Interviews arrangements
An interview should be an interactive experience. The University of Plymouth encourages applicants to attend their interview in person. However, if a face-to-face interview is not possible, the University may conduct telephone, Zoom or equivalent video call interviews if appropriate (e.g. for international applicants who may not be able to travel to the campus). In some cases, legal or regulatory requirements may mean this option is not available.
Find out more information about our interviews.
Interview process
Interviews should be scheduled as flexibly as possible, ideally with alternative dates where many candidates are being considered. This should include, where possible, publishing in advance the likely interview dates and providing adequate notice (usually at least two weeks and ideally more).
If the University cancels or postpones an interview, we will offer a revised interview date.
We may not offer an alternative date if an applicant fails to attend a scheduled appointment without telling us in advance. We will consider all extenuating circumstance and if accepted rearrange with an alternative date:
Some examples of extenuating circumstances that may be considered (please note this list is not exhaustive but shows reasons that have been accepted).
- death of a parent, primary care giver, sibling or partner.
- severe sickness of self, parent, primary carer, family member.
- hospitalisation following unexpected illness.
- financial constraints.
- clash with timings of examinations , in class test or assessments.