Dr Sue Linsley

Dr Sue Linsley

Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing (Education)

School of Nursing and Midwifery (Faculty of Health)



In the past I have occupied the position of programme lead for the Bsc Hons in Mental Health and pathway lead for the BSc Applied Psychology programme. Latterly due to my undertaking post graduate study I have relinquished these roles. My current position includes contributing to a range of modules on the degree in mental health, as well as module leadership in Therapeutic Communication, Lived Experience (a collaboration with the experts by experience in mental health) as well as a module in the Urgent and Emergency Care programme.  I have undertaken the module lead role for the post registration and MSc modules in Substance Misuse and Dual Diagnosis and my specialist interest is alcohol problems. My role inevitably includes engagement in practice with the local drug and alcohol services, where possible. I am an academic Placement Development Team Lead for Devon Partnership Trust, supporting mentors and students and providing updates for mentors in practice.  I clinically supervise trust  team members and also engage in therapeutic work in this role.

My lecturer role also means working with students in academic tutorials, retaining responsibility for their journey through the programme as their personal tutor and visiting them in the clinical area to ensure capability and competence as well as trouble shooting any poor performance.

I am also engaged in small research projects and academic work for publication.  My Phd focused on the development and evaluation of a CBT self-help programme for alcohol problems, which has recently informed the development of interventions within Help for Heroes.



Key publications

Key publications are highlighted

Farrand P, Perry J & Linsley S (2010) 'Enhancing Self-Practice/Self-Reflection (SP/SR) Approach to Cognitive Behaviour Training Through the Use of Reflective Blogs' Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 38, (4) 473-477 Publisher Site , DOI
Perry J & Linsley S (2006) 'The use of the nominal group technique as an evaluative tool in the teaching and summative assessment of the inter-personal skills of student mental health nurses' Nurse Education Today 26, (4) 346-353


Other academic activities

Conference Presentations:

Perry, J. & Linsley, S. (2006) 9th RCN European Mental Health Nursing Conference & Exhibition ‘ From Ideas to innovations in Mental Health Nursing’, Dublin


Linsley, S., Perry J., & Duncan F., (2007) A Crisis of Competence: An Investigation into the impact of experiential learning on interpersonal skills in practice. Presented at the International Conference for Nursing & Education Arhus Denmark 23rd – 25th August 2007


Farrand, P., Perry, J. & Linsley, S. July 2008 ‘Enhancing self-practice/self-reflection through the use of reflective blogs’. Paper presented at British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Conference. Edinburgh.