Ms Sarah Fear


Ms Sarah Fear

Project and Knowledge Exchange Manager

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Partnership Manager working across the Faculty of Science and Engineering specifically with oversight on Marine Technologies.
Managing externally funded projects:
The Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab project gives Devon-based SMEs the opportunity to work collaboratively with our scientists and technologists to develop new products, services or processes with a focus on big data and safeguarding the environment.


PRINCE II PractitionerBsc (Hons) Business Studies
NVQ 4 Management
Award in Education

Roles on external bodies

Governor for a local Trust covering multiple primary and secondary schools.


Grants & contracts

ERDF Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab £8.1m partner projectDfT via Innovate UK CMDC funding for Plymouth's Marine e-charging Living Lab project (MeLL) £570k
Plymouth City Council - Smart Pontoon Grant £15k
Plymouth City Council - Maritime Transport Grant £25k