Imagine you were about to start university again - with the benefit of hindsight - what would you now tell yourself to have done differently?
If I was to start university again from scratch I would have two pieces of advice for myself. Many people tell you that first year isn’t important but I would argue it’s one of most important years - it gives you a foundation to work from for the rest of your degree; if you don’t have the foundation you’re going to struggle. Secondly, don’t leave things to the last minute. It’s very easy to put work off and then become swamped at the last minute.
What was your main reason for choosing to study your course at Plymouth?
There are several things that enticed me when picking this course: Plymouth's robotics course is highly regarded, Plymouth is only a two hour train ride from home, and robotics seemed like a very interesting subject which incorporated two subjects I enjoy, mathematics and computer programming and one that I struggled with but wanted to improve, electronics.
How did we support you in your studies? If you used any support services whilst at the University how did they enable you to get to where you are today?
I didn’t use any of the support services however PALS is a great way for first year students to gain experience and advice from second and third year students.
How did studying at Plymouth change your career aspirations and plans?
Before studying at Plymouth I thought that there were only interesting jobs with well-regarded companies in major cities such as Bristol and London, however having studied here I have found there is a wide range of engineering job opportunities all over the country.
What is your favourite memory of studying for your degree at Plymouth?
My favourite memory studying at Plymouth has to be project showcase day. Up to that point we had all being doing very similar work. There are such a wide range of possibilities with this course it was great to see each individual’s interests and skills developed into a large project.
How well did Plymouth prepare you for the challenges that you have faced, or will face, in your career?
I find this question difficult to answer as I don’t know what challenges I will face in my career, however I feel studying at Plymouth has given me the chance to develop a wide variety of skills alongside my problem solving ability, and given me to tools to learn independently.
Why would you recommend undertaking a course with the University?
Plymouth’s a great balance of city, country and coastline, with a fifteen-minute walk from the city centre to the sea and Dartmoor on the outskirts of the city. The University has great facilities and a wide range of activities to take part in.
What will your next move (job or further study) be after graduation?
Next I will be moving on the to the masters course, I look forward to working with a group of people and bringing together their skill sets to produce a project.