Oksana Hagen

Oksana Hagen


School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)



I received my BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NCTU (Taiwan), and my MSc in Computer Vision and Robotics at Erasmus+ ViBOT programme from Heriot-Watt University (UK), University of Burgundy (France) and Unversity of Girona (Spain) with a thesis focused on statistical multi-target tracking. I am currently working towards PhD in computing at the University of Plymouth (UK) on representation learning for embodied agents. 

I first became interested in computer vision and robotics when I joined ITRI CCMA (Taiwan) in 2011 as a software engineering intern. As a research engineer for a speech processing lab at NCTU (Taiwan) I developed a Mandarin Chinese text-to-speech demo application and was briefly working on a medical imaging project at the University of Girona (Spain) as an intern. After developing a target tracking feature for an early-stage AI start-up, I got interested in machine learning and joined Aldebaran AI lab (France) as a robotics researcher under Marie Currie Fellowship (2016-2019). Later I got involved in social robotics research for the AgeIn project at the University of Plymouth (UK), where we developed a series of experiments on older people's interactions with a robot. I am currently working with the ICONIC project on developing telephone AI assistant and underwater telepresence applications using co-design.

My research interests are in machine learning, robotics and design.



Key publications

Key publications are highlighted

Giorgi I, Gianni M, Palomino M, Masala G, Minutolo A, Tirotto F, Hagen O & Esposito M (2023) 'I am Robot, Your Health Adviser for Older Adults: Do You Trust My Advice?' International Journal of Social Robotics , DOI Open access
Conference Papers
Hagen O, Varga M, Baxter R, Jones R, Aly A, Bazazian D, Gaudl S & Reyes A (2024) 'Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults' INSTICC SciTePress 298-303 , DOI Open access