Postgraduate researchers cohort 3
Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources (CDT SuMMeR)
Postgraduate researchers: Cohort 3

Tayla Leathers
CDTS302: Developing approaches for the kelp forest restoration to futureproof UK marine biodiversity

Kirsty Forbes
CDTS303: Coastal Vigilance: Harnessing AI, Remote Sensing, and Citizen Science for Enhanced Observation and Monitoring of Land-to-Coastal Pollutant Transport

Danielle Crowley
CDTS304: The socio-ecological importance of elasmobranchs to coastal communities in a changing climate

Rebecca Turley
CDTS305: “Ocean Sediments” Quantifying the interaction of anthropogenic impacts and hydrodynamics on Ocean Sediment habitats to inform ecosystem-based management of an understudied habitat

Maisy Fuller
CDTS306: Sustainable management of marine resources through national marine park establishment

Millie Brown
CDTS307: Understanding carbon flows between seagrass, kelp forest and maerl habitat mosaics within the coastal seascape for quantification of Blue Carbon sequestration services and storage: an Orkney Islands case study

Carya Maharja
CDTS308: I do like to be beside the seaside: Understanding how environmental assets influence who and how people engage with the coast and its wellbeing benefits

Eleanor Cross
CDTS310: Harnessing AI for enhanced underwater biodiversity monitoring

Sarah Fish
CDTS312: Trade-offs or win-wins? Perception and reality in saltmarsh conservation for biodiversity and sustainable environmental management

Janine Douglas
CDTS314: Enabling biodiversity credits for the protection and restoration of subtidal seagrass beds

Moritz Eichert
CDTS320: Underpinning whelk fishery co-management using bio-economic and network analysis approaches

Camila Toledo Jaime
CDTS323: Socio-economic and ecological impacts of UK marine heatwaves under climate change

Angelica Aguirre Sanchez
CDTS324: Investigating the ecological and systemic effects of next generation biopolymers in marine systems

Aparna Santhosh
CDTS325: Will food quality limit marine biomass production in a warming world?

Francisco Schinder Coirini
CDTS326: Mussel restoration, bioremediation and robots

Emma Doherty
CDTS327: Can habitat restoration deliver effective mitigation for marine and estuarine fish?

Allicia Fullarton
CDTS330: Plastic pellet pollution: establishing safe and proportionate clean up responses

Stephen King
CDTS331: Exploring factors underpinning resilience and identifying avenues for restoration of maerl beds, a priority habitat for marine conservation