- Abadie, Karen Lecturer in Fine Art
- Abarra, Sherilyn Weekend Duty Technician (Aquaria Davy)
- Abbott, Claire Doctoral College Administrator
- Abey, Sally Head of School of Health Professions
- Abraham, Hanna Data Manager
- Absalom, Tim Senior Technician
- Abu-Zhaya, Rana Visiting Lecturer
- Acharya, Umesh Honorary Lecturer
- Ackroyd, Ella Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- Adamatzky, Andrew External Examiner
- Adams, Claire Laboratory Manager
- Adams, David Clinical Tutor (Optometrist)
- Adams, Erin Technician
- Adams, Natalie Visiting Specialist
- Adams, Rich Head of Enterprise and Commercialisation
- Addis, Lyn Employer Engagement Assistant (Placements, Internships & Liaison)
- Addy, Amanda Clinical Lecturer in Dental Education and Co-Lead Year 1
- Adeboboye, Mariah
- Adegboyega, Gideon Honorary Clinical Research Fellow
- Adeoye, Gbemisola Marker
- Adkins, David Associate Head of School - Postgraduate Programmes
- Adlard, Graham Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
- Affourtit, Charles Associate Head of School - Research
- Agarwal, Sheela Associate Head of School for Research and Innovation
- Agbeja, Ife Lecturer Diagnostic Radiography Programme
- Agbor, Nelson
- Ager, David Associate Lecturer
- Aggett, Mandy Lecturer in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management
- Agyapong Siaw, Christopher Lecturer in Marketing
- Ahmadi, Hossein EPIC Research Fellow in eHealth (Data Science or Robotics)
- Ahmed, Araz NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Oral Surgery
- Ahmed, Sonya Quality Assurance Officer - PenCTU
- Aihie, Olatundun
- Aikman, Lindsay Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology
- Ainsworth, Samantha Programme Administrator
- Akinbami, Demola Associate Lecturer
- Akinrinsola, Akintayo
- Al Kyed, Reema
- Al-Hafith, Omar Lecturer in Built Environment
- Al-jarshawi, Mustafa Hussein Ajlan Honorary Research Fellow
- Al-Juboori, Shaymaa Lecturer in Computer Science
- Al-Mashhadani, Shiamaa
- Al-Murrani, Waleed Honorary Professor
- Al-Naffakh, Neamah Associate Lecturer
- Al-Nuaimi, Ali
- Alani, Aws Associate Professor/Honorary Consultant/Endodontic MSc programme Lead
- Alencastro, Joao Lecturer in Built Environment
- Alfred, Inebi
- Alhada Lourenco, Joao
- Ali, Kamran Honorary Professor
- Ali, Muhammad
- Ali, Shabana External Examiner
- Ali, Waqas
- Ali Abu-Rgheff, Mosa Visiting Researcher
- Aljafer, Naofel Senior Research Fellow
- Allain, Rachael
- Allard, Jon Honorary University Fellow
- Alldridge, Louise Associate Professor in Biomedical Sciences (Education)
- Allen, James Energy Manager
- Allen, James Head of Library & Digital Support
- Allen, Jay
- Allen, Jennifer Executive Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- Allen, Nikki Head of HR Operations
- Allen, Rachel Associate Lecturer (LAS)
- Allen, Steve Lecturer in Diagnostic Radiography (Education)
- Allen, Steve Invigilator/Senior Invigilator
- Allen, Zoe Honorary Clinical Lecturer/Consultant in Dental Public Health
- Allgar, Victoria Professor of Medical Statistics and Director of PenCTU
- Allison, Joe Lecturer in Clinical Education
- Allum, Peter Visiting Specialist
- Alnaqshabandy, Halat Business Research Fellow - Built Environment
- Alnasan, Mohamadia
- Alshumrani, Ali
- Alvarez Hidalgo, Laura
- Alvarez-Cienfuegos, Ignacio
- Alwazzan, Dheya
- Aly, Amir Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Ambler, Jonathan BMBS Senior Academic Tutor Y3-5
- Ambroze, Adrian Associate Professor of Digital Communications Engineering
- Ambruzova, Eva Administrator (Programmes)
- Ameer, Irfan Lecturer in International Business
- Ammoun, Sylwia Senior Research Fellow
- Amorim Pinto, Alex
- Anderson, Alison Professor in Sociology
- Anderson, Lindsay Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
- Anderson, Mark Professor of Geology
- Anderson, Sarah Disability Inclusion Adviser
- Anderson, Sue Research Funding Manager - Health
- Anderson Von Trampe, Toby Research Associate (SMART, Ag)
- Anderson-Bradley, Joyce Agent Liaison Officer
- Anderson-Brettell, Kent
- Andrade, Jackie Professor in Psychology
- Andrews, Billy Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Fault Analysis and Earthquake Hazard
- Andrews, Mandy Lecturer in Education
- Andrews, Wesley Project Engineer/Technician - Cyber - SHIP Lab
- Angliss, Katie Head of Division - Business Management
- Anil, Krithika Research Fellow
- Ansell, Karen Technician (Purchasing)
- Ansell, Lauren Lecturer in Data Science
- Anteyi, Alexander
- Antill, Todd Associate Lecturer
- Aoki, Darren Associate Professor of World History and Oral History
- Areshkovych, Olga External Examiner
- Argent, Louise Senior Technician
- Arikekpar, Tonari
- Armitage, Louise Senior Administrator - DQASS
- Armstrong, Anthony External Examiner
- Armstrong-Fisher, Sylvia External Examiner
- Arnold, Faye Visiting Specialist
- Aronsson, Jennie Lecturer in Adult Nursing (Education)
- Aroori, Somaiah Honorary Associate Professor
- Aroori, Sree PenCTU Assistant Trial Manager
- Arrivabene, Rafael Lecturer in Game and Experience Design
- Artes, Paul Professor of Optometry
- Aryee, Jonas Lecturer in Management and Maritime Business
- Asad, Asad Lecturer in Computer Science
- Asan, Avsar
- Ascott, Roy Emeritus Professor
- Ash-Cripps, Samuel
- Ashen, Tess Melina
- Ashford, Ryan Clinical Trials Data Assistant (PenCTU)
- Ashley, Matthew Research Fellow - Social-Ecological Systems
- Ashton, Bridget Clinical Facilitator/Supervisor (Dentist)
- Aspinall, Karen Content Marketing and Editorial Officer
- Aspinall, Paigan Senior Data Manager
- Assinder, David External Examiner
- Astbury, Stephen Visiting Specialist
- Asthana, Sheena Director of Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research
- Atfeh, Mihiar Honorary University Fellow
- Atfield, Andrew Marine Biology Technical Manager
- Atherton, Gray Lecturer in Psychology
- Atkins, Andrea Associate Lecturer
- Atkins, Dan Associate Lecturer
- Atkins, Martyn Senior Technician
- Atkinson, Isobel Lecturer in Midwifery
- Atkinson, Sarah
- Atkinson, Shirley Visiting Research Fellow
- Atton, Lottie
- Attrill, Lisa Lecturer in Adult Nursing (Education)
- Attrill, Martin Professor of Marine Ecology
- Auerbach, Siggi
- Aurigi, Alessandro Professor of Urban Design
- Austen, Melanie Professor of Ocean and Society
- Austin, Daniela
- Avades, Tamar
- Avades, Tony Honorary Clinical Lead for Pathology
- Avent, Neil External Examiner
- Avery, Laura Human Resources Director
- Avery, Ness Clinical Lecturer in Dental Education
- Avery, Richard Head of Academic, Corporate and Commercial Events
- Avery-Quash, Susanna External Examiner
- Awan, Mohammad Honorary Lecturer
- Awan, Shakil Associate Professor in Electronics and Nanotechnology
- Axford, Nick NIHR Peninsula ARC (PenARC) Associate Professor in Health Services
- Ayers, Tim Lecturer in Advanced Practice
- Ayesha Joll, Iman Doctoral Teaching Assistant
- Aze, Tracy Associate Professor in Marine Ecology