Medicine and dentistry school school pupil with microscope

Supporting your journey into medicine, dentistry and biomedical science

At the heart of the University of Plymouth’s vision, there remains a clear and continued commitment to access and participation. This applies to all student groups across the student life cycle to ensure our students have equal access to higher education, irrespective of their background, in order to be successful while at university and to progress into employment or postgraduate study. The University works collaboratively with the Office for Students to provide and deliver the highest quality access and participation for disadvantaged pupils and under-represented groups.

The University of Plymouth Faculty of Health has a regional and national reputation for its widening access and participation work, and as part of our commitment to access and participation to medicine, dentistry and health courses, we undertake a series of initiatives to raise aspirations and healthcare.

From an access perspective, the student life cycle commences much earlier and our outreach engagement starts at primary school age. This is an important stage as many children have already developed a sense of their aspirations and capabilities by the end of Year 6.

Previous journeys into medicine and dentistry

Hamzah, a medical student at the University of Plymouth, discusses the hurdles he had to overcome to study medicine.

"If you are truly dedicated to studying medicine, failing to get in a few times and not being fazed by it is a reflection of how strongly you want it."

Find out more about Hamzah's story

Hamzah Ali
Chloe Webb

Entering her final year of medicine at the University of Plymouth, Chloe reflects on how she pursued her ambition to become a doctor.

"Being accepted at Plymouth was one of the most amazing and proud moments of my life."

Find out more about Chloe's story

Sneha, a third-year Dental Surgery student, took an unconventional route to study dentistry at University of Plymouth's Peninsula Dental School.

"I am so fortunate to be a part of the Peninsula Dental School, as early clinical exposure has made me more confident in treating patients."
Find out more about Sneha's story

Dental students in teaching environment

Medical and Dental Schools Councils series of Summer Schools 2022

Funded by Health Education England, the programme is aimed at young people who are from under-represented backgrounds, and targets areas of England that have limited outreach engagement with medical or dental schools. The summer schools will be open to young people in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in studying medicine or dentistry.
Find out more about the summer schools
One of the Summer Mix youngsters having a go at being a dentist
Roland Levinsky Building, University of Plymouth campus