A game of prose: inventing languages across the multiverse with David J. Peterson
The creator of Dothraki for 'Game of Thrones' explores the art of inventing new languages for the University's Contemporary Music Festival 2019

Tikum. Durloi. I am small. We are great.
Loi vōv. We are love.
Bon gilūr vdak, ulloi qas. With many bodies, we will not feel cold.
Bon gidīs vdak, ulloi bǝr. With many children, we will not hunger.
Kinlīk sqen mbau nanahloi. We will show them our paths.
Kinlīk sqen mvēm hā. We will teach them of fire.
Abūv qen svēmosloi. They will keep our knowledge.
Vōvūv loi. They will love us.
Qen loi. They are we.
E ohlūv. And we will be.
Gibil ndrā e ndrā. From now to then and then.
“You taught me language, and my profit on’t
Is I know how to curse. The red plague rid you
For learning me your language!”
– Caliban, 'The Tempest'
@Dothraki and Valyrian (HBO's 'Game of Thrones')
@Trigedasleng (CW's 'The 100')
@Elvish (Netflix's 'The Christmas Chronicles')
@Shiväisith (Marvel's 'Thor: The Dark World')
@Verbis Diablo (Sky's 'Penny Dreadful')