Dr Kayleigh Wyles

Dr Kayleigh Wyles

Associate Professor in Psychology

School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)

Dr Kayleigh Wyles can be contacted through arrangement with our Press Office, to speak to the media on these areas of expertise.
  • Psychology
  • Mental health
  • Social prescribing
  • Applied statistics
  • Before-and-after studies
  • Big Data
  • Cohort studies
  • Content analysis
  • Correlation study
  • Cross-sectional studies
  • Experimental methods
  • Field work


Associate Professor in Environmental PsychologyKayleigh is a world-leading environmental psychologist. Her research focuses on how people engage with the natural world (in particular the aquatic world) and the impacts these have on both the individual (e.g impacting human health and wellbeing, and their connection to nature) and on the environment (e.g. through individual behaviour). 

Academic Career

Associate Professor in Environmental Psychology, University of Plymouth 2021-present
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Psychology, University of Surrey, 2021-2021.
Lecturer in Environmental Psychology, University of Surrey, 2016-2020.
Post-Doctorate Research Fellow, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 2014-2016
Research Assistant, University of Plymouth, 2014-2014
Social Researcher, Scottish Government, 2013-2013


2014 PhD in Psychology & Marine Biology, University of Plymouth, UK (ESRC / NERC Joint PhD Studentship)
2010 MSc in Research Methods in Psychology, University of Surrey, UK
2009 BSc (Hons) in Psychology, University of Plymouth, UK

Professional membership

Roles on external bodies

Invited roles on external bodies
  • Science Advice for Policy by European Academics (SAPEA) 2018–2019
  • GESAMP (United Nations advisory body), Working Group 40 microplastics 2013–2015
Reviewer of research grants 
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK
  • Economic and Social Research Council, UK
  • Natural Environment Research Council, UK 
  • Horizon 2020, EU
Reviewer of research publications for 
  • Environment & Behavior
  • Environmental Communication
  • Frontiers in Marine Science
  • Health & Place
  • International J of Environmental Research & Public Health
  • Journal of Environmental Psychology
  • Marine Policy
  • Marine Pollution Bulletin
  • Ocean & Coastal Management
  • People & Nature
  • PlosOne
  • Sustainability

Key publications

Beaumont NJ, Aanesen M, Austen MC, Börger T, Clark JR, Cole M, Hooper T, Lindeque PK, Pascoe C & Wyles KJ (2019) 'Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic' Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 189-195 , DOI
Wyles KJ, White MP, Hattam C, Pahl S, King H & Austen M (2017) 'Are Some Natural Environments More Psychologically Beneficial Than Others? The Importance of Type and Quality on Connectedness to Nature and Psychological Restoration' Environment and Behavior 51, (2) 111-143 , DOI Open access
Pahl S, Wyles KJ & Thompson RC (2017) 'Channelling passion for the ocean towards plastic pollution' Nature Human Behaviour 1, (10) 697-699 , DOI Open access
Wyles KJ, Pahl S, Holland M & Thompson RC (2016) 'Can Beach Cleans Do More Than Clean-Up Litter? Comparing Beach Cleans to Other Coastal Activities' Environment and Behavior , DOI Open access
View all publications


Teaching interests

  • Introduction to Social Psychology and Behaviour Change (PSYC001) 
  • World events - The role of psychology in environmental issues (PSYC002) 
  • Environmental Psychology - the impact the physical world has on us (PSYC423)
  • Psychology of Health and Well-being (PSYC518)
  • Psychology and the Natural World (PSYC604 / 609 / 706)
  • Personal and Professional Development (PSYC750)
  • Dissertation supervision (PSYC605 / 707 / 781 / 783)


Research interests

My passion for the natural environment (especially marine environments) has long been engrained in both my professional and personal life. I’m interested in the relationship between humans and the natural world, which is reflected in both my research and teaching. This works broadly falls within one or more of the following themes:

The marine environment
Whilst 70% of the Earth consists of oceans and seas, this natural setting is often overlooked. Consequently, my research often looks at the human dimension of threats facing this environment (e.g. microplastics, marine litter, and overfishing), and people's use and experience of this natural setting. In order to address these global multidisciplinary topics, I have worked with economists, marine biologists, oceanographers, geographers, modellers, artists, and environmental scientists from a range of countries (including Brazil, Ecuador, Norway, USA, Chile, South Korea, and Sweden).

The influence of the environment on people
Experiencing nature can be therapeutic, restoring people's cognitive functioning and promoting their physical and mental health. I'm interested in exploring the mechanisms as to why nature (and especially coastal and marine settings) have these benefits, looking at the importance of connectedness to nature and place attachment, the type and quality of the environment, and the type of engagement we have with the environment.

The influence people have on the environment
Individuals can have a dramatic impact on the state of the natural environment, from their consumer choice, to everyday behaviours to political will. Within my work, I'm interested in understanding key drivers of behaviour and behaviour change, including the role habits have, value orientation, knowledge and perceptions but also people's links to the environment such as childhood upbringing and connectedness to nature.

Application and impact
A key driver of all of this work is to be useful and applied locally, nationally, and internationally. Consequently, I am active in working with a range of stakeholders, from NGOs to advising decision makers, such as contributing to parliamentary enquiries and advising the United Nations through GESAMP (Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection).

Research degrees awarded to supervised students

  1. Sohvi Nuojua (P/T Marine Sciences): Does Connectivity with Nature Alter Consumer Behaviour? Linking Ocean Connectedness and Consumer Views on Single-Use Packaging. Private sponsor. Oct 2017-2023 (2nd supervisor as of Jan 2021) 
  2. Christy E. Hehir (P/T Tourism Dept.): Beyond Good Intentions: Wildlife Tourism as a Driver of Emotion and Philanthropic Behaviour Change. ESRC PhD Studentship. 2016-2021 (3rd Supervisor) 
  3. Pablo Pereira-Doel (F/T Tourism Dept.): Persuasive communication: an experiment on hotel guests’ values, inconvenience and smart water-saving technology. 2017-2021 (2nd Supervisor). 
  4. Emma White (P/T Psychology Dept): Perceptions of Naturalness. 2012-2019 (2nd Supervisor as of Nov 2018)
In progress
  1. Alex Smith (F/T Psychology Dept): Virtually painless: An investigation into the therapeutic potential of virtual natural environments for chronic low back pain. Faculty of Health PhD studentship. Jan 2023- (DoS)
  2. Christopher Wiles (P/T Psychology Dept. at the University of Surrey): The effects of virtual reality natural environments on depression and anxiety [working title]. School-funded PhD Studentship, University of Surrey. October 2017- (DoS) 
  3. Mark Newman (F/T Psychology Dept. at the University of Surrey): Using virtual reality environments to explore the role of physical properties and symbolic associations in recovery from boredom and stress [working title]. Self-funded. October 2017- (2nd Supervisor)
  4. Natalie Smith (F/T Plymouth Marine Laboratory): Butt Out: A transdisciplinary approach in understanding and addressing the risks of littered cigarette butts [working title]. NERC funded PhD studentship through the Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources. October 2022- (2nd supervisor)
  5. Becky Thomas (F/T School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Surrey): Introduction and evaluation of a workplace simulator (‘AMRSim’) to improve the understanding and implementation of infection control by staff working in small animal veterinary practices [working title]. Zoetis funded PhD studentship. April 2022- (3rd supervisor)
  6. Tim Sykes (P/T Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton): Investigating the cultural contributions from chalk streams and their winterbournes and aquifers [working title]. Environment Agency & Wildlife Trust funded PhD Studentship. October 2019- (3rd external supervisor)

Grants & contracts

Projects relating to the influence people have on the environment
Gallaway, T., et al (2023-25). Future Fibres Network+. UKRI Circular fashion and textiles network plus, ≈ £2m (Co-PI). Post doc: Katie Major-Smith
Jobling, S., et al., (2021-25 42 months). A Systems Analysis Approach to Reduce Plastic Waste in Indonesian Societies (PISCES). UKRI-GCRF: Plastics, £4,041,006.52 (WP4 co-lead). Post doc: Anastasia Voronkova.
Iwan, J., et al., (2019-2023). Preventing Plastic Pollution. EU's Interreg, £14m (WP lead for UoP since 2021). Post docs: Klara Lucznik; Deborah Cracknell
Hepper, E., et al., (2020-2022). Don’t Judge Me, Greta: Narcissism and Environmental Defensiveness. British Academy / Leverhulme Small Research Grant, £9,978.20 (Co-PI)
Wyles, K.J. & Gatersleben, B. (2020). Marine Litter Citizen Science Research Agenda - An Expert Perspective on Advancing the Citizen and the Science in Citizen Science. BBSRC Citizen Sci Exp Grant, £19,805 (PI). Post-doc: Matthew Peacock
Wyles, K.J. et al., (2019-20). Ocean LitterAcy (OLA) - Empowering society to combat marine litter through citizen science.Global Challenges Research Fund, £138,998 (PI). RAs: Larissa Kawabe, Thais Rech
Macdonald, A., et a., (2017-2019) AMRSim: A Microbial Reality Simulator.AHRC/AMR Indoor and Built Environment Pump Priming, £200,804 (Co-PI). Post-doc: Tom Kupfer; RA: Naomi Klepacz.
Beaumont, N. et al., (2016-2019). MARine Plastic Pollution in the Arctic: origin, status, costs and incentives for Prevention. Forskerprosjekt –POLARPROG(Norwegian Fund), £89k (Co-PI)
Wyles, K. (2019). Blue Charter Fellowships - Specialist Mentor. The Association of Commonwealth Universities, £3,927.
Wyles, K. (2018). Travel Grant. Galapagos Conservation Trust, £800
Austen, M. et al., (2016-2017). New Plastics Economy. People’s Postcode Lottery Dreamfund, £100k (Co-PI).
Wyles, K. (2017). Examining the Psychological Benefits of Computer-Based and Coastal-Based Citizen Science Schemes. Faculty Research Support Fund, University of Surrey, £5.5k (PI)
Anderson, A. et al., (2015). Beating the micro-bead: Engaging people about microplastics in the marine environment.Institute for Sustainability Solutions Research Small Collaborative Awards, Plymouth University, £2.5k. (Co-PI)
Projects relating to the influence of the environment on people
Gatersleben et al., (2020-2022). Counting birds and bees: promoting wellbeing of older people through engagement with nature-based conservation activities. Dunhill Medical Trust, £127,819.08 (Co-PI).
Gatersleben, B. et al., (2020-2021). Nature Engagement and Wellbeing Pre-, During and Post Covid-19: Supporting the UK (Green) Recovery. UKRI (ESRC) COVID-19, £201,482 (Co-PI). Post-doc: Emma White, Sarah Golding
Beaumont, N. et al., (2016-2019). CoastWEB: Valuing the contribution which coastal habitats make to human health and well-being, with a focus on the alleviation of coastal natural hazards and extreme events. NERC-ESRC-AHRC Valuing Nature Programme, £252k (Co-PI).
Wyles, K.J. (2017-18). The Value of Bathing Waters and the Influence of Bathing Water Quality. Scottish Government Tender via Collingwood Environmental Planning Limited, £1,675.56 (consultancy).
Attrill, M. et al., (2013). The benefits of engaging with the Marine Centre at Wembury Beach. University of Plymouth Community Research Award, £9k. (Co-PI)


Key publications

Beaumont NJ, Aanesen M, Austen MC, Börger T, Clark JR, Cole M, Hooper T, Lindeque PK, Pascoe C & Wyles KJ (2019) 'Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic' Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 189-195 , DOI
Wyles KJ, White MP, Hattam C, Pahl S, King H & Austen M (2017) 'Are Some Natural Environments More Psychologically Beneficial Than Others? The Importance of Type and Quality on Connectedness to Nature and Psychological Restoration' Environment and Behavior 51, (2) 111-143 , DOI Open access
Pahl S, Wyles KJ & Thompson RC (2017) 'Channelling passion for the ocean towards plastic pollution' Nature Human Behaviour 1, (10) 697-699 , DOI Open access
Wyles KJ, Pahl S, Holland M & Thompson RC (2016) 'Can Beach Cleans Do More Than Clean-Up Litter? Comparing Beach Cleans to Other Coastal Activities' Environment and Behavior , DOI Open access

Key publications are highlighted

Pereira-Doel P, Font X, Wyles K & Pereira-Moliner J (2024) 'Reducing Shower Duration in Tourist Accommodations: A Covert True Experiment of Continuous Real-Time Eco-Feedback and Persuasive Messaging' Journal of Travel Research , DOI Open access
Gatersleben B, White E, Wyles KJ, Golding SE, Murrell G, Scarles C, Xu T, Brockett BFT & Willis C (2024) 'Everyday places to get away – Lessons learned from Covid-19 lockdowns' Landscape and Urban Planning 246, Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Praet E, Baeza-Álvarez J, De Veer D, Holtmann-Ahumada G, Jones JS, Langford S, Dearte JM, Schofield J, Thiel M & Wyles KJ (2022) 'Bottle with a message: The role of story writing as an engagement tool to explore children's perceptions of marine plastic litter' Marine Pollution Bulletin 186, , DOI Open access
Vitale V, Martin L, White MP, Elliott LR, Wyles KJ, Browning MHEM, Pahl S, Stehl P, Bell S & Bratman GN (2022) 'Mechanisms underlying childhood exposure to blue spaces and adult subjective well-being: An 18-country analysis' Journal of Environmental Psychology 84, , DOI Open access
Kawabe LA, Ghilardi-Lopes NP, Turra A & Wyles KJ (2022) 'Citizen science in marine litter research: A review' Marine Pollution Bulletin 182, , DOI Open access
Hehir C, Scarles C, Wyles KJ & Kantenbacher J (2022) 'Last chance for wildlife: making tourism count for conservation' Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1-21 , DOI Open access
Hart AG, Adcock D, Barr M, Church S, Clegg T, Copland S, De Meyer K, Dunkley R, Pateman RM & Underhill R (2022) 'Understanding Engagement, Marketing, and Motivation to Benefit Recruitment and Retention in Citizen Science' Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 7, (1) , DOI Open access
Newman M, Gatersleben B, Wyles KJ & Ratcliffe E (2021) 'The use of virtual reality in environment experiences and the importance of realism' Journal of Environmental Psychology 79, , DOI Open access
Xu S, Murrell G, Golding SE, Brockett BFT, Gatersleben B, Scarles C, White EV, Willis C & Wyles KJ (2021) '#Springwatch #WildMorningswithChris: Engaging With Nature via Social Media and Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Lockdown' Frontiers in Psychology 12, , DOI Open access
Barwise Y, Kumar P, Tiwari A, Rafi-Butt F, McNabola A, Cole S, Field BCT, Fuller J, Mendis J & Wyles KJ (2021) 'The co-development of HedgeDATE, a public engagement and decision support tool for air pollution exposure mitigation by green infrastructure' Sustainable Cities and Society 75, , DOI Open access
Keller A & Wyles KJ (2021) 'Straws, seals, and supermarkets: Topics in the newspaper coverage of marine plastic pollution' Marine Pollution Bulletin 166, 0-0 , DOI Open access
Macdonald AS, Chambers MA, La Ragione R, Wyles K, Poyade M, Wales A, Klepacz N, Kupfer TR, Watson F & Noble S (2020) 'Addressing Infection Risk in Veterinary Practice through the Innovative Application of Interactive 3D Animation Methods' The Design Journal 24, (1) 51-72 Publisher Site , DOI
Gatersleben B, Wyles KJ, Myers A & Opitz B (2020) 'Why are places so special? Uncovering how our brain reacts to meaningful places' Landscape and Urban Planning 197, 103758-103758 Publisher Site , DOI
Abate TG, Börger T, Aanesen M, Falk-Andersson J, Wyles KJ & Beaumont N (2020) 'Valuation of marine plastic pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an integrated choice and latent variable model to contingent valuation' Ecological Economics 169, 106521-106521 Publisher Site , DOI
Schofield J, Wyles KJ, Doherty S, Donnelly A, Jones J & Porter A (2020) 'Object narratives as a methodology for mitigating marine plastic pollution: multidisciplinary investigations in Galápagos' Antiquity 94, (373) 228-244 Publisher Site , DOI
Rendón OR, Garbutt A, Skov M, Möller I, Alexander M, Ballinger R, Wyles K, Smith G, McKinley E & Griffin J (2019) 'A framework linking ecosystem services and human well‐being: Saltmarsh as a case study' People and Nature 1, (4) 486-496 Publisher Site , DOI
McKinley E, Pagès JF, Wyles KJ & Beaumont N (2019) 'Ecosystem services: A bridge or barrier for UK marine stakeholders?' Ecosystem Services 37, 100922-100922 Publisher Site , DOI
Kupfer TR, Wyles KJ, Watson F, La Ragione RM, Chambers MA & Macdonald AS (2019) 'Determinants of hand hygiene behaviour based on the Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour' Journal of Infection Prevention 20, (5) 232-237 Publisher Site , DOI
Wyles KJ, Pahl S, Carroll L & Thompson RC (2019) 'An evaluation of the Fishing For Litter (FFL) scheme in the UK in terms of attitudes, behavior, barriers and opportunities' Marine Pollution Bulletin 144, 48-60 , DOI Open access
Beaumont NJ, Aanesen M, Austen MC, Börger T, Clark JR, Cole M, Hooper T, Lindeque PK, Pascoe C & Wyles KJ (2019) 'Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic' Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 189-195 , DOI
Pereira-Doel P, Font X, Wyles K & Pereira-Moliner J (2019) 'Showering smartly. A field experiment using water-saving technology to foster pro-environmental behaviour among hotel guests' e-Review of Tourism Research 17, (3) 407-425
Wyles KJ, White MP, Hattam C, Pahl S, King H & Austen M (2017) 'Are Some Natural Environments More Psychologically Beneficial Than Others? The Importance of Type and Quality on Connectedness to Nature and Psychological Restoration' Environment and Behavior 51, (2) 111-143 , DOI Open access
Pahl S, Wyles KJ & Thompson RC (2017) 'Channelling passion for the ocean towards plastic pollution' Nature Human Behaviour 1, (10) 697-699 , DOI Open access
Anderson KJ (2016) 'Microplastics in personal care products: Exploring perceptions of environmentalists, beauticians and students' Marine Pollution Bulletin , DOI Open access
Pahl S & Wyles KJ (2016) 'The human dimension: how social and behavioural research methods can help address microplastics in the environment' Analytical Methods 9, (9) 1404-1411 , DOI Open access
Wyles KJ, Pahl S, Holland M & Thompson RC (2016) 'Can Beach Cleans Do More Than Clean-Up Litter? Comparing Beach Cleans to Other Coastal Activities' Environment and Behavior , DOI Open access
Walker-Springett K, Jefferson R, Böck K, Breckwoldt A, Comby E, Cottet M, Hübner G, Le Lay Y-F, Shaw S & Wyles K (2015) 'Ways forward for aquatic conservation: Applications of environmental psychology to support management objectives' Journal of Environmental Management 166, 525-536 Publisher Site , DOI
Wyles KJ, Pahl S, Thomas K & Thompson RC (2015) 'Factors That Can Undermine the Psychological Benefits of Coastal Environments: Exploring the Effect of Tidal State, Presence, and Type of Litter' Environment and Behavior , DOI Open access
Wyles KJ, Pahl S & Thompson RC (2014) 'Perceived risks and benefits of recreational visits to the marine environment: Integrating impacts on the environment and impacts on the visitor' Ocean & Coastal Management 88, 53-63 , DOI
Wyles K, Pahl S, White M, Morris S, Cracknell DA & Thompson RC (2013) 'Towards a Marine Mindset: Visiting an aquarium can improve attitudes and intentions regarding marine sustainability' Visitor Studies 16, 95-110 , DOI
Zahra D, Bailey C, Hedge C, Wyles K & Sanders BG (2013) 'A Short Report on the Trait Meta-Mood Scale and the Importance of Scale Norms' Social Psychological Review 15, (1) 14-24
Wyles K (2012) 'Networking: How to get the most out of it and have fun' PsyPag Quarterly 1, (84) 4-6 Publisher Site , DOI
Wyles KJ & Ghilardi-Lopes NP (2023) 'Citizen science as a pro-environmental behaviour and a catalyst for further behaviour change' Handbook on Pro-Environmental Behaviour Change Edward Elgar Publishing 320-334 Publisher Site , DOI
Voronkova A, Richter I, Henderson L, Aruta JJBR, Dumbili E, Wyles K & Pahl S (2023) 'Plastics, Behavior Change, and the Ocean' in Fleming LE; Creencia LBA; Gerwick WH; Goh HC; Gribble MO; Maycock B; Solo-Gabriele H Oceans and Human Health: Opportunities and Impacts
Voronkova A, Richter I, Henderson L, Aruta JJBR, Dumbili E, Wyles KJ & Pahl S (2023) 'Plastic pollution in the Global South: Exploring social, behavioral, and structural factors' Oceans and Human Health Elsevier 427-454 Publisher Site , DOI
Watson F, Poyade M, Noble S, Chambers M, Ragione RL, Wyles K, Wales A, Kupfer T & Macdonald A (2020) 'Combatting infection risk in veterinary practice through novel animation methods' BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2020 British Small Animal Veterinary Association 489-489 Publisher Site , DOI
Pahl S, Richter I & Wyles K (2020) 'Human Perceptions and Behaviour Determine Aquatic Plastic Pollution' in Reifferscheid G; Brennholt N; Kostianaia E The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Springer , DOI
Pahl S, Grose J, Anderson A, Wyles K & Thompson R (2017) 'Microplastics in Cosmetics: Exploring Perceptions of Environmentalists, Beauticians, and Students' Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems Elsevier 68-68 Publisher Site , DOI
Wyles KJ, Pahl S, Holland M & Thompson RC (2017) 'The Wider Benefits of Cleaning Up Marine Plastic: Examining the Direct Impacts of Beach Cleans on the Volunteers' Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems Elsevier 25-25 Publisher Site , DOI
Conference Papers
McKinley E, Pages J, Wyles K & Beaumont N (2018) 'Ecosystem Services: A bridge or a barrier for environmental management?' 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology 6-/-0/20186-/-0/2018Jyvaskyla University Open Science Centre Publisher Site , DOI