At Plymouth I teach across the three foundation year pathways in Marine Biology, Biological Sciences and Ocean Sciences delivering lectures, seminars and field trips. I hold a PhD in Marine Invasion Biology (University of Glamorgan, 2012). Prior to this I completed a BSc in Zoology with Marine Zoology (University of Wales, Bangor, 2001) and an MRes in Marine Biology (biodiversity and ecology pathway) (University of Plymouth, 2005).
My main focus is on teaching, and I have a PGCE in Science (University of Worcester, 2014). I spent 10 years working the in the FE sector teaching a range of science subjects all the way from GCSE to degree before joining the University. Outside of academia I have worked for the environmental consultancy company, Scott Wilson, and for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science.



2024-present Lecturer in Biology, University of Plymouth
2014-2024 Lecturer in Science, South Devon College
2012-2013 Associate Lecturer in Biology, University of Plymouth
2007-2012 Part-time Lecturer in Biology, University of Glamorgan
2006 Laboratory Technician, Centre for Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
2006 Marine Technical Assistant, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
2005 Research Assistant, The Marine Biological Association, UK
2004 Assistant Ecologist, Scott Wilson

2014 PGCE Science: Chemistry Pathway, University of Worcester
2006-2012 Invasive Marine Species Biology PhD, University of Glamorgan
2004-2005 Marine Biology (biodiversity and ecology pathway) MRes, University of Plymouth
1998-2001 Zoology with Marine Zoology BSc, University of Wales, Bangor


Teaching interests

I currently am part of the teaching teams on the following modules:
FYM003 - Introduction to Our Natural World
FYM005 – Exploring Drivers of Our Natural World (Module Leader)
FYM006 – Sustainable Development Project


  • Turner, L.M., Hallas, J.P., Smith, M. & Morris, S. (2013) Phylogeography of the Christmas Island Blue Crab, Discoplax hirtipes (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 93, 703-714.
  • Turner, L.M., Hallas, J.P. & Morris, S. (2011) Population structure of the Christmas Island Blue Crab, Discoplax hirtipes (Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinidae) on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 31, 450-457.
  • Goldstien, S.J., Dupont, L., Viard, F., Hallas, J.P., Nishikawa, T., et al. (2011) Global Phylogeography of the Widely Introduced North West Pacific Ascidian Styela clava. PLoS ONE 6(2). 
Presentations and posters
Hallas, P., Brazier, P., Harper, G., Johnson, T. & Wyn, G. (2007) Distribution and dispersal of the invasive marine alga, Sargassum muticum: a molecular approach to a management problem. 4th Annual Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Workshop, Liverpool.
Hallas, P., Brazier, P., Harper, G., Johnson, T. & Wyn, G. (2007) Distribution and dispersal of the invasive marine alga, Sargassum muticum: a molecular approach to a management problem. CCW Marine & Freshwater Workshop 2007, Aberystwyth.
Hallas, P., Brazier, P., Harper, G., Johnson, T. & Wyn, G. (2008) Distribution and dispersal of the invasive marine alga, Sargassum muticum: a molecular approach to a management problem. 56th Annual Winter Meeting of the British Phycological Society, Bristol.
Other Publications
  • Hallas, P., Brazier, P., Harper, G., Johnson, T. & Wyn, G. (2009) The distribution and dispersal of the invasive alga, Sargassum muticum within Wales: a molecular approach to a management problem. Seashore to Seafloor: Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Annual Conference, Plymouth.