BEd (Exon) Biology and Philosophy of Education; 1973
MSc (Lond, Birkbeck College) Comparative Physiology; 1978
MSc (CNAA) Neurophysiological Basis of Behaviour; 1981
PhD (Lond, University College) 1987 Zoology and Comparative Anatomy; 1987
Professional membership
Zoological Society of London |
Institute of Biology |
Association for Science Education UCET (Universitis Council for the Education of Teachers) ICET (International Council on Education for Teaching) |
Alternative Learning Technologies Association |
BERA (British Educational Research Association |
ESERA (European Science Education Research Association) |
EERA (European Educational Research Association) |
Roles on external bodies
Deputy Editor of the Journal of Education for Teaching (2014-date)
Representative of the University of Plymouth on the Board of Governors of Wellington School, Somerset. Chair of the Academic Committee of Wellington School. (2010-date)
Staff serving as external examiners
1999-2003 | University of the West of England PGCE Secondary Science |
2004-2007 | University of Southampton PGCE Secondary Science Course; Chief Examiner in 2007. |
2004-2009 | University of Edinburgh MSc and BEd Educational Information Systems and PHSE courses. |
2008-11 | University of Bath: Examiner for Generally Available UG courses in Education |
2008-2012 | University of Nottingham: Chief Examiner Secondary PGCE; Examiner for Science |
Research interests
My research interests are science education, the use of infromation and communication technologies in education and in initial teacher education and the professional development of teachers. I like to adopt an appropach that involves action research and case study with classroom teachers, both novice and experienced, and also to work with children in and beyond the classroom in teaching and learning innovation.
Grants & contracts
May, 2008 | TDA: Virtual Teacher Taster Course: PI | £48k over 6 months |
June, 2008 | HEFCE TQEF: Research Informed Teaching programme: The Plymouth Express: putting the university into schools. PI | £15k over one year |
Jan 2009 | Exmoor National park Authority Sustainability development Fund: Interactive Exmoor. PI | £14k over 1 year |
May, 2009
Sept 2010 | HEFCE: Action on Access. CA.
Comenius Regio two projects with Local Authorities. PI | £49k over 4 months
£10k over two years |
Sept 2014 | Erasmus + UK partner in project: Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development: qualified teachers = successful learners. PI as Plymouth partner. | €230.257. |
Sept 2015 | Erasmus + PhenoloGIT (PI as lead partner, four countries) | €258,930 |
Sept 2015 | Erasmus + Robo21stC (PI as UK partner, five countries) | €39,868 |
2007 | Linda Baggott la Velle, Jocelyn Wishart, Angela McFarlane, Richard Brawn | Teaching and Learning with ICT within the Subject Culture of Secondary School Science Research in Science and Technological Education 25 (3) 339-350 |
2007 | Hugo Besterman and Linda Baggott la Velle | Using Human Evolution as a means to teach A2 Evolutionary Theory Journal of Biological Education 41 (2) 76-81 |
2007 | Sara Hennessy, Jocelyn Wishart, Denise Whitelock, Rosemary Deaney, Richard Brawn, Linda la Velle, Angela McFarlane, Kenneth Ruthven and Mark Winterbottom | Pedagogical approaches for technology-integrated science teaching. Computers & Education |
2007 | Baggott la Velle, LM and Erduran, S. | Argument and developments in the science curriculum. School Science Review 88 (324) 31-39 |
2008 | la Velle, LM | Tracks and Traces – a Story of Exmoor: a challenging and interactive educational play. Exmoor Review 50 82-84 |
2009 | la Velle, Linda, Olszewska, Mary, Gurnett, Dave | On Track: Using the West Somerset Mineral Railway to promote historical, social and environmental education. Primary History 52: 26-28 |
| Totterdell, M. Hathaway, T and la Velle, L.
| Mastering Teaching and Learning through Pedagogic Partnership: A vision and framework for practice-based learning in support of teacher professional development. Professional Development in Education 37 (3) 411-437 |
| la Velle, Linda
| Masterliness in the Teaching Profession: global issues and local developments Journal of Education for Teaching 39 (1) 2-8
| Sorensen, N. and la Velle, L. | Catching the Sparks: an evaluation of the early development of a novel master’s degree in teaching and learning. Journal of Education for Teaching 39 (1) 74-92 |
2013 | la Velle, L., Reynolds, D. and Nichol, J. | An Unusually Effective School/University Programme: The Plymouth and Peninsula Model. Journal of Education for Teaching 39 (4) 400-415
| Ovenden-Hope, T, la Velle, L. and Leask, M | Using ‘MESH Guides’ as Translational Research and Knowledge Mobilisation for Continuing Professional Development in Schools. CICE-2014 Proceedings: Canada International Conference on Education, pp 497-498. Pub: Infonomics Society, ISBN 978-1-908320-24-7 |
2015 | Ovenden-Hope, T. and la Velle, L. | Translational Research in Education for Knowledge Mobilisation: A Study of Use and Teacher Perception in Primary Schools in England, UK. Journal of Education for Teaching 41 (5) 574-585
2015 | la Velle, L. | Translational Research and Knowledge Mobilisation in Teacher Education: towards a ‘clinical’, evidence-based profession? Journal of Education for Teaching 41 (5) 460-463 |
Reports & invited lectures
2006 | Royal Society Education Committee | ICT in School Science |
2013 | African Virtual University AVU Computer Science and teacher Education Curriculum Design, Mapping and Review Workshop. Nairobi, 20th May, 2013
| Emerging Trends in Science Teacher Education: a call for collective action |
2013 | Teacher Education Advancement Network Workshop: 4th June 2013
| Masterliness in the Teaching Profession:
2013 | Hibernia College Research Conference, Dublin 15th November, 2013
| Masterliness in Teaching: |
2016 | International Council on Education for Teaching: 60th World Assembly, Kingston, Jamaica, 18-21st July, 2016 | Writing for Publication: How to get published Internationally |