Creating high-value Strategic Partnerships with both private and public sector organisations, translating the University's research outputs for positive socio-economic impact
Kevin Forshaw is Director of Industrial and Strategic Partnerships at the University of Plymouth and has been working with shipping operators, ship builders and equipment manufacturers to build reliance against maritime cyber-attacks using world-leading thinking from the University. Previously at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre and the University of Southampton, Kevin has always been at the interface between Industry and Academia, securing many millions of pounds of UK and EC R&D funding for collaborative research for the Maritime Sector in areas including maritime cyber, green shipping and marine autonomous systems. Driving innovation for new product development, Kevin set up and launched many initiatives including the UK’s Marine Robotic Innovation Centre which was used as a case study by the OECD’s Ocean Economy team, the outputs from which were presented at locations including the UN, and during the key note at Ocean’s Week Canada 2018.
Roles on external bodies
Co-Chair of South Coast Marine Cluster - comprising South Coast Universities, Research Organisations, Local Authorities and LEPs to raise importance of the sector, and increase engagement with high-growth marine business.
Member of the Maritime UK Technology and Innovation Group
Maritime of the UK Marine Autonomous Systems Group