Photography - Mike Terry 

Photography - Mike Terry 

Rehearsal of Beethoven Op.59 no. 1, Beethoven Op.135, Dawe String Quartet based on Beethoven sketches for Op.135.

An open rehearsal with the renowned London-based Ruisi Quartet as they prepared for their evening performance.

A live Q&A with the Ruisi Quartet was part of this unique event.

Venue: Upper Theatre, Sherwell Centre, University of Plymouth
Date: Saturday 2 October 2021
Time: 15:00 – 16:15

More from Beethoven: Innovator – a 250th celebration

This open rehearsal was the third of four events, comprising the Beethoven: Innovator festival, 30 September - 2 October 2021.

The inspiring three-day festival explored some of Beethoven's most innovative works with host Dr Robert Taub, Music Director, The Arts Institute.

Discover more about previous events

Ludwig van Beethoven
The Arts Institute is now The Arts & Culture programme presented by The Bridge.