Student Hub
Find out more about the services and support we provide to our students and where to go if you need help or advice

Remember, in an emergency dial 999
Career development support for students and graduates to build their skills, find part-time work, get experience, make contacts, and more
Counselling and mental health support
Writing and academic skills support, peer-assisted learning, and more
Providing support for students with an impairment, health condition or disability
Funding opportunities, such as scholarships and bursaries, and support with the cost of living
A welcoming environment for all students, whether you think of yourself as spiritual, religious, a person of faith or of no faith at all
Providing primary care services to University students through a purpose-built GP surgery on campus
Providing support with visas and preparing international students for life in the UK
Offering a range of courses to help you develop your academic English language skills before and during your studies
 £1,793,000 provided to students (including Financial Support Fund, Mayflower and Care Leaver Awards)
 4,652 individual careers appointments
 4,882 wellbeing, counselling and mental health appointments
 1,628 disability appointments (including LADS tests, specific learning difficulties, disability and study skills)
 2,295 international student advice appointments