Dr Michael Jarvis

Dr Michael Jarvis

Associate Professor in Virology and Immunology

School of Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Health)

Dr Michael Jarvis can be contacted through arrangement with our Press Office, to speak to the media on these areas of expertise.
  • Clinical trials
  • Immunology
  • Virology
  • Herpesvirus
  • Viral hemorrhagic disease
  • Molecular biology
  • Ebola
  • Vaccines


The main focus of my laboratory is the innovative application of herpesvirus-based vaccines to target emerging infectious diseases. These studies have involved developing vaccination strategies against simian immunodeficiency virus, Ebola virus, hepatitis C virus, tetanus and prostate cancer. Whilst at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) (2002 to 2012) in the USA, my laboratory was responsible for the design and construction of rhesus cytomegalovirus-based vaccine vectors that showed efficacy against simian immunodeficiency virus and now serve as the foundation for Phase I HIV vaccine studies in humans (2023). 
After relocating my laboratory to the University of Plymouth (UoP) in the spring of 2012, I increased my focus on the control of highly pathogenic viruses at both the human and animal nexus, and innovation in herpesvirus vector development remains the central theme of my laboratory.  In 2014, I joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Biosurety Program for highly pathogenic microbes at the High Containment Facility at Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML) in Montana. My position on the Biosurety Program has enabled me to expand my work on developing control measures for highly pathogenic viruses.
The award in 2018 of two substantial multi-institutional project grants to develop herpesvirus-based vaccines against Lassa virus (a virus that causes haemorrhagic disease in humans) and Streptococcus suis (a bacterial pathogen primarily in pigs that also causes disease in humans) triggered my decision to spin out The Vaccine Group (TVG) from UoP. TVG is a commercial (limited partnership) company with the aim of exploiting herpesvirus-based vaccines against emerging diseases, specifically in animals. In contrast, my research at the university remains focused on the development of transmissible vaccines for use in wildlife. My laboratory at Plymouth is also interested in the development of vaccines and therapeutics for emerging human pathogens specifically for use in humans. Most recently, this led to my being a member of a team developing antivirals for SARS-CoV-2 at RML during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 to 2021).
I am a co-supervisor for two PhD students at UoP in the laboratories of Prof. Upton and Dr Feyer. I have an affiliate academic position at the University of Glasgow, where I am a co-supervisor for a PhD student in the laboratory of Prof. Daniel Streiker.  Although most of my time is now focused on research and enterprise, I still make a practice of aligning my educational practice with innovation and research.
Please visit my UoP laboratory website for more information (http://www.thejarvislab.com). 
H-index: 37 with 7312 citations (6th May, 2024)


 Academic Qualifications:
 University of Plymouth, UK (2014). Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy) (PGCAP FHEA)
 University of California at Davis, CA, USA (1996). Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
 University of California at Davis, CA, USA (1995). Master's Degree (MA) in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
 Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, UK (1988). Post-baccalaureate Study in Biochemistry
 Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA, USA (1987). Baccalaureate Degree (BA, Cum Laude) in Biology

Professional membership

Professional Positions: 
2014 – present  Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences (SoBS), University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Devon, UK
2012 – 2014      Lecturer, SoBS, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Devon, UK 
2010 – 2012      Member of Graduate Faculty, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (MMI), OHSU, Portland, OR
2002 – 2012      Assistant Professor, VGTI, OHSU,Beaverton, OR
1996 – 2002      Postdoctoral Fellow, MMI, OHSU, Portland, OR                               
Research Awards:
2021                  National Institute of Health (NIH) Director’s Award. In recognition of the exceptional and rapid response to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 causing 
                          COVID-19. Awarded by Francis S. Collins 
2021                  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Merit Award. In recognition of the ongoing rapid research response to the emergence of   
                          SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, assessment of their impact on the COVID-19 pandemic. Awarded by Anthony S. Fauci, MD. Director.
2020                  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Merit Award. In recognition of an outstanding and wide ranging scientific response to the 
                          SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Awarded by Anthony S. Fauci, MD. Director. 
Teaching Awards:
2014                   Marie Curie Fellow of the Week Award for Innovation in Outreach.
2013 – 2014       Year Cohort Award of Excellence for Innovation in Teaching (PGCAP).                 
Leadership and Management: 
2013 – 2017       Plymouth School of Medicine and Dentistry (PSMD) Research Governance Committee
2013 – 2017       Coordinator of Graduate Studies, SoBS, UoP
2013 – 2017       PSMD Research Degrees Committee (Chair: Prof. David Moles).
2013 – 2017       SoBS Executive Group
2014 – 2016       Admissions Tutor for new SoBHS MSc Degree Program.
2012 – 2013       Organizer for the 2012/2013 SoBHS Seminar Series.
2012 – 2013       Student Representative for PGCAP
2012 – 2013       Penisula Medical School Search Committee. Tasked with recruitment and selection of 
                           14 new academics following establishment of the Penisula Medical School as a new 
                           independent medical school. (Chair: Prof. David Bristow).
2012                   School of Biomedical Sciences Search Committee. Member of interview panel tasked with recruitment of 
                           five new academic members of SoBS (Lecturer to Reader level) (Chair: Prof. Neil Avent).  
Professional Memberships:
2013 – present   Member of Society for Applied Microbiology

Roles on external bodies

2003 – 2025       Journal of Virology Editorial Board
2012 – present   Vaccine Editorial Board
2013 – present   Virology Editorial Board 
2014 – 2017       Journal of General Virology Editorial Board 
2015 – present   Wellcome Review Board
2009 – 2012       International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) External Scientific Advisory Committee for Development of a CMV-based HIV vaccine
2013 – present   National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA Grant Review Board
2013 – present   Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) Grant Review Board
2012 – present   Swedish Research Council Grant Review Board

Key publications

Hansen SG, Ford JC, Lewis MS, Ventura AB, Hughes CM, Coyne-Johnson L, Whizin N, Oswald K, Shoemaker R & Swanson T (2011) 'Profound early control of highly pathogenic SIV by an effector memory T-cell vaccine' Nature 473, (7348) 523-527 Author Site , DOI Open access
Jarvis MA & Nelson JA (2007) 'Human cytomegalovirus tropism for endothelial cells: not all endothelial cells are created equal' J Virol 81, (5) 2095-2101 Author Site , DOI
Rosenke K, Hansen F, Schwarz B, Feldmann F, Haddock E, Rosenke R, Barbian K, Meade-White K, Okumura A & Leventhal S (2021) 'Orally delivered MK-4482 inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in the Syrian hamster model' Nature Communications 12, (1) , DOI Open access
Hansen F, Feldmann H & Jarvis MA (2021) 'Targeting Ebola virus replication through pharmaceutical intervention' Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 30, (3) 201-226 , DOI Open access
Redfern KM, Cammack VM, Sweet N, Preston, SoBHCS Student Team, Jarvis M & Rees G (2017) 'Nutrient-extraction blender preparation reduces postprandial glucose responses from fruit juice consumption' Nutrition and Diabetes 7, Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Marzi A, Murphy AA, Feldmann F, Parkins CJ, Haddock E, Hanley PW, Emery MJ, Engelmann F, Messaoudi I & Feldmann H (2016) 'Cytomegalovirus-based vaccine expressing Ebola virus glycoprotein protects nonhuman primates from Ebola virus infection' Scientific Reports 6, (1) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
View all publications


Teaching interests

Although most of my time is now focused on research and enterprise, I make a practice of aligning my educational practice with innovation and research. After initiating an undergraduate project investigating the effect of Nutribullet homogenisation on blood glucose levels following consumption of fruit juice in collaboration with Drs Gail Rees and Kathy Redfern (who was a PhD student at the time and is now a lecturer in Human Nutrition), the project ultimately resulted in two publications (see Publications). Since this initial period of work, the project has been further developed by Drs Rees and Redfern. 
I engage with undergraduate and MSc students in my academic role at UoP through a small number of specialist lectures on virology and immunology. Given that this involves only a few hours of contact time, my goal has been to engage and encourage students’ enthusiasm for the subject through my practical experience with emerging pathogens at the scientific forefront of this area. Recently, this has been through a first-hand experience of developing antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2 during my 15-month period at Rocky Mountain Laboratories (the NIH high-containment laboratory) during the pandemic.
As the Chief Scientific Officer at TVG, I employ multiple individuals who received their undergraduate and post-graduate education at UoP. In addition to providing a local source of employment for UoP biological studies graduates, their training within TVG provides further education in the commercial side of scientific research. I also been utilising the MIT OpenCourseWare seminar series in molecular biology and immunology as a teaching tool for my staff. 
In summary, my educational innovation at UoP is marked by a steadfast commitment to aligning student learning experiences with cutting-edge academic and, more recently, commercial research. This unique blend of academic experience and dedication to student-focused innovation underscores my practice in education. As I continue my work at the university, I remain dedicated to enhancing the educational experiences of our students and contributing to the university’s academic excellence.
Research Students (current):
2023 – present          Zsofia Tauber. PhD in Biomedical Sciences, UoP, UK (Co-Supervisor)
2022 – present          Sarah Bastyans. PhD in Biomedical Sciences, UoP, UK (Co-Supervisor)
2022 – present          Haris Malik. PhD in Virology, University of Glasgow, College of Medical, 
                                  Veterinary and Life Sciences, UK (Co-Supervisor)
Postdoctoral Fellow (completed):
2012 – 2020              Dr Aisling Murphy, PhD. (Current: Medical Student at Peninsula Medical School, Plymouth, UK)
Research Students (completed):
2019 – 2022              Frederick Hansen. NIH Post-Baccalaureate, NIAID, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, MT, USA 
                                  (Co-Supervisor). (Current: Medical Student at University of New Mexico Medical School, NM, USA)
2017 – 2021              Dr Oliver Rupar, MD, PhD. PhD in Medical Sciences, UoP, UK (Co-Supervisor) 
                                  (Current: Honorary Clinical Fellow, Univ. Dundee, UK)
2014 – 2020              Dr Hujaz Alqirbi, PhD. PhD in Biomedical Sciences, UoP, UK (Director of Studies, DoS)
                                  (Current: Lecturer, Dept. Microbiology, Al-Kindy College of Medicine, Univ. Baghdad, Iraq)
2017 – 2019              Thekla Mauch. ResM in Biomedical Sciences, UoP, UK (DoS)
                                  (Current: PhD Student in Medical Sciences, UoP, UK)
2013 – 2017              Dr Shirin HamaSalih, PhD. PhD in Biomedical Sciences, UoP, UK (DoS)
                                  (Current: Dept. Clinical Biochemistry, Hawler Medical Univ. Kurdistand, Iraq).


Research interests

I received my PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of California at Davis in 1996. With over two decades of experience in cytomegalovirus (CMV) biology and the use of state-of-the-art bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology, I am regarded as a leading expert in the construction and characterization of recombinant viral vectors for prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination against infectious disease and cancer. Until 2012, I was a member of a large multi-laboratory effort at OHSU focused on development of a CMV-based HIV vaccine using the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) rhesus macaque model of AIDS. These studies addressing an important societal problem resulted in a number of high-profile publications in Nature, Nature Medicine and Science. 
I moved to the University of Plymouth in spring of 2012, where I now reside as an Associate Professor in Virology & Immunology. I regard myself as a virologist who utilizes immunology, and over the years have enjoyed acquiring the immunological expertise necessary to examine and understand the immunology behind the vectors. I find the innovative aspect of science particularly exciting, and development of imaginative strategies for the use of these vectors underpins my research. At Plymouth I also span-out a start-up company, The Vaccine Group (TVG), which commercialises herpesvirus-based animal vaccines originally developed in my laboratory.
Although the overarching theme of my research is herpesvirus-based vaccines, I have also had the opportunity to apply my broad training in the biological sciences beyond preemptive vaccination to target emerging pathogens. This was most clearly shown from my work developing animal models for the screening of antivirals at Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML) during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, where a planned 5-week visit evolved into a stay of 15 months working as a member of the NIH SARS-CoV-2 response team led by Heinz Feldmann (Chief of Laboratory of Virology, RML, NIH, USA).
During my time at RML, we established a Syrian hamster COVID-19 model and through our drug screening pipeline were the first scientists to show the effectiveness of the nucleoside analogue, Molnupiravir, on SARS-CoV-2 disease – Molnupiravir is one of three antivirals that was subsequently approved for treatment of COVID-19. This work resulted in eight peer-reviewed and heavily cited publications, as well as a review focused on Ebola virus therapeutics written through the lens of what I learned from repurposing FDA-approved drugs towards SARS-CoV-2. My work during the pandemic has been acknowledged by three NIH awards. 


Key publications

Hansen SG, Ford JC, Lewis MS, Ventura AB, Hughes CM, Coyne-Johnson L, Whizin N, Oswald K, Shoemaker R & Swanson T (2011) 'Profound early control of highly pathogenic SIV by an effector memory T-cell vaccine' Nature 473, (7348) 523-527 Author Site , DOI Open access
Jarvis MA & Nelson JA (2007) 'Human cytomegalovirus tropism for endothelial cells: not all endothelial cells are created equal' J Virol 81, (5) 2095-2101 Author Site , DOI
Rosenke K, Hansen F, Schwarz B, Feldmann F, Haddock E, Rosenke R, Barbian K, Meade-White K, Okumura A & Leventhal S (2021) 'Orally delivered MK-4482 inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in the Syrian hamster model' Nature Communications 12, (1) , DOI Open access
Hansen F, Feldmann H & Jarvis MA (2021) 'Targeting Ebola virus replication through pharmaceutical intervention' Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 30, (3) 201-226 , DOI Open access
Redfern KM, Cammack VM, Sweet N, Preston, SoBHCS Student Team, Jarvis M & Rees G (2017) 'Nutrient-extraction blender preparation reduces postprandial glucose responses from fruit juice consumption' Nutrition and Diabetes 7, Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Marzi A, Murphy AA, Feldmann F, Parkins CJ, Haddock E, Hanley PW, Emery MJ, Engelmann F, Messaoudi I & Feldmann H (2016) 'Cytomegalovirus-based vaccine expressing Ebola virus glycoprotein protects nonhuman primates from Ebola virus infection' Scientific Reports 6, (1) Publisher Site , DOI Open access

Key publications are highlighted

Streicker DG, Griffiths ME, Antia R, Bergner L, Bowman P, de Moraes MVDS, Esvelt K, Famulare M, Gilbert A & He B (2024) 'Developing transmissible vaccines for animal infections' Science 384, (6693) 275-277 Publisher Site , DOI
Knickmann J, Staliunaite L, Puhach O, Ostermann E, Günther T, Nichols J, Jarvis MA, Voigt S, Grundhoff A & Davison AJ (2024) 'A simple method for rapid cloning of complete herpesvirus genomes' Cell Reports Methods , DOI Open access
Hansen F, Vucak M, Nichols J, Hughes J, Bane S, Camiolo S, da Silva Filipe A, Ostermann E, Staliunaite L & Chan B (2023) 'Isolation and genome sequencing of cytomegaloviruses from Natal multimammate mice (Mastomys natalensis)' Journal of General Virology 104, (8) , DOI Open access
de Brito RCF, Holtham K, Roser J, Saunders JE, Wezel Y, Henderson S, Mauch T, Sanz-Bernardo B, Frossard J-P & Bernard M (2023) 'An attenuated herpesvirus vectored vaccine candidate induces T-cell responses against highly conserved porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus M and NSP5 proteins that are unable to control infection' Frontiers in Immunology 14, , DOI Open access
Dong N, Nichols H, Sun Q, Chen X, Zheng J, Guan Z, Zhang H, Davison A, Wezel Y & Li Z (2023) 'Bovine Herpesvirus-4 Based Vaccine Provides Protective Immunity against Streptococcus suis Disease in a Rabbit Model' Vaccines 11, (5) , DOI Open access
Rosenke K, Lewis MC, Feldmann F, Bohrnsen E, Schwarz B, Okumura A, Bohler WF, Callison J, Shaia C & Bosio CM (2023) 'Combined molnupiravir-nirmatrelvir treatment improves the inhibitory effect on SARS-CoV-2 in macaques' JCI Insight 8, (4) , DOI Open access
Yan Z, Yao X, Pan R, Zhang J, Ma X, Dong N, Wei J, Liu K, Qiu Y & Sealey K (2023) 'Subunit Vaccine Targeting Phosphate ABC Transporter ATP-Binding Protein, PstB, Provides Cross-Protection against Streptococcus suis Serotype 2, 7, and 9 in Mice' Veterinary Sciences 10, (1) 48-48 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Yan Z, Yao X, Pan R, Zhang J, Ma X, Dong N, Wei J, Liu K, Qiu Y & Sealey K (2023) 'Subunit Vaccine Targeting Phosphate ABC Transporter ATP-Binding Protein, PstB, Provides Cross-Protection against Streptococcus suis Serotype 2, 7, and 9 in Mice' Veterinary Sciences 10, (1) 48-48 , DOI Open access
Rosenke K, Okumura A, Lewis MC, Feldmann F, Meade-White K, Bohler WF, Griffin A, Rosenke R, Shaia C & Jarvis MA (2022) 'Molnupiravir inhibits SARS-CoV-2 variants including Omicron in the hamster model' JCI Insight 7, (13) , DOI Open access
Mavri M, Kubale V, Depledge DP, Zuo J, Huang CA, Breuer J, Vrecl M, Jarvis MA, Jovicic EJ & Petan T (2022) 'Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded BILF1 Orthologues From Porcine Lymphotropic Herpesviruses Display Common Molecular Functionality' Frontiers in Endocrinology 13, , DOI Open access
Hansen F, Meade-White K, Clancy C, Rosenke R, Okumura A, Hawman DW, Feldmann F, Kaza B, Jarvis MA & Rosenke K (2022) 'SARS-CoV-2 reinfection prevents acute respiratory disease in Syrian hamsters but not replication in the upper respiratory tract' Cell Reports 38, (11) , DOI Open access
Haddock E, Callison J, Seifert SN, Okumura A, Tang-Huau T-L, Leventhal SS, Lewis MC, Lovaglio J, Hanley PW & Shaia C (2022) 'Three-Week Old Pigs Are Not Susceptible to Productive Infection with SARS-COV-2' Microorganisms 10, (2) , DOI Open access
Rosenke K, Feldmann F, Okumura A, Hansen F, Tang-Huau T-L, Meade-White K, Kaza B, Callison J, Lewis MC & Smith BJ (2021) 'UK B.1.1.7 (Alpha) variant exhibits increased respiratory replication and shedding in nonhuman primates' Emerging Microbes and Infections 10, (1) 2173-2182 , DOI Open access
Tang-Huau T-L, Rosenke K, Meade-White K, Carmody A, Smith BJ, Bosio CM, Jarvis MA & Feldmann H (2021) 'Mastomys natalensis Has a Cellular Immune Response Profile Distinct from Laboratory Mice' Viruses 13, (5) 729-729 , DOI Open access
Rosenke K, Hansen F, Schwarz B, Feldmann F, Haddock E, Rosenke R, Barbian K, Meade-White K, Okumura A & Leventhal S (2021) 'Orally delivered MK-4482 inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in the Syrian hamster model' Nature Communications 12, (1) , DOI Open access
Hansen F, Jarvis MA, Feldmann H & Rosenke K (2021) 'Lassa Virus Treatment Options' Microorganisms 9, (4) 772-772 , DOI Open access
Hansen F, Feldmann H & Jarvis MA (2021) 'Targeting Ebola virus replication through pharmaceutical intervention' Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 30, (3) 201-226 , DOI Open access
Basinski AJ, Fichet-Calvet E, Sjodin AR, Varrelman TJ, Remien CH, Layman NC, Bird BH, Wolking DJ, Monagin C & Ghersi BM (2021) 'Bridging the gap: Using reservoir ecology and human serosurveys to estimate Lassa virus spillover in West Africa' PLoS Computational Biology 17, (3) e1008811-e1008811 , DOI Open access
Rosenke K, Meade-White K, Letko M, Clancy C, Hansen F, Liu Y, Okumura A, Tang-Huau T-L, Li R & Saturday G (2020) 'Defining the Syrian hamster as a highly susceptible preclinical model for SARS-CoV-2 infection' Emerging Microbes & Infections 9, (1) 2673-2684 , DOI Open access
Maremagae SR, Bezuidenhout CC, Murphy AM, Jarvis MA, Naicker P & Lebea PJ (2020) 'A rapid response vaccine development strategy for newcastle disease in poultry' African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 20, (07) 16941-16956 , DOI Open access
Rosenke K, Jarvis MA, Feldmann F, Schwarz B, Okumura A, Lovaglio J, Saturday G, Hanley PW, Meade-White K & Williamson BN (2020) 'Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis and treatment is ineffective in macaque and hamster SARS-CoV-2 disease models' JCI Insight , DOI Open access
Nuismer SL, Remien CH, Basinski AJ, Varrelman T, Layman N, Rosenke K, Bird B, Jarvis M, Barry P & Hanley PW (2020) 'Bayesian estimation of Lassa virus epidemiological parameters: Implications for spillover prevention using wildlife vaccination' PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14, (9) e0007920-e0007920 , DOI Open access
Calvignac-Spencer S, Kouadio L, Couacy-Hymann E, Sogoba N, Rosenke K, Davison AJ, Leendertz F, Jarvis MA, Feldmann H & Ehlers B (2020) 'Multiple DNA viruses identified in multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis) populations from across regions of sub-Saharan Africa' Archives of Virology 165, (10) 2291-2299 , DOI Open access
Alkutbe R, Redfern K, Jarvis M & Rees G (2020) 'Nutrient Extraction Lowers Postprandial Glucose Response of Fruit in Adults with Obesity as well as Healthy Weight Adults' Nutrients 12, (3) 766-766 , DOI Open access
Schoenborn P, Osborne R, Toms N, Johnstone K, Milsom C, Muneer R, Jarvis MA & Belshaw R (2019) 'OncoSim and OncoWiki: an authentic learning approach to teaching cancer genomics' BMC Medical Education 19, (1) , DOI Open access
Atcheson E, Li W, Bliss CM, Chinnakannan S, Heim K, Sharpe H, Hutchings C, Dietrich I, Nguyen D & Kapoor A (2019) 'Use of an Outbred Rat Hepacivirus Challenge Model for Design and Evaluation of Efficacy of Different Immunization Strategies for Hepatitis C Virus' Hepatology 71, (3) 794-807 , DOI Open access
Murthy S, O’Brien K, Agbor A, Angedakin S, Arandjelovic M, Ayimisin EA, Bailey E, Bergl RA, Brazzola G & Dieguez P (2019) 'Cytomegalovirus distribution and evolution in hominines' Virus Evolution 5, (2) , DOI Open access
Jarvis MA, Hansen FA, Rosenke K, Haddock E, Rollinson C, Rule S, Sewell G, Hughes A & Feldmann H (2019) 'Evaluation of drugs for potential repurposing against COVID-19 using a tier-based scoring system' Antiviral Therapy , DOI Open access
Kolb P, Sijmons S, McArdle MR, Taher H, Womack J, Hughes C, Ventura A, Jarvis MA, Stahl-Hennig C & Hansen S (2018) 'Identification and functional characterization of a novel Fc gamma-binding glycoprotein in Rhesus Cytomegalovirus' Journal of Virology Author Site , DOI Open access
Hansen SG, Zak DE, Xu G, Ford JC, Marshall EE, Malouli D, Gilbride RM, Hughes CM, Ventura AB & Ainslie E (2018) 'Prevention of tuberculosis in rhesus macaques by a cytomegalovirus-based vaccine' Nature Medicine 24, (2) 130-+ Author Site , DOI Open access
Redfern KM, Cammack VM, Sweet N, Preston, SoBHCS Student Team, Jarvis M & Rees G (2017) 'Nutrient-extraction blender preparation reduces postprandial glucose responses from fruit juice consumption' Nutrition and Diabetes 7, Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Marzi A, Murphy AA, Feldmann F, Parkins CJ, Haddock E, Hanley PW, Emery MJ, Engelmann F, Messaoudi I & Feldmann H (2016) 'Cytomegalovirus-based vaccine expressing Ebola virus glycoprotein protects nonhuman primates from Ebola virus infection' Scientific Reports 6, (1) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Murphy AA, Redwood AJ & Jarvis MA (2015) 'Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases' Expert Review of Vaccines 15, (1) 31-39 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Anoh AE, Akoua-Koffi C, Couacy-Hymann E, Pauly M, Schubert G, Mossoun A, Weiss S, Leendertz SAJ, Jarvis MA & Leendertz FH (2015) 'Genetic identification of cytomegaloviruses in a rural population of Côte d’Ivoire' Virology Journal 12, (1) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Spiess K, Jeppesen MG, Malmgaard-Clausen M, Krzywkowski K, Dulal K, Cheng T, Hjortø GM, Larsen O, Burg JS & Jarvis MA (2015) 'Rationally designed chemokine-based toxin targeting the viral G protein-coupled receptor US28 potently inhibits cytomegalovirus infection in vivo' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, (27) 8427-8432 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hill SC, Murphy AA, Cotten M, Palser AL, Benson P, Lesellier S, Gormley E, Richomme C, Grierson S & Bhuachalla DN (2015) 'Discovery of a polyomavirus in European badgers (Meles meles) and the evolution of host range in the family Polyomaviridae' J Gen Virol 96, (6) 1411-1422 Author Site , DOI Open access
Tsuda Y, Parkins CJ, Caposio P, Feldmann F, Botto S, Ball S, Messaoudi I, Cicin-Sain L, Feldmann H & Jarvis MA (2015) 'A cytomegalovirus-based vaccine provides long-lasting protection against lethal Ebola virus challenge after a single dose' Vaccine 33, (19) 2261-2266 Author Site , DOI
Spiess K, Fares S, Sparre-Ulrich AH, Hilgenberg E, Jarvis MA, Ehlers B & Rosenkilde MM (2015) 'Identification and functional comparison of seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled BILF1 receptors in recently discovered nonhuman primate lymphocryptoviruses' J Virol 89, (4) 2253-2267 Author Site , DOI
Hill SC, Murphy AA, Cotten M, Palser AL, Benson P, Lesellier S, Gormley E, Richomme C, Grierson S & Bhuachalla DN (2015) 'Discovery of a polyomavirus in European badgers (Meles meles) and the evolution of host range in the family Polyomaviridae' Journal of General Virology 96, (6) 1411-1422 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hansen SG, Piatek M, Ventura AB, Hughes CM, Gilbride RM, Ford JC, Oswald K, Shoemaker R, Li Y & Lewis MS (2014) 'Corrigendum: Immune clearance of highly pathogenic SIV infection' Nature 514, (7524) 654-654 , DOI
MacManiman JD, Meuser A, Botto S, Smith PP, Liu F, Jarvis MA, Nelson JA & Caposio P (2014) 'Human cytomegalovirus-encoded pUL7 is a novel CEACAM1-like molecule responsible for promotion of angiogenesis' mBio 5, (6) Author Site , DOI Open access
Murthy S, Couacy-Hymann E, Metzger S, Nowak K, De Nys H, Boesch C, Wittig R, Jarvis MA, Leendertz FH & Ehlers B (2013) 'Absence of Frequent Herpesvirus Transmission in a Nonhuman Primate Predator-Prey System in the Wild' JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 87, (19) 10651-10659 , DOI
Scuda N, Madinda NF, Akoua-Koffi C, Adjogoua EV, Wevers D, Hofmann J, Cameron KN, Leendertz SAJ, Couacy-Hymann E & Robbins M (2013) 'Novel Polyomaviruses of Nonhuman Primates: Genetic and Serological Predictors for the Existence of Multiple Unknown Polyomaviruses within the Human Population' PLOS PATHOGENS 9, (6) , DOI Open access
Dekhtiarenko I, Jarvis MA, Ruzsics Z & Cicin-Sain L (2013) 'The Context of Gene Expression Defines the Immunodominance Hierarchy of Cytomegalovirus Antigens' Journal of Immunology 190, 3399-3409 , DOI
Tierney R, Nakai T, Parkins CJ, Caposio P, Fairweather NF, Sesardic D & Jarvis MA (2012) 'A single-dose cytomegalovirus-based vaccine encoding tetanus toxin fragment C induces sustained levels of protective tetanus toxin antibodies in mice' VACCINE 30, (20) 3047-3052 , DOI
Klyushnenkova EN, Kouiavskaia DV, Parkins CJ, Caposio P, Botto S, Alexander RB & Jarvis MA (2012) 'A Cytomegalovirus-based Vaccine Expressing a Single Tumor-specific CD8(+) T-cell Epitope Delays Tumor Growth in a Murine Model of Prostate Cancer' Journal of Immunotherapy 35, 390-399 , DOI
Hansen SG, Ford JC, Lewis MS, Ventura AB, Hughes CM, Coyne-Johnson L, Whizin N, Oswald K, Shoemaker R & Swanson T (2011) 'Profound early control of highly pathogenic SIV by an effector memory T-cell vaccine' Nature 473, (7348) 523-527 Author Site , DOI Open access
Tsuda Y, Caposio P, Parkins CJ, Botto S, Messaoudi I, Cicin-Sain L, Feldmann H & Jarvis MA (2011) 'A Replicating Cytomegalovirus-Based Vaccine Encoding a Single Ebola Virus Nucleoprotein CTL Epitope Confers Protection against Ebola Virus' Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 5, , DOI Open access
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I find science exciting and rarely view my day job as work. As additional areas of interest, I paint (https://www.contemporary-still-life.com/michaeljarvis.html), ride and ski.  I am also addicted to books and math (http://www.khanacademy.org).