Dr Matthew Hudson

Dr Matthew Hudson

Lecturer in Psychology

School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)





PhD Psychology (2010) University of Hull, UK

MSc Evolutionary Psychology (2002) University of Liverpool, UK

BSc Psychology and Criminology (2001) University of Teesside, UK


Lecturer in Psychology, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK, 2021

Lecturer in Psychology, National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 2018

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. 2017

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. 2015

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK, 2013

Lecturer, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. 2011



Teaching interests

BSc (Hons) Criminology and Psychology: Pathway Leader

PSYC 607 Psychology in Practice: Module Leader

PSYC 108PP Psychobiological and Cognitive Aspects of Health Behaviour

PSYC 515/705 Health & Wellbeing

PSYC 603 Current Topics in Psychology - Social Cognitive Neuroscience: From Evolution to Public Health

PSYC 001 The Foundations of Psychology

PSYC 002 The Psychology of Everyday Experience

PSYC 003 Psychological Influences on Health and Behaviour

PSYC 004 Career Directions and Applications in Psychology



Research interests

My research interests concern the visual perception of other people's behaviour, and how we are able to predict what they will do based on what we know of their goals and intentions. I am also interested in how this ability may differ in people with autism or schizophrenia. In addition I have conducted research into the neural mechanisms of fear by having people watch a horror movie in an fMRI scanner. I have a growing interest in the social and neural mechanisms of social emotions, such as vicarious embarrassment, and why they are so popular on social media. I would be keen to hear from any potential students who wish to study these topics.
For more information, please see my personal website.

Grants & contracts

Bach, P., Hudson, M. & Ellis, R. (2013). One step ahead: Prediction of other peoples’ behaviour in healthy and autistic individuals. Plymouth University, UK. ESRC Standard proposal. ES/J019178/1. £338,212



Key publications

Key publications are highlighted

Nummenmaa L, Malèn T, Nazari-Farsani S, Seppälä K, Sun L, Santavirta S, Karlsson HK, Hudson M, Hirvonen J & Sams M (2023) 'Decoding brain basis of laughter and crying in natural scenes' NeuroImage 273, , DOI Open access
Santavirta S, Karjalainen T, Nazari-Farsani S, Hudson M, Putkinen V, Seppälä K, Sun L, Glerean E, Hirvonen J & Karlsson HK (2023) 'Functional organization of social perception networks in the human brain' NeuroImage 272, , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Santavirta S, Putkinen V, Seppälä K, Sun L, Karjalainen T, Karlsson HK, Hirvonen J & Nummenmaa L (2023) 'Neural responses to biological motion distinguish autistic and schizotypal traits' Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , DOI Open access
Putkinen V, Nazari-Farsani S, Karjalainen T, Santavirta S, Hudson M, Seppälä K, Sun L, Karlsson HK, Hirvonen J & Nummenmaa L (2023) 'Pattern recognition reveals sex‐dependent neural substrates of sexual perception' Human Brain Mapping , DOI Open access
Sun L, Lukkarinen L, Noppari T, Nazari-Farsani S, Putkinen V, Seppälä K, Hudson M, Tani P, Lindberg N & Karlsson HK (2022) 'Aberrant motor contagion of emotions in psychopathy and high-functioning autism' Cerebral Cortex 33, (2) 374-384 Publisher Site , DOI
Hudson M, Nicholson T, Kharko A, McKenzie R & Bach P (2021) 'Predictive action perception from explicit intention information in autism' Psychonomic Bulletin and Review , DOI Open access
Nummenmaa L, Lukkarinen L, Sun L, Putkinen V, Seppälä K, Karjalainen T, Karlsson HK, Hudson M, Venetjoki N & Salomaa M (2021) 'Brain Basis of Psychopathy in Criminal Offenders and General Population' Cerebral Cortex , DOI Open access
Putkinen V, Nazari-Farsani S, Seppälä K, Karjalainen T, Sun L, Karlsson HK, Hudson M, Heikkilä TT, Hirvonen J & Nummenmaa L (2020) 'Decoding Music-Evoked Emotions in the Auditory and Motor Cortex' Cerebral Cortex 31, (5) 2549-2560 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
McDonough K, Costantini M, Hudson M, Ward E & Bach P (2020) 'Affordance matching predictively shapes the perceptual representation of others’ ongoing actions' Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Seppälä K, Putkinen V, Sun L, Glerean E, Karjalainen T, Karlsson HK, Hirvonen J & Nummenmaa L (2020) 'Dissociable neural systems for unconditioned acute and sustained fear' NeuroImage 216, 116522-116522 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
McDonough KL, Hudson M & Bach P (2019) 'Cues to intention bias action perception toward the most efficient trajectory' Scientific Reports 9, (1) , DOI Open access
Bach P, Hudson M, McDonough KL & Edwards R (2018) 'Perceptual Teleology: Expectations of Action Efficiency Bias Social Perception' Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285, (1884) 0-0 , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Bach P & Nicholson T (2017) 'You Said You Would! The Predictability of Other's Behavior From Their Intentions Determines Predictive Biases in Action Perception' Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Author Site , DOI Open access
Bach P, Nicholson T & Hudson M (2015) 'Response: No need to match: a comment on Bach, Nicholson, and Hudson's “Affordance-Matching Hypothesis”' Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Nicholson T, Simpson WA, Ellis R & Bach P (2015) 'One step ahead: The perceived kinematics of others’ actions are biased toward expected goals' Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145, (1) 1-7 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Nicholson T, Ellis R & Bach P (2015) 'I see what you say: Prior knowledge of other’s goals automatically biases the perception of their actions' Cognition 146, 245-250 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hudson M & Skarratt PA (2015) 'Peripheral cues and gaze direction jointly focus attention and inhibition of return' Cognitive Neuroscience 7, (1-4) 67-73 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Bach P, Nicholson T & Hudson M (2014) 'The affordance-matching hypothesis: how objects guide action understanding and prediction' FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 8, , DOI Open access
Wiggett AJ, Hudson M, Clifford A, Tipper SP & Downing PE (2012) 'Doing, seeing, or both: Effects of learning condition on subsequent action perception' Social Neuroscience 7, (6) 606-621 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Nijboer TCW & Jellema T (2012) 'Implicit Social Learning in Relation to Autistic-Like Traits' Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42, (12) 2534-2545 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Burnett HG & Jellema T (2011) 'Anticipation of Action Intentions in Autism Spectrum Disorder' Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42, (8) 1684-1693 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Wiggett AJ, Hudson M, Tipper SP & Downing PE (2011) 'Learning associations between action and perception: Effects of incompatible training on body part and spatial priming' Brain and Cognition 76, (1) 87-96 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hudson M & Jellema T (2011) 'Resolving ambiguous behavioral intentions by means of involuntary prioritization of gaze processing' Emotion 11, (3) 681-686 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hudson M, Liu CH & Jellema T (2009) 'Anticipating intentional actions: The effect of eye gaze direction on the judgment of head rotation' Cognition 112, (3) 423-434 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Stiller J & Hudson M (2005) 'Weak Links and Scene Cliques Within the Small World of Shakespeare' Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology 3, (1) 57-73 Publisher Site , DOI
Hudson M & Stiller J 'Weak links and scene cliques in Shakespeare's plays' Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology , DOI Open access
Presentations and posters
Vinnakota C, Hudson M, Schroeder A, Jones N, Sundram S & Hill R Vinnakota C, Hudson M, Schroeder A, Jones N, Sundram S & Hill R 'The role of the GluN2D subunit in mediating cognition in schizophrenia' Author Site , DOI
Zayas-Rivera JZ, Riga M, Butler KJ, Fliege C, Hudson M, Diers B & Bent AF Zayas-Rivera JZ, Riga M, Butler KJ, Fliege C, Hudson M, Diers B & Bent AF 'Identification and characterization of SCN resistance genes encoded by novel QTLs from Glycine soja via CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis' Author Site , DOI


