students talking

All universities do things differently, how and when events takes place throughout the year differs between institutions. We have set up a timeline of events to keep you informed of the activities and events that take place at Plymouth throughout the year.

Although students are independent adults they still often depend on parents and supporters as an initial point of contact should they have any worries or need any advice. The first semester often causes some emotional highs and lows before they adjust to their new routines. Below are some tips for helping students feel supported.


Students are all encouraged to register at our University Medical Centre , located on our main campus. As the so-called ‘freshers’ flu’ makes its rounds, remind students if they become ill to take it easy, but keep their lecturers and personal tutor in the loop.
Student Wellbeing Services  offer a number of services such as mental health drop ins, workshops and counselling.

Students feeling lonely, homesick or unsettled

Reassure students that others will feel the same emotional ups and downs they are feeling. Encourage them to get involved in clubs, societies and events where they can meet new people and share their experiences. It's likely that they'll meet other students who are experiencing similar feelings.

Trouble with budgeting and finance

Often students find themselves spending more money than they expected during fresher's week and may be struggling with budgeting. If a student is having trouble with their finances while away from support encourage them to contact our Student Financial Support Team for budgeting advice or emergency funding.

Work life balance

Encourage students to take some time out to socialise, relax or exercise. Remind students that a healthy lifestyle can have positive effects; getting enough sleep and eating well can really make a difference. 
Try not to worry too much if you don't hear from them as often, students are often busy with both study and new social experiences. Agree a point of contact for them to check in, this could be a fortnightly or weekly text, call or Skype session.

Academic advice and dyslexia support

If a student is struggling with revision and assignments encourage them to reach out to Student Learning services. The team can help with writing, presenting, managing projects, communicating clearly, preparing for exams and much more. Additionally  Student Wellbeing Services run a number of different support sessions.
Remind students to talk with their personal tutors and lecturers, our staff are happy to provide academic feedback and advice. Discussing any problems with academic members of staff can help them gain useful feedback and improve through their studies.

Support throughout

The University of Plymouth provides a range of support for students. If a student is struggling in any area of life or academia remind them that the University is here to help. Staff from all areas are happy to advise students, remember that students dealing with any issues early can stop them turning into more substantial problems in the future.
If you're unsure where to direct a student for support, contact the   Student Hub for advice.