Nerissa Ho

Academic profile

Dr Nerissa Ho

Lecturer in Psychology
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)

About Nerissa

Lecturer in Psychology


  • Cognitive and biological psychology
  • Social, Cognitive, Affective Neuroscience

Courses teaching in 2021/2022
  • PSYC002 The Psychology of Everyday Experience
  • PSYC003 Psychological Influences on Health and Behaviour

  • PSYC415 Topics in Psychology (Neuroscience)

  • PSYC604 Current Topics in Psychology

  • PSYC605 Research Project

  • PSYC606 Applications of Psychological Theory

  • PSYC707 MSc Research Project

  • PSYC775 Foundations and Applications of Neuroimaging and Neurostimulation

  • PSYC783 Applied Clinical Research

  • PSYC785 Neuroscience Project

Contact Nerissa

+44 1752 584830