Imagine you were about to start university again - with the benefit of hindsight - what would you now tell yourself to have done differently?
I would have taken advantage of the University's diverse range of societies to try more new sports. I don't think there is a better time to try new things.
What was your main reason for choosing to study your course at Plymouth? With hindsight how significant was this for you?
The University offered this course which is only offered at a few universities in the country. The University facilities for the course are at a much higher standard than that of the others, which they encourage the use of for our final year projects.
How did we support you in your studies? If you used any support services whilst at the University how did they enable you to get to where you are today?
The careers and employability service helped me tailor my CV to a high standard aimed specifically at engineering employers which helped me gain employment for my placement year at a ferry operator in the engineering department.
How did studying at Plymouth change your career aspirations and plans?
It has encouraged me to aspire to achieve more. In the future I would like to start up my own business within the engineering industry.
What is your favourite memory of studying for your degree at Plymouth?
For my dissertation project, designing on CAD software a trimaran ferry and being able to 3D print it to a high degree of accuracy in order to use it as a test model for the wave tank. Then testing the model and analysing the motion experienced from a passenger perspective.
How well did Plymouth prepare you for the challenges that you have faced, or will face, in your career?
In my experience of my placement, the course content has been very applicable to the real world. After my placement, I have been able to bring the new skills that I learned from working back to university with me which has helped my understanding of the course much more.
Why would you recommend undertaking a course with the University?
The city is incredibly student friendly, and the campus has been renovated over the past few years making the campus feel contemporary. This is very important for me as I feel the way the campus is designed makes the student experience so much better!
What will your next move (job or further study) be after graduation?
I plan to find engineering work experience over the next few months before I head to the Alps to undertake employment in a ski resort for the season, which I have always wanted to do. After this I aim to find employment in the engineering or naval architecture industry to embark on my career.
How did your placement impact on your short and long term career plans?
My placement gave me a great insight into the marine engineering industry both in the UK and further into Europe. I aspire short term to work in a business where the staff are highly motivated and I can challenge myself for the benefit of the business. And long term I would like to start my own business, grow it and try to make a positive impact on the industry.