After a 30-year career in banking and finance, I joined English Partnerships (the Urban Regeneration Agency) in 1995. This began 20+ years in regeneration, both urban and rural, delivering economic growth projects with a particular focus on areas of deprivation in Plymouth, Torbay and Bristol as well as the market and coastal towns of the south-west.
I worked for the South West Regional Development Agency for the whole of its life and latterly, until retirement from the Civil Service in 2018, for 9 years at the European Regional Development Fund. 
Since 2018 I have provided support to the following University projects:
Impact Lab (Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab)
MeLL (Marine e-charging Living Laboratory)
ATI2 (Acceleration through Innovation) 
Low Carbon Devon
I am currently Administrator for The Electric Seaway project. 
I also graduated as BA(Hons) in Geography at Plymouth University in the summer of 2021.