Industry clients touring PEMC facilities
With over 30 years of experience working with industry, Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre (PEMC) provides a comprehensive service that brings together academic expertise and research with businesses across the UK and beyond. PEMC has a commercial user group spanning a range of sectors including aerospace, manufacturing, engineering, textiles, microelectronics, biomedical, food, and more. Our relationships within the commercial sector have earned us a strong reputation as a reliable, well-rounded and professional centre, providing insight and solutions to real-world problems from a strong foundation of scientific research.
We provide expert, local access to imaging and analysis instrumentation, supporting a diverse range of activities including materials properties analysis, analysis of defects and component failure, evaluation of product quality, bio-imaging, mineralogical analysis and sample characterisation, and 3D digital imaging and analysis.
PEMC has strong links with other departments within the University, so can offer a full analytical service in addition to electron microscopy data capture, including composites, metallurgy, engineering and food science.
We offer bespoke services with competitive hourly rates to make the most of our extensive suite of instruments, to investigate and understand your products in depth. As keen knowledge sharers experienced in interdisciplinary collaborations, our team of experts will help you to benefit from:
  • Improved performance of products and processes
  • Enhanced quality control and monitoring
  • Increased efficiency (waste and cost)
  • New product development
  • Promotional images and outreach materials
  • Educational materials
  • Research support
  • Collaborative research and development

Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre is a jewel in the crown not just for the University, but for the city of Plymouth.

Jerry RobertsProfessor Jerry Roberts
Emeritus Professor

We found the PEMC service extremely useful. The communication was excellent; any potential problems were communicated to us for verification before PEMC carried out the work. We are extremely happy with the results and will definitely be using PEMC again.

Ben Daniels, Production Planner, Peter Day Precision Engineering
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