit models while providing design support for much larger projects, such as housing estates and large apartment blocks."
What is the most exciting thing you have done in your career so far?
Within my first month with my current company, I was offered the opportunity to travel to Belgium for a week (along with a few other colleagues) to work with a client as the sole Revit operator. This was an invaluable experience as I was quickly immersed in the specific type of work for that project, which also constitutes a large part of the work we are doing in the Plymouth office.
What would you have done differently at university?
I would have done more reading outside of lectures to gain a greater understanding as well as to consolidate my learning more effectively. I have found that I have forgotten some elements of the course for which I have had to go back and revise in order to complete tasks. Regular supplementary reading and practice would have helped this.
Why study at the University of Plymouth?
Aside from being relatively close to home, I like to live in small cities where you’re never far from nature and adventure. I also found the staff to be incredibly welcoming at the open days and was encouraged by the overall quality of the course, particularly the links in industry when it comes to securing a placement during the sandwich year.
How did we support you in your studies?
The open-door policy of lecturers was the most useful support, as it meant that I could deal with queries outside of lectures and in my own time. Tutorial sessions were also useful for the same reason, while also encouraging consolidation of learning.
How did studying at Plymouth change career plans?
I found that my masters year had the most bearing on my career plans, as I was properly introduced to 3D modelling, which is now a large part of my job. I’ve always had an interest in CAD and known that I wanted it to be a part of my career, but until the masters year, I hadn’t really dealt with 3D modelling. It was in the interdisciplinary project that I first gained exposure and went on to produce a 3D model along with a rendered walkthrough of the building we designed.