About Nicolas
Dr Farina has over 10 years experience working in the field of dementia research. His interests include understanding and improving quality of life of people with dementia.
Dr Farina is currently is co-lead for the DEM-SKY project, which is implementing dementia screening in rural Kenya. In addition, he is the Primary Investigator for the RadioMe project which seeks to tackle agitation in dementia through the use of music and radio. In recent years he has led work packages on the STRiDE project, which sought to improve dementia care, treatment & support systems in middle-income countries so that people living with dementia are able to live well, whilst also ensuring that family & other carers do not shoulder excessive costs. Dr Farina is an advocate for raising awareness about dementia internationally, and has developed a research theme surrounding better understanding attitudes towards dementia and how we can combat stigma.
Dr Farina has previously been the project manager for the MODEM cohort study (MODEM project), and has been responsible for setting up and operationalising data collection for a number of large grant projects, including the Time for Dementia project and DETERMIND.