Professor Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez

Professor Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez

Honorary Professor

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)



Prof Gregorio Iglesias (GI) was previously the Head of the COAST Engineering Research Group and a Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He holds a Marie Curie fellowship (WaveImpact) focused on the effects of wave farms (arrays of wave energy converters) on coastal processes and, on this basis, the development of dual-purpose wave farms for coastal erosion management, in addition to carbon-free energy generation. With over 20 years’ experience, his research lines include: ocean renewable energy (resource assessment, impact assessment, development of wave energy converters, combined wave and wind systems, and economics), coastal processes (estuarine hydraulics, beach morphodynamics) and coastal and port structures (breakwater design). He patented a new type of wave energy converter (WaveCat), directed numerous laboratory tests of wave energy converters and breakwaters, and pioneered the application of Artificial Intelligence to beach morphology, infragravity waves in ports, laboratory tests of oil booms, and the design of coastal structures. GI is a member of the IEC Technical Committee in charge of the standards for wave energy device development (scale-model testing) and of the panel in charge of the Spanish Standards for Maritime Works (ROM). He is a member of various editorial boards, acts as a reviewer for international journals and research councils, has published over 100 journal papers and secured over £12M research income as Principal Investigator. His h-index is 31.


·   Professor of Coastal Engineering, University of Plymouth (UK), 2012–present.

·   Marie Curie fellow, European Commission (CIGPCIG13-GA-2013-618556, Acronym: WAVEIMPACT), 2014–2018.

·   Head of the COAST Engineering Research Group, University of Plymouth (since 2012). In the period from Autumn 2012 to August 2016 the Research Group carried out 41 projects with a total funding of £6.2M (UoP, £3.1M)

·  Subject editor of Energy (Elsevier; 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.182) for Wave, Tidal and Hydro Power.

·   Member of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Peer Review Associate College, UK.

·   Associate Professor, Coastal Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 2007–2012.

·   Visiting Scholar, Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware (USA), 2010.

·   Associate Professor, Coastal Engineering, University of A Coruña (Spain), 2003–2007.

·   Assistant Professor, Coastal Engineering, University of A Coruña (Spain), 1993–2003.

·   Coordinator of the Civil Engineering course, University of Santiago de Compostela (2010–2012).

·   Coordinator of the Research Group in Civil Engineering and Marine Energies (GICEMA) at the University of Santiago de Compostela (2010–2012).

·   Coordinator of Erasmus programmes for the Civil Engineering course, University of Santiago de Compostela (2010–2012).



·   MEng in Civil Engineering, 1992, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris). Degree: Ingénieur Civil des Ponts et Chaussées.

·   MEng in Civil Engineering, 1993, Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Degree: Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.

·   PhD in Coastal Engineering, 2001, Technical University of Madrid (UPM).

Professional membership

Spain's Institution of Civil Engineers (Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos).

PIANC (The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure), Permanent task group: PIANC/Universities consortium (TG-PUC) 

Roles on external bodies

 ·   Editorial Board of the International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering (IJOCE), World Scientific.

·     Editorial Board of the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (Section Ocean Engineering) (JMSE; ISSN 2077-1312, ).

·     Guest Editor, Special Issue “Complexity And Project Management: Challenges, Opportunities, And Future Research", Wiley. Ranking: 2/100 (Mathematics Interdisciplinary Applications); 9/64 (Multidisciplinary Sciences). Impact Factor: 4.621 (2017).

·     Research programme reviewer for: European Commission; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK; Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain; Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal; Research Foundation Flanders – FWO; Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan; etc.

·     Referee for: Renewable Energy, Energy, Coastal Engineering, Ocean and Coastal Management, Ecological Engineering, Geomorphology, Journal of Coastal Research, Geo-Marine Letters, Ocean Engineering, J. of Operational Oceanography, Applied Ocean Research, Energies, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, etc.

·     Co-convener, EGU2017, European Geosciences Union, session on Marine Renewable Energy: Resource Characterisation, Interactions and Impacts. Vienna, 23-28 April 2017.

·     Expert witness appointed to represent the Port Authority of Gijon (Spain) in the lawsuit concerning the recently built, €700m  Torres breakwater and port extension works, 2014-15.

·     Member of the panel in charge of the Spanish Standards for Maritime Works (Recomendaciones de Obras Marítimas, R.O.M.): R.O.M. 1.0 Breakwaters, R.O.M. 2.0 Quays.

·     Member of the IEC Technical Committee TC114 / PT: standards for sub-prototype size wave energy device development (scale-model tests of Wave Energy Converters).

·   Member of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), Technical Committee IEC/TC 114/Ad Hoc Group (AHG) 7 “Assessment of information received on the usage of IEC/TS 62600-201, Tidal energy resource characterization and assessment”.

·     Member of the AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification), AEN/CTN206/SC114 Committee "Marine Energies. Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Converters”.

·     Section Editor of the Journal Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050, - SSCI and SCIE Indexed.

·     Guest Editor of Sustainability, Special Issue on Wave Energy Converters (2016).

·     Review Editor, Coastal Ocean Processes, Frontiers in Marine Science.

·   External Reviewer of R&D Cluster Research Projects [Energy] at OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology), Japan, 14-16 December 2016.

·   Member of the Panel for the position of Senior Lecturer in Harbour and Coastal Engineering, University College Cork (Ireland), 20 October 2016.

·   Member of the Technical Committee, RENEW 2016 Renewable Energies Offshore Conference, Lisbon 24-28 October 2016.

·   Chairman, Session on Resource Assessment 4 – Tidal, RENEW 2016 Renewable Energies Offshore Conference, Lisbon 24-28 October 2016.

·   Chairman, Session on Economic Assessments 2, RENEW 2016 Renewable Energies Offshore Conference, Lisbon 24-28 October 2016.

·   Member of the Scientific Committee of 7th SCACR (Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research), Univ. of Florence, October 2015.

·   External reviewer, MSc in Marine Renewable Energy, Bangor University (UK) (2015).

·   Member of the Scientific Committee, RENEW 2014 Renewable Energies Offshore Conference, Lisbon November 2014.

·   Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, 5th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (CoastLab14) (Varna, Bulgaria), 29 September - 2 October 2014.

·   Chairman, Session on Wave Device Development and Testing, European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), 3-6 September 2013, Aalborg, Denmark.

·   Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, 4th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (CoastLab 2012) (Ghent, Belgium), 17-20 September 2012

·   Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, 3rd International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (CoastLab10) (Barcelona), 28 September – 1 October 2010

·   Member of the Scientific and International Advisory Committee, 2nd International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (CoastLab08) (Bari, Italy), 2-5 July 2008

·   Member of the Scientific and International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM07) (Hammamet, Tunisia), 22-26 March 2007

·   Member of the Scientific and International Advisory Committee in the International Conference, International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (CoastLab06) (Oporto, Portugal), 8-10 May 2006

·   Member of the panel for position 42064, Associate Professor in Wave Energy, at Aalborg University (Denmark), December 2013.



Teaching interests

•    Coastal Engineering 

•    Port & Harbour Engineering  

•   Marine Renewable Energy

Staff serving as external examiners

·     Reduan Mohd Atan, NUI Galway (Ireland), 26/10/2017. A Numerical Modelling Investigation of the Wave Resource at Ireland’s Wave Energy Test Sites. PhD Supervisors : Dr Jamie Goggins & Dr Stephen Nash.

·     Maxime Thiébaut, Université du Littoral (France), 5/10/2017. Energie Marine Renouvelable: Caractérisation des ressources hydrocinétiques en Manche et étude d’impact de la turbulence sur l’efficacité de systèmes de récupération d’énergie tidale. Supervisors: Prof Alexei Sentchev, Dr François Schmitt.

·     Adria Moreno Miguel, University of Bologna (Italy), 17/05/2017. Development, analysis and comparison of two concepts for wave energy conversion in the Mediterranean Sea. Supervisors: Prof Renata Archetti, Prof Alberto Lamberti.

·     Daniela Salerno, University of Salerno (Italy), 24/03/2017. PhD Supervisors : Prof Fabio Dentale, Prof Eugenio Pugliese Calabrese, Prof Mariano Buccino.

·   Susannah Cook, Oxford University (UK), 19/12/2016. PhD Supervisors: Prof Richard Willden and Prof Byron Byrne.

·   Tri Cao Mai, University of Plymouth (UK) (Chair), 18/11/2016. PhD Supervisor : Prof Deborah Greaves, Dr Alison Raby.

·   Dario Pelli, University of Florence (Italy), 2017). PhD Supervisors : Prof Lorenzo Cappietti and Prof Hocine Oumeraci.

·   Xuezhou Lu, Université du Havre (France), 21/06/2016.

·   Gabriel Cuevas Figueroa, University of Manchester, 2/06/2016.

·   Antonia Chatzirdou, Swansea University, 16/02/2016.

·   Kieran Monk, Plymouth University, 9/10/2015.

·   Valentina Vannucchi, University of Florence (Italy), 2015. PhD Supervisor : Prof Lorenzo Cappietti.

·   Paul Evans, Cardiff University, 3/12/2014.

·   Roberto Díaz Sánchez, Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), 20/11/2014.

·   Miguel A. Vilar Rivas, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 17/07/2014.

·   Alejandro López Ruiz, University of Granada (Spain), 27/05/2014

·   Ana Cristina dos Santos Mendoca, University of Granada (Spain), 27/05/2014.

·   Alvaro Rodriguez Tajes, A methodology to develop Computer Vision Systems in Civil Engineering: Applications in Material Testing and Fish Tracking, University of Coruña, Spain (January 2014)

·   Hugo Lopes, University of Porto, Portugal (19/12/2013)

·   Anastasia Nezhentseva, Aalborg University, Denmark, 15/07/2013.

·   Julia Fernandez Chozas, Aalborg University, Denmark, 15/03/2013.

·   Pedro Lopez Fachal, University of A Coruña, Spain, 20/12/2012.

·   Peres Akrawi Hartvig, Scour Forecasting For Offshore Wind Parks, Aalborg University, Denmark, 12/12/2011.

·   Joaquín de María Garrido Checa, Analysis and estimation of wave reflection on Jarlan-type low-reflection maritime structures [in Spanish], Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, 18/11/2011.

·   Álvaro Galán Alguacil, A Boussinesq-type model for wave propagation in deep and shallow Waters and boundary layer considerations, Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Spain, 07/2011 .

·   Luciana Paiva das Neves, Experimental Stability Analysis of Geotextile Encapsulated-Sand Systems under Wave Loading, Universidade do Porto, Portugal, 06/06/2011 .

·   Raquel Castro Alves Ferreira da Silva, Avaliaçao Experimental e Numérica de Parametros Associados a Modelos de Evoluçao da Linha de Costa, 08/10/2010, Universidade do Porto, Portugal, 2010.

·   Laura Bricio Garberí, Comportamiento funcional y ambiental de los diques exentos de baja cota de coronación y su importancia en la Ingeniería de Costas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, 20/11/2009.

·   James Tedd, Testing, Analysis and Control of Wave Dragon, Wave Energy Converter, Aalborg University, Denmark, 10/12/2007.


·   Other PhD committees (for the sake of brevity, only the name of the Univ. and year are indicated): U. Granada (Spain) 2008; U. Granada 2008; U. Granada 2007; U. Granada 2007; U. Politecnica de Madrid 2005; U. Granada 2004; U. Granada 2004; U. Granada 2004; U. Granada 2004; U. Granada 2004; U. Politécnica de Madrid 2004. 



Research interests

Wave Energy. Tidal Stream Energy. Coastal Structures. Estuarine Hydrodynamics. Coastal Morphology. Artificial Intelligence applied to Coastal Engineering.

Research degrees awarded to supervised students

·     Performance and motion analysis of a chain moored OWC-type FB through physical modelling techniques, Lukas A. I. Macintosh, MSc in Coastal Engineering, University of Plymouth, October 2017.

·     Performance Characterization of a Floating Breakwater – OWC Hybrid Device in a Harbour Environment, William Gard Mortimer, MSc in Coastal Engineering, University of Plymouth, October 2017.

·     Numerical Comparison of Small Wave Energy Arrays with Variable Interdistances using BEM Solver NEMOH for Heaving Cylinders of Different Dimensions, Lander Galera Calero, MSc in Coastal Engineering, University of Plymouth, October 2017.

·     Combined wave and wind energy: synergies and implementation, Astariz Nuñez, S., PhD, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 07/03/2017.

·     The economics of tidal stream energy: a spatial approach, Vazquez Alvarez, A., PhD, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 07/03/2017.

·     A holistic methodology cum database for wave energy exploitation: Implementation on the Galician coast (NW Spain), Carballo, R., PhD, University of A Coruña (Spain), 20/12/2016. 

·     Performance of WaveCat under varying sea states, Sampanis, K., MSc, 2016.

·   High Frequency Sea Level Oscillations within the Dart Estuary, Chinnock, L., MSc, 2016.

·   Artificial Neural Networks applied to Rubblemound Structures, Nguyen, M., MEng, 2016.

·   Wave-Structure Interaction in Relation to the Scaled Nominal Diameter of Varying Rubble-Mound Breakwater Cores, Rolfe, J., MEng, 2016.

·   The Wave Structure Interaction of Uni & Bi-Modal Wave Spectra with a Rubble Mound Breakwater, Mayfield, J., MEng, 2016.

·   Beach Morphodynamics in the Lee of a Wave Farm: Synergies with Coastal Defence, Abanades, J., PhD, 2016.

·   An Evaluation of a New Hybrid Wave and Wind Energy Converter, Pérez, C., PhD, 2016.

·   Performance of WaveCat under varying sea states, Sampanis, K., MSc, 2016.

·   Optimisation of an OWC Wave Energy Converter by means of physical and numerical modelling, López, I., PhD, 2015.

·   Hybrid wave-wind offshore power for an island: resource, energy output and nearshore impact, Veigas Méndez, J.M., Ph.D., 29/07/2014.

[Outstanding PhD Thesis of the Year Award at the University of Santiago de Compostela (“Premio Extraordinario de Doutoramento”)].

·   Tidal stream exploitation in the Galician rias: resource, performance and impact, Ramos, J.V., Ph.D., 14/07/2014.

·   Low frequency waves and their effects on vessels at the Port of Ferrol, López, M., Ph.D., 14/07/2014.

·   Physical and numerical modelling of the WaveCat Wave Energy Converter, Fernández, H., Ph.D., 2012.

·   Multicriteria analysis for the implantation of wave energy systems in the northwestern coast of Galicia, Pombo, S., B.Sc., 2012. (In Spanish).

·   Tidal energy in Ria de Ribadeo: GIS on viability and impact factors, Besteiro, L.M., B.Eng., 2012. (In Spanish).

·   Analysis of the river-tidal current resource in the Estuary of the Miño, Cancio, J., B.Eng., 2012. (In Spanish).

·   Analysis of the behaviour of long-skirt, semirigid oil booms under waves and currents by means of physical modelling, Lastra, E., B.Eng., 2012. (In Spanish).

·   Analysis of the wave-structure interaction in submerged breakwaters by means of Artificial Intelligence, Rubinos, A., B.Eng., 2012. (In Spanish).

·   Analysis of the wind energy potential in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Vázquez, B., B.Eng., 2012. (In Spanish).

·   Assessment of the tidal stream potential in Ria de Ferrol, García, P., M.Eng., 2011. (In Spanish).

·   Tidal stream resource in Ria de Ortigueira, Sánchez, M., B.Eng., 2011. (In Spanish).

·   Assessment of the tidal potential in Ria de Ribadeo, Alvarez, M., B.Eng., 2011. (In Spanish).

·   Study of the current situation and new horizons in the development of wave energy, López, M., M.Eng., 2010. (In Spanish).

·   Numerical modelling of a Wave Energy Converter, López, I., M.Eng., 2010. (In Spanish).

·   Numerical modelling of the currents in the Ria de Muros y Noya and their energy potential, Carballo, R., Ph.D., 2009.

·   Analysis of the behaviour of floating booms under the action of waves and currents by means of physical modelling and Artificial Intelligence, Castro, A., Ph.D., 2009.

[Outstanding PhD Thesis of the Year Award, University of Santiago de Compostela (“Premio Extraordinario de Doutoramento”)].

·   The WaveCat Wave Energy Converter – Physical and Numerical Modelling, Fernández, H., B.Eng., 2009. (In Spanish).

·   Experimental study of an offshore system for wave energy production, Moura Paredes, G., University of Porto (Portugal), M.Eng., 2008. (In Portuguese) (Co-advisor; advisor: Prof. F. Taveira Pinto).

·   Salty discharges into the marine environment, Arévalo, P., M.Eng., 2008. (In Spanish).

·   Physical modelling applied to Maritime Engineering, Varela, F., B.Eng., 2008. (In Spanish).

·   Application of neural networks to the computation of overtopping on maritime structures, Cota Mascuñana, D., M.Eng., 2008. (In Spanish).

·   Study of the hydrodynamics in the Cove of San Ciprian (Lugo), Souto, D., B.Eng., 2007. (In Spanish).

·   Analysis by means of A.I. of the planform of headland-bay beaches, López, I., B.Eng., 2007. (In Spanish).

·   Energy analysis of the Galician coast. Study of the different wave energy conversion technologies, López, M., B.Eng., 2007. (In Spanish).

·   Optimum wastewater treatment in the Galician countryside, Parajes, J., B.Eng., 2006. (In Spanish).

·   Planform models for bayed beaches. Study by means of Artificial Neural networks, Valladares, M., M.Eng., 2006. (In Spanish).

·   Analysis of pocket beach planform by means of Artificial Intelligence, Diz-Lois, G., M.Eng., 2006. (In Spanish).

·   Experimental characterisation of the design variants of the anti-reflective system for the caisson quay, East Quay extension (Port of Almeria), Estrada, J., M.Eng., 2003. (In Spanish).

·   Wave propagation model using the parabolic approximation to Berhoff’s equation, Marín, R., M.Eng., 1999. (In Spanish).


Grants & contracts

·   Intelligent Community Energy (ICE), INTERREG V FCE, European Commission, €8M (1st project approved since 2014 after ~130 projects were rejected); University of Plymouth: £623,957, Iglesias, G. (UoP’s PI), 2016-20.

·   Westwave Project, Killard, Co. Clare; University of Plymouth Enterprise Ltd., Coastal Marine Applied Research, School of Marine Science and Engineering, Plymouth University. Client: Electricity Supply Board of Ireland (ESB). Cost: 42,840€. Project dates: 25th August 2016 – Dec 2016. Researchers involved: Professor Gregorio Iglesias (Project Advisor); Assoc. Prof. Daniel Conley (Project Manager); Assoc. Prof. Mark Davidson (Project Advisor); Dr Christopher Stokes (Deputy Project Manager and Lead Consultant); Mr Erwin Bergsma (Lead Modeller).

·   MARINET2, H2020, European Commission, €10m, 40 partners led by University College Cork (Ireland); PI: Jimmy Murphy; £216,275 (Plymouth University), Deborah Greaves, Gregorio Iglesias, Daniel Conley, Stuart Stripling and Martyn Hann; 2016-2021.

·      Large Scale Investigation of a Spar Buoy for Offshore Combined Wind/Wave Energy Generation, Hydralab+, H+DHI-09-SparBOFWEC, 2017, Tomasicchio, R (PI), Iglesias, G, Losada, I, Kofoed, JP, Vicinanza, D, et al.

·     Modification of surface microtopography as a novel antifouling strategy for underwater structures in the marine industry, School Research Grant, School of Engineering, Plymouth University, Bessinis, A (PI), Iglesias, G, Handy, R, £5000, June 2017.

·   A Zonal CFD Approach for Fully Nonlinear Simulations of Two Vessels in Launch and Recovery Operations, D. Greaves (PI), G. Iglesias, M. Hann; led by PU with Partners: City University London and Manchester Metropolitan University. £572,177 FEC; EPSRC Research Grant EP/N008847/1  2015 -2018

·   WETFEET: Wave Energy Transition to Future through Evolution of Engineering Tools. 2015 – 2018, H2020, European Commission, 3,456,885€. Investigators: Deborah Greaves (PI) Gregorio Iglesias, Martyn Hann. Plymouth Univ.: 298,029€ (£221,964). Partners: Wavec/Offshore Renewables - Centrode Energia Offshore, Instituto Superior Tecnico Pt, Edp Inovacao Sa Pt, The University Of Edinburgh Uk, University Of Plymouth Uk, Innosea Fr, Scuola Superiore Di Studi Universitari E Di Perfezionamento Sant'anna It, Universitat Linz At, Selmar Srl It, Trelleborg Ridderkerk Bv, Fraenkel-Wright Ltd.

·   UAEOcean, Project involving Plymouth University, the UAE Navy, the Royal Navy and the MetOffice, 2014-2017, Contract No: LG-33/300/01/2014, £4.0M.

·   Preliminary study and test of control strategies for the wave energy converter WaveCat, 2015, School of Marine Science and Engineering Research Award, £2500, Jian Wan (PI), Gregorio Iglesias, James Allen.

·   Atlantic Power Cluster, Atlantic Area Project nr. 2011-1/151, Interreg 4B: Atlantic Power, European Commission, 3,020,000 €, Plymouth Univ.: 83 705 €, Iglesias, G. (PI Plymouth University), 2013-14.

·   OFELIA, Offshore Foundations EnvironmentaL Impact Assessment, European Commission, Interreg IV A France (Channel) – England, reference number 4295, 727,777€, Plymouth Univ.: 363 888.69 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), 2013-2015.

·   Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship, WAVEIMPACT, Wave Farm Impacts and Design, European Commission, Marie Curie Career Integration Grant, PCIG13-GA-2013-618556, £100,000, Iglesias, G. (Fellow), 2013-2016.

·   Laboratory tests of a new hybrid wave-wind farm and its interaction with the wave field, School of Marine Science and Engineering Research Grant, £4900, Gregorio Iglesias (PI), Deborah Greaves.

·   Reliability Of Port Structures, Ministry of Public Works (Spain), 1,749,570 €, M. Losada (PI), Iglesias, G. (PI USC), I. Benedicto, Castro, A., Carballo, R., 2009-2012.

·    ASSESSMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES, Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), 76,230 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), Castro, A., Carballo, R., 2010-2012. DPI2009-14546-C02-02. [Resolution: 30/11/2009. Start date: 01/01/2010]

·   WAVECAT 3D: Technical development and construction of a prototype of the wavecat wave energy converter, including 3d wave tank tests, Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), 282,110 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), Castro, A., Carballo, R., Fernández, H., 2008-2010. 07REM001CT [Resolution: 8/11/2007. Start date: 09/04/2008]

·   Advanced Tools For Littoral Protection, European Commission, Interreg, 433,063 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), J. Rabuñal, Taveira-Pinto, F., 2006-2007.

·    Development of a technology for wave energy conversion, Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), 181,232 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), Castro, A., Carballo, R., 2006-2009.

·   Field campaign to measure oceanographic parameters for investigating long waves at the Port of Ferrol, Port Authority of Ferrol, 4850 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), López, M., Sánchez, M., 2010-20011.

·   Technical report on the works carried out to mitigate the environmental damage caused by the accidental spill into the River Umia from the Brenntag Química factory, Asevasa Asesoramiento y Valoraciones, S.A., 27000 €, Torres, M. (PI), Iglesias, G., Pereña, J., 2011.

·   Additional report on the works carried out to mitigate the environmental damage caused by the accidental spill into the River Umia from the Brenntag Química factory, Asevasa Asesoramiento y Valoraciones, S.A., 14000 €, Torres, M. (PI), Iglesias, G., Pereña, J., 2011.

·   Technical assistance to the town planning of Samos: hydraulic and environmental aspects, Monsa Urbanismo S.L., Iglesias, G. (PI), Carballo, R., Castro, A., 2010-2011.

·   Numerical simulation of convection-diffusion problems in rias and estuaries, Galician Regional Government, 56,638 €, Navarrina, F. (PI), Iglesias, G., Casteleiro, M., Colominas, I., 2006-2009.

·   “Assessment of the different technologies for wave energy conversion, Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), 122,856 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), Figueroa, J., Castro, A., Carballo, R., 2005-2008.

·   Physical and numerical modelling in a wave flume of an ocean oil spill boom, Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), 68,495 €, Fraguela, J.A. (PI), Iglesias, G., Carral, L., Castro, A., 2005-2008.

·   Technical assistance to the Project of Littoral Regeneration and Beach Renourishment at the Beaches of El Castillo and Ancoradoiro, Muros, Noega Ingenieros S.L., 14,922.78 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), 2006-2007.

·    Integrated research action between Spain and Portugal, Ministry of Science and Technology, 7,804 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), Taveira Pinto, F., 2005-2006.

·    Investigation into the behaviour of the discharge of the San Ciprian aluminum plant (ALCOA) into the marine environment and its effects, Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), 209,538 €, de Blas, A., Iglesias, G. (PI at USC), Suárez, A., Céspedes, J., 2004-2007.

·   Technical assistance to determine the mixing conditions at the submarine outfall of the ALCOA aluminium plant in San Ciprian, Lugo, Spain, ALCOA. Iglesias, G. (PI), 2005.

·   Study of littoral morphodynamics, Port of Sto. Tomé (Spain), PROYFE, Iglesias, G. (PI), 2005.

·    Design of an oil containment boom and model tests, Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), 37,323 €, Fraguela, J.A. (PI), Iglesias, G., Carral, L., Castro, A., 2004-2005.

·   Stability and Overtopping of Rubble-Mound Breakwaters (II phase), Spain’s State Ports (Puertos del Estado), 415,267 €, Losada, M.A. (PI), Vidal, C., Iglesias, G. (PI University of La Coruña), Sánchez-Arcilla, A., Medina, J., Negro, V., Grassa, J., Monsó, J.L., 2003-2004. [Full title: Collaboration project between Spain’s State Ports and the Universities of Granada, Cantabria and La Coruña, the Polytechnic Universities of Catalonia, Valencia and Madrid, the Centre for Studies and Experimentation in Public Works and the Institute for Applied Hydrodynamics to study the influence of wave reflection on the stability and overtopping of rubble-mound breakwaters.]

·    Numerical model of Lombos del Ulla, Ria de Arousa estuary, Sea Technology Centre (Centro Tecnológico del Mar), 137,808 €, Navarrina, F. (PI), Casteleiro, M., Iglesias, G., Colominas, I., 2003-2004.

·    Physical model tests of the new quay in the East Development of the Port of Almeria, Port of Almeria, 23,699 €, Iglesias, G. (PI), Estrada, J., Valladares, M., 2002-2003.

·   Stability and Overtopping of Rubble-Mound Breakwaters (I phase), Spain’s State Ports (Puertos del Estado), 59,559,040 ptas. Losada, M.A. (PI), Vidal, C., Iglesias, G. (PI University of La Coruña), Sánchez-Arcilla, A., Medina, J., Negro, V., Grassa, J., Monsó, J.L., 2001-2002. [Full title: Collaboration project between Spain’s State Ports and the Universities of Granada, Cantabria and La Coruña, the Polytechnic Universities of Catalonia, Valencia and Madrid, the Centre for Studies and Experimentation in Public Works and the Institute for Applied Hydrodynamics to study the influence of wave reflection on the stability and overtopping of rubble-mound breakwaters (I phase)]

·    Advanced numerical models for the flow and pollutant transport equations: stabilization techniques and particle tracking methods, Galician Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), 8,991,000 ptas., Navarrina, F. (PI), Iglesias, G., Casteleiro, M., Colominas, I., 2001-2003.

·    Technical assistance in the project of an integral wastewater system for Moaña, including a submarine outfall into the Ria de Vigo estuary, EYSER, S.A., 6,439,250 ptas., Acinas, J.R. (PI), Iglesias, G., 1996-1997.



Key publications

Key publications are highlighted

Martinez A & Iglesias G (2024) 'Evaluation of offshore wind energy zones within marine spatial planning: A case study in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea' Energy Reports 11, 3461-3473 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2024) 'Levelized cost of energy to evaluate the economic viability of floating offshore wind in the European Atlantic and Mediterranean' e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 8, 100562-100562 Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Michele S, Liang H, Iglesias G & Greaves D (2024) 'Wave power extraction from a wave farm of tubular structure integrated oscillating water columns' Renewable Energy 225, 120263-120263 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2024) 'Hybrid wind-solar energy resources mapping in the European Atlantic' Science of The Total Environment 928, 172501-172501 Publisher Site , DOI
Laino E & Iglesias G (2024) 'Multi-hazard assessment of climate-related hazards for European coastal cities' Journal of Environmental Management 357, 120787-120787 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2024) 'Global wind energy resources decline under climate change' Energy 288, 129765-129765 Publisher Site , DOI
Barkanov E, Penalba M, Martinez A, Martinez-Perurena A, Zarketa-Astigarraga A & Iglesias G (2024) 'Evolution of the European offshore renewable energy resource under multiple climate change scenarios and forecasting horizons via CMIP6' Energy Conversion and Management 301, 118058-118058 Publisher Site , DOI
Gonzalez-Arceo A, Blanco-Aguilera R, Berasategi J, Martinez-Agirre M, Martinez A, Iglesias G & Penalba M (2024) 'Techno-economic assessment of far-offshore hydrogen-carrying energy vectors off the Iberian Peninsula' Energy Conversion and Management 300, 117915-117915 Publisher Site , DOI
Marichal Plasencia GN, Ávila Prats D, Conesa Rosique Á, Rodríguez HernÁndez JÁ & Iglesias G (2024) 'The Future of Energy in Ships and Harbors' TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 18, (1) 45-53 Publisher Site , DOI
Bao X, Huang G, Liu M, Sun H & Iglesias G (2024) 'Turbine fault diagnosis of the oscillating water column wave energy converter based on multi-lead residual neural networks' Ocean Engineering 291, 116429-116429 Publisher Site , DOI
Paranunzio R, Anton I, Adirosi E, Ahmed T, Baldini L, Brandini C, Giannetti F, Meulenberg C, Ortolani A & Pilla F (2023) 'A New Approach towards a User-Driven Coastal Climate Service to Enhance Climate Resilience in European Cities' Sustainability 16, (1) 335-335 Publisher Site , DOI
Pérez-Collazo C, Greaves DM & Iglesias G (2023) 'A Jacket-Frame Mounted Oscillating Water Column with a Variable Aperture Skirt' Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, (12) 2383-2383 , DOI Open access
Laino E & Iglesias G (2023) 'High-level characterisation and mapping of key climate-change hazards in European coastal cities' Natural Hazards 120, (4) 3623-3659 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2023) 'Techno-economic assessment of potential zones for offshore wind energy: A methodology' Science of The Total Environment 909, 168585-168585 Publisher Site , DOI
Fouz DM, Carballo R, López I, González XP & Iglesias G (2023) 'A methodology for cost-effective analysis of hydrokinetic energy projects' Energy 282, 128373-128373 Publisher Site , DOI
Bao X, Liu M, Fu D, Shi C, Cui H, Sun Z, Liu Z & Iglesias G (2023) 'Damage identification for jacket offshore platforms using Transformer neural networks and random decrement technique' Ocean Engineering 288, 115973-115973 Publisher Site , DOI
Portillo Juan N, Olalde Rodríguez J, Negro Valdecantos V & Iglesias G (2023) 'Data-driven and physics-based approach for wave downscaling: A comparative study' Ocean Engineering 285, 115380-115380 Publisher Site , DOI
Moradian S, Iglesias G, Broderick C & Olbert IA (2023) 'Assessing the impacts of climate change on precipitation through a hybrid method of machine learning and discrete wavelet transform techniques, case study: Cork, Ireland' Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 49, 101523-101523 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2023) 'Climate-change impacts on offshore wind resources in the Mediterranean Sea' Energy Conversion and Management 291, 117231-117231 Publisher Site , DOI
Laino E & Iglesias G (2023) 'Extreme climate change hazards and impacts on European coastal cities: A review' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 184, 113587-113587 Publisher Site , DOI
Khojasteh D, Shamsipour A, Huang L, Tavakoli S, Haghani M, Flocard F, Farzadkhoo M, Iglesias G, Hemer M & Lewis M (2023) 'A large-scale review of wave and tidal energy research over the last 20 years' Ocean Engineering 282, 114995-114995 Publisher Site , DOI
Laino E & Iglesias G (2023) 'Scientometric review of climate-change extreme impacts on coastal cities' Ocean & Coastal Management 242, 106709-106709 Publisher Site , DOI
Asadi M, Pourhossein K, Noorollahi Y, Marzband M & Iglesias G (2023) 'A New Decision Framework for Hybrid Solar and Wind Power Plant Site Selection Using Linear Regression Modeling Based on GIS-AHP' Sustainability 15, (10) 8359-8359 Publisher Site , DOI
Fournier A, Martinez A & Iglesias G (2023) 'Impacts of climate change on wind energy potential in Australasia and South-East Asia following the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways' Science of The Total Environment 882, 163347-163347 Publisher Site , DOI
Moradian S, Olbert AI, Gharbia S & Iglesias G (2023) 'Copula-based projections of wind power: Ireland as a case study' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 175, 113147-113147 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A, Murphy L & Iglesias G (2023) 'Evolution of offshore wind resources in Northern Europe under climate change' Energy 269, 126655-126655 Publisher Site , DOI
Bao X, Li F, Sun H, Iglesias G & Shi H (2023) 'Performance characteristics and parameter analysis of a multi-DOF wave energy converter with hybrid power take-off systems' Energy Conversion and Management 278, 116751-116751 Publisher Site , DOI
Sánchez M, Fouz DM, López I, Carballo R & Iglesias G (2022) 'Effects of Tidal Stream Energy Exploitation on Estuarine Circulation and Its Seasonal Variability' Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, (10) 1545-1545 Publisher Site , DOI
Penalba M, Aizpurua JI, Martinez-Perurena A & Iglesias G (2022) 'A data-driven long-term metocean data forecasting approach for the design of marine renewable energy systems' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 167, 112751-112751 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2022) 'Site selection of floating offshore wind through the levelised cost of energy: A case study in Ireland' Energy Conversion and Management 266, 115802-115802 Publisher Site , DOI
Fouz DM, Carballo R, López I & Iglesias G (2022) 'A holistic methodology for hydrokinetic energy site selection' Applied Energy 317, 119155-119155 Publisher Site , DOI
Álvarez M, Ramos V, Carballo R, López I, Fouz DM & Iglesias G (2022) 'Application of Marine Spatial Planning tools for tidal stream farm micro-siting' Ocean & Coastal Management 220, 106063-106063 Publisher Site , DOI
Bao X, Wang Z, Fu D, Shi C, Iglesias G, Cui H & Sun Z (2022) 'Machine learning methods for damage detection of thermoplastic composite pipes under noise conditions' Ocean Engineering 248, 110817-110817 Publisher Site , DOI
Khojasteh D, Lewis M, Tavakoli S, Farzadkhoo M, Felder S, Iglesias G & Glamore W (2022) 'Sea level rise will change estuarine tidal energy: A review' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 156, 111855-111855 Publisher Site , DOI
Moradian S, Akbari M & Iglesias G (2022) 'Optimized hybrid ensemble technique for CMIP6 wind data projections under different climate-change scenarios. Case study: United Kingdom' Science of The Total Environment 826, 154124-154124 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C, Medina L, Fernandez-Ruiz J, Rodriguez-Ortiz JM & Iglesias G (2022) 'A combined approach to cliff characterization: Cliff Stability index' Marine Geology 444, 106706-106706 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2022) 'Mapping of the levelised cost of energy for floating offshore wind in the European Atlantic' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 154, 111889-111889 Publisher Site , DOI
Fouz DM, Carballo R, López I & Iglesias G (2022) 'Tidal stream energy potential in the Shannon Estuary' Renewable Energy 185, 61-74 Publisher Site , DOI
Khojasteh D, Chen S, Felder S, Glamore W, Hashemi MR & Iglesias G (2022) 'Sea level rise changes estuarine tidal stream energy' Energy 239, 122428-122428 Publisher Site , DOI
Galera-Calero L, Blanco JM & Iglesias G (2021) 'Numerical Modelling of a Floating Wind Turbine Semi-Submersible Platform' Applied Sciences 11, (23) 11270-11270 Publisher Site , DOI
Galparsoro I, Korta M, Subirana I, Borja Á, Menchaca I, Solaun O, Muxika I, Iglesias G & Bald J (2021) 'A new framework and tool for ecological risk assessment of wave energy converters projects' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111539-111539 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2021) 'Climate change impacts on wind energy resources in North America based on the CMIP6 projections' Science of The Total Environment 806, 150580-150580 Publisher Site , DOI
Bao X, Wang Z & Iglesias G (2021) 'Damage detection for offshore structures using long and short-term memory networks and random decrement technique' Ocean Engineering 235, 109388-109388 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2021) 'Multi-parameter analysis and mapping of the levelised cost of energy from floating offshore wind in the Mediterranean Sea' Energy Conversion and Management 243, 114416-114416 Publisher Site , DOI
Howey B, Collins KM, Hann M, Iglesias G, Gomes RPF, Henriques JCC, Gato LMC & Greaves D (2021) 'Compact floating wave energy converter arrays: Inter-device mooring connectivity and performance' Applied Ocean Research 115, , DOI Open access
Bao X, Xiao W, Li S & Iglesias G (2021) 'Parametric study and optimization of a two‐body wave energy converter' IET Renewable Power Generation 15, (14) 3319-3330 Publisher Site , DOI
Kamranzad B, Lin P & Iglesias G (2021) 'Combining methodologies on the impact of inter and intra-annual variation of wave energy on selection of suitable location and technology' Renewable Energy 172, 697-713 Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Meylan M, Zhang X, Iglesias G & Greaves D (2021) 'Performance of a plate-wave energy converter integrated in a floating breakwater' IET Renewable Power Generation , DOI Open access
Russo S, Contestabile P, Bardazzi A, Leone E, Iglesias G, Tomasicchio GR & Vicinanza D (2021) 'Dynamic Loads and Response of a Spar Buoy Wind Turbine with Pitch-Controlled Rotating Blades: An Experimental Study' Energies 14, (12) 3598-3598 Publisher Site , DOI
Majidi A, Bingölbali B, Akpinar A, Iglesias G & Jafali H (2021) 'Downscaling wave energy converters for optimum performance in low-energy seas' Renewable Energy 168, 705-722 Publisher Site , DOI
Zhou Y, Ning D, Chen L & Iglesias G (2021) 'Nonlinear hydrodynamic modeling of an offshore stationary multi-oscillating water column platform' Ocean Engineering 227, 108919-108919 Publisher Site , DOI
Ibarra-Berastegi G, Ulazia A, Sáenz J, Serras P, González Rojí SJ, Esnaola G & Iglesias G (2021) 'The power flow and the wave energy flux at an operational wave farm: Findings from Mutriku, Bay of Biscay' Ocean Engineering 227, 108654-108654 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2021) 'Wind resource evolution in Europe under different scenarios of climate change characterised by the novel Shared Socioeconomic Pathways' Energy Conversion and Management 234, 113961-113961 Publisher Site , DOI
López I, Carballo R, Fouz DM & Iglesias G (2021) 'Design Selection and Geometry in OWC Wave Energy Converters for Performance' Energies 14, (6) 1707-1707 Publisher Site , DOI
Allen J, Iglesias G, Greaves D & Miles J (2021) 'Physical Modelling of the Effect on the Wave Field of the WaveCat Wave Energy Converter' Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, (3) 309-309 , DOI Open access
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C, Medina L & Iglesias G (2020) 'Coastal cliff exposure and management' Ocean & Coastal Management 198, 105387-105387 Publisher Site , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2020) 'Wave exploitability index and wave resource classification' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134, 110393-110393 Publisher Site , DOI
Cui L, Zheng S, Zhang Y, Miles J & Iglesias G (2020) 'Wave power extraction from a hybrid oscillating water column-oscillating buoy wave energy converter' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , DOI Open access
Zheng S, Meylan M, Zhu G, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2020) 'Hydroelastic interaction between water waves and an array of circular floating porous elastic plates' Journal of Fluid Mechanics , DOI Open access
Khojasteh D, Tavakoli S, Dashtimanesh A, Dolatshah A, Huang L, Glamore W, Sadat-Noori M & Iglesias G (2020) 'Numerical analysis of shipping water impacting a step structure' Ocean Engineering 209, 107517-107517 Publisher Site , DOI
López M, Rodríguez N & Iglesias G (2020) 'Combined Floating Offshore Wind and Solar PV' Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, (8) 576-576 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C, Cremades J, Medina L & Iglesias G (2020) 'Multi-criteria characterization and mapping of coastal cliff environments: A case study in NW Spain' Science of The Total Environment 746, 140942-140942 Publisher Site , DOI
Carral L, Tarrío-Saavedra J, Iglesias G & San-Cristobal JR (2020) 'Evaluation of the structural complexity of organisations and products in naval-shipbuilding projects' Ships and Offshore Structures 16, (6) 670-685 Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Zhang Y & Iglesias G (2020) 'Power capture performance of hybrid wave farms combining different wave energy conversion technologies: The H-factor' Energy 117920-117920 , DOI Open access
Zheng S, Antonini A, Zhang Y, Miles J, Greaves D, Guixun Z & Iglesias G (2020) 'Hydrodynamic performance of a multi-Oscillating Water Column (OWC) platform' Applied Ocean Research , DOI Open access
Zheng S, Meylan MH, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2020) 'Water-wave interaction with submerged porous elastic disks' Physics of Fluids 32, (4) 047106-047106 , DOI Open access
López I, Carballo R & Iglesias G (2020) 'Intra-annual variability in the performance of an oscillating water column wave energy converter' Energy Conversion and Management 207, 112536-112536 Publisher Site , DOI
Rodriguez-Delgado C, Bergillos RJ & Iglesias G (2020) 'Coastal infrastructure operativity against flooding – A methodology' Science of The Total Environment 719, 137452-137452 Publisher Site , DOI
Álvarez M, Ramos V, Carballo R, Arean N, Torres M & Iglesias G (2020) 'The influence of dredging for locating a tidal stream energy farm' Renewable Energy 146, 242-253 Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Zhang Y & Iglesias G (2020) 'Concept and performance of a novel wave energy converter: Variable Aperture Point-Absorber (VAPA)' Renewable Energy , DOI Open access
Zheng S, Zhu G, Simmonds D, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2020) 'Wave power extraction from a tubular structure integrated oscillating water column' Renewable Energy , DOI Open access
López I, Carballo R, Taveira-Pinto F & Iglesias G (2020) 'Sensitivity of OWC performance to air compressibility' Renewable Energy 145, 1334-1347 Publisher Site , DOI
Bao X, Sun H, Iglesias G, Wang T & Shi C (2020) 'Signal denoising method for modal analysis of an offshore platform' Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 63, 104000-104000 Publisher Site , DOI
O’Shaughnessy KA, Hawkins SJ, Evans AJ, Hanley ME, Lunt P, Thompson RC, Francis RA, Hoggart SPG, Moore PJ & Iglesias G (2019) 'Design catalogue for eco-engineering of coastal artificial structures: a multifunctional approach for stakeholders and end-users' Urban Ecosystems 23, (2) 431-443 , DOI Open access
Zheng S, Meylan M, Fan L, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave scattering by a floating porous elastic plate of arbitrary shape: a semi-analytical study' Journal of Fluids and Structures , DOI Open access
Fouz DM, Carballo R, Ramos V & Iglesias G (2019) 'Hydrokinetic energy exploitation under combined river and tidal flow' Renewable Energy 143, 558-568 Publisher Site , DOI
Michele S, Renzi E, Perez-Collazo C, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2019) 'Power extraction in regular and random waves from an OWC in hybrid wind-wave energy systems' Ocean Engineering 191, 106519-106519 , DOI Open access
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2019) 'Introduction' 1-7 Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Antonini A, Zhang Y, Greaves D, Miles J & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave power extraction from multiple oscillating water columns along a straight coast' Journal of Fluid Mechanics 878, 445-480 , DOI Open access
Rodriguez-Delgado C, Bergillos RJ & Iglesias G (2019) 'An artificial neural network model of coastal erosion mitigation through wave farms' Environmental Modelling & Software 119, 390-399 Publisher Site , DOI
López I, Carballo R & Iglesias G (2019) 'Site-specific wave energy conversion performance of an oscillating water column device' Energy Conversion and Management 195, 457-465 Publisher Site , DOI
Perez-Collazo C, Pemberton R, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2019) 'Monopile-mounted wave energy converter for a hybrid wind-wave system' Energy Conversion and Management 199, 111971-111971 , DOI Open access
Zheng S, Zhang Y, Liu J & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave diffraction from multiple truncated cylinders of arbitrary cross sections' Applied Mathematical Modelling , DOI Open access
Xie N, Hann M, Pemberton R, Iglesias G & Greaves D (2019) 'A numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of side walls on hydrodynamic model testing in a wave flume' Ocean Engineering 186, , DOI Open access
Rodriguez-Delgado C, Bergillos RJ & Iglesias G (2019) 'Dual wave farms for energy production and coastal protection under sea level rise' Journal of Cleaner Production 222, 364-372 Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Zhang Y, Liu Y & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave radiation from multiple cylinders of arbitrary cross sections' Ocean Engineering 184, 11-22 , DOI Open access
Carballo R, Arean N, Álvarez M, López I, Castro A, López M & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave farm planning through high-resolution resource and performance characterization' Renewable Energy 135, 1097-1107 Publisher Site , DOI
He F, Zhang H, Zhao J, Zheng S & Iglesias G (2019) 'Hydrodynamic performance of a pile-supported OWC breakwater: An analytical study' Applied Ocean Research , DOI Open access
Zheng S, Zhang Y & Iglesias G (2019) 'Coast/breakwater-integrated OWC: A theoretical model' Marine Structures 66, 121-135 , DOI Open access
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C, Allen J & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave energy converter configuration in dual wave farms' Ocean Engineering 178, 204-214 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C, Allen J & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave energy converter geometry for coastal flooding mitigation' Science of The Total Environment 668, 1232-1241 Publisher Site , DOI
Yu H, Zheng S, Zhang Y & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave radiation from a truncated cylinder of arbitrary cross section' Ocean Engineering 173, 519-530 , DOI Open access
San Cristóbal JR, Diaz E, Carral L, Fraguela JA & Iglesias G (2019) 'Complexity and Project Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Research' Complexity 2019, 1-2 Publisher Site , DOI
Xie N, Iglesias G, Hann M, Pemberton R & Greaves D (2018) 'Experimental study of wave loads on a small vehicle in close proximity to a large vessel' Applied Ocean Research Open access
Khojasteh D, Mousavi SM, Glamore W & Iglesias G (2018) 'Wave energy status in Asia' Ocean Engineering 169, 344-358 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2018) 'Wave farm impacts on coastal flooding under sea-level rise: A case study in southern Spain' Science of The Total Environment 653, 1522-1531 Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Zhang Y & Iglesias G (2018) 'Wave-structure interaction in hybrid wave farms' Journal of Fluids and Structures 83, 386-412 Author Site , DOI Open access
San Cristóbal JR, Carral L, Diaz E, Fraguela JA & Iglesias G (2018) 'Complexity and Project Management: A General Overview' Complexity 2018, 1-10 Publisher Site , DOI
Vazquez A, Astariz S & Iglesias G (2018) 'method for the spatial targeting of tidal stream energy policies' International Marine Energy Journal 1, (1 (Aug)) 19-26 Publisher Site , DOI
Rodriguez-Delgado C, Bergillos RJ & Iglesias G (2018) 'Dual wave farms and coastline dynamics: The role of inter-device spacing' Science of the Total Environment 646, 1241-1252 , DOI Open access
Astariz S, Vazquez A, Sanchez M, Carballo R & Iglesias Rodriguez JG (2018) 'Co-located wave-wind farms for improved O&M efficiency' Ocean and Coastal Management Open access
Rodriguez-Delgado C, Bergillos RJ, Ortega-Sánchez M & Iglesias G (2018) 'Wave farm effects on the coast: The alongshore position' Science of the Total Environment 640-641, 1176-1186 , DOI Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG (2018) 'Hydrodynamic response of the WEC sub-system of a novel hybrid wind-wave energy converter Energy Conversion and Management' Energy Conversion and Management 171, 307-325 Author Site , DOI Open access
Rodriguez-Delgado C, Bergillos RJ, Ortega-Sánchez M & Iglesias G (2018) 'Protection of gravel-dominated coasts through wave farms: Layout and shoreline evolution' Science of The Total Environment 636, 1541-1552 Publisher Site , DOI
Abanades J, Flor-Blanco G, Flor G & Iglesias Rodriguez JG (2018) 'Dual wave farms for energy production and coastal protection' Ocean and Coastal Management , DOI Open access
Ward SL, Robins PE, Lewis MJ, Iglesias G, Hashemi MR & Neill SP (2018) 'Tidal stream resource characterisation in progressive versus standing wave systems' Applied Energy 220, 274-285 , DOI Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG (2018) 'A Novel Hybrid Wind-Wave Energy Converter for Jacket-Frame Substructures' Energies 11, (3) 1-20 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Arean N, Carballo R & Iglesias G (2017) 'An integrated approach for the installation of a wave farm' Energy 138, 910-919 , DOI Open access
Khojasteh D, Khojasteh D, Kamali R, Beyene A & Iglesias G (2017) 'Assessment of renewable energy resources in Iran; with a focus on wave and tidal energy' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , DOI Open access
Alvarez M, Carballo R, Ramos V & Iglesias Rodriguez JG (2017) 'An integrated approach for the planning of dredging operations in estuaries' Ocean Engineering , DOI Open access
Allen J, Sampanis K, Wan J, Greaves D, Miles J & Iglesias G (2016) 'Laboratory Tests in the Development of WaveCat' Sustainability 8, (12) 1339-1339 , DOI Open access
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'The collocation feasibility index – A method for selecting sites for co-located wave and wind farms' Renewable Energy 103, 811-824 , DOI Open access
Astariz S, Perez-Collazo C, Abanades J & Iglesias G (2016) 'Hybrid wave and offshore wind farms: A comparative case study of co-located layouts' International Journal of Marine Energy 15, 2-16 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'Selecting optimum locations for co-located wave and wind energy farms. Part I: The Co-Location Feasibility index' Energy Conversion and Management 122, 589-598 , DOI Open access
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'Co-located wind and wave energy farms: Uniformly distributed arrays' Energy 113, 497-508 , DOI Open access
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2016) 'Capital costs in tidal stream energy projects – A spatial approach' Energy 107, 215-226 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Prumm M & Iglesias G (2016) 'Impacts of port development on estuarine morphodynamics: Ribadeo (Spain)' Ocean & Coastal Management 130, 58-72 , DOI Open access
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'Selecting optimum locations for co-located wave and wind energy farms. Part II: A case study' Energy Conversion and Management 122, 599-608 , DOI Open access
Jakobsen MM, Beatty S, Iglesias G & Kramer MM (2016) 'Characterization of loads on a hemispherical point absorber wave energy converter' International Journal of Marine Energy 13, 1-15 Publisher Site , DOI
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2016) 'A holistic method for selecting tidal stream energy hotspots under technical, economic and functional constraints' ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 117, 420-430 Author Site , DOI Open access
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2016) 'Grid parity in tidal stream energy projects: An assessment of financial, technological and economic LCOE input parameters' Technological Forecasting and Social Change 104, 89-101 Publisher Site , DOI
Rogan C, Miles J, Simmonds D & Iglesias G (2016) 'The turbulent wake of a monopile foundation' Renewable Energy 93, 180-187 , DOI Open access
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'Wave energy vs. other energy sources: A reassessment of the economics' International Journal of Green Energy 13, (7) 747-755 Publisher Site , DOI
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'Output power smoothing and reduced downtime period by combined wind and wave energy farms' Energy 97, 69-81 Publisher Site , DOI
López I, Pereiras B, Castro F & Iglesias G (2016) 'Holistic performance analysis and turbine-induced damping for an OWC wave energy converter' Renewable Energy 85, 1155-1163 Publisher Site , DOI
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2015) 'Accessibility for operation and maintenance tasks in co-located wind and wave energy farms with non-uniformly distributed arrays' Energy Conversion and Management 106, 1219-1229 Publisher Site , DOI
López M, López I & Iglesias G (2015) 'Hindcasting Long Waves in a Port: An ANN Approach' Coastal Engineering Journal 57, (4) Publisher Site , DOI
Lamas-Pardo M, Iglesias G & Carral L (2015) 'A review of Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS) for coastal and offshore uses' Ocean Engineering 109, 677-690 Publisher Site , DOI
López I, López M & Iglesias G (2015) 'Artificial neural networks applied to port operability assessment' Ocean Engineering 109, 298-308 Publisher Site , DOI
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2015) 'LCOE (levelised cost of energy) mapping: A new geospatial tool for tidal stream energy' Energy 91, 192-201 Publisher Site , DOI
Taveira-Pinto F, Iglesias G, Rosa-Santos P & Deng ZD (2015) 'Preface to Special Topic: Marine Renewable Energy' Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7, (6) Publisher Site , DOI
Vazquez A, Astariz S & Iglesias G (2015) 'A strategic policy framework for promoting the marine energy sector in Spain' Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7, (6) Publisher Site , DOI
Astariz S, Perez-Collazo C, Abanades J & Iglesias G (2015) 'Co-located wave-wind farms: Economic assessment as a function of layout' Renewable Energy 83, (0) 837-849 , DOI
Astariz S, Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2015) 'Evaluation and comparison of the levelized cost of tidal, wave, and offshore wind energy' Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7, (5) Publisher Site , DOI
Castro A, Pérez JL, Rabuñal JR & Iglesias G (2015) 'Genetic programming and floating boom performance' Ocean Engineering 104, 310-318 Publisher Site , DOI
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2015) 'Enhancing Wave Energy Competitiveness through Co-Located Wind and Wave Energy Farms. A Review on the Shadow Effect' Energies 8, (7) 7344-7366 Publisher Site , DOI
Veigas M, López M, Romillo P, Carballo R, Castro A & Iglesias G (2015) 'A proposed wave farm on the Galician coast' Energy Conversion and Management 99, 102-111 Publisher Site , DOI
Pereiras B, López I, Castro F & Iglesias G (2015) 'Non-dimensional analysis for matching an impulse turbine to an OWC (oscillating water column) with an optimum energy transfer' Energy 87, 481-489 Publisher Site , DOI
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2015) 'Device interactions in reducing the cost of tidal stream energy' Energy Conversion and Management 97, 428-438 Publisher Site , DOI
Astariz S, Abanades J, Perez-Collazo C & Iglesias G (2015) 'Improving wind farm accessibility for Operation & Maintenance through a co-located wave farm: influence of layout and wave climate' Energy Conversion and Management 95, (0) 229-241 , DOI
Astariz S, Perez-Collazo C, Abanades J & Iglesias G (2015) 'Towards the optimal design of a co-located wind wave farm' Energy 84, (0) 15-24 , DOI
López I, Castro A & Iglesias G (2015) 'Hydrodynamic performance of an oscillating water column wave energy converter by means of particle imaging velocimetry' Energy 83, 89-103 Publisher Site , DOI
Pérez-Collazo C, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2015) 'A review of combined wave and offshore wind energy' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 141-153 Author Site , DOI Open access
Astariz S, Perez-Collazo C, Abanades J & Iglesias G (2015) 'Co-located wind-wave farm synergies (Operation & Maintenance): A case study' Energy Conversion and Management 91, (0) 63-75 , DOI
Lopez I, Pereiras B, Castro F & Iglesias G (2015) 'Performance of OWC wave energy converters: influence of turbine damping and tidal variability' INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH 39, (4) 472-483 , DOI
Carballo R, Sanchez M, Ramos V, Fraguela J & Iglesias G (2015) 'Intra-annual wave resource characterization for energy exploitation: A new decision-aid tool' ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 93, 1-8 , DOI
Carballo R, Sanchez M, Ramos V, Fraguela JA & Iglesias G (2015) 'The intra-annual variability in the performance of wave energy converters: A comparative study in N Galicia (Spain)' ENERGY 82, 138-146 , DOI
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2015) 'Public perceptions and externalities in tidal stream energy: A valuation for policy making' OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT 105, 15-24 , DOI
Abanades J, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2015) 'Wave farm impact on beach modal state' MARINE GEOLOGY 361, 126-135 , DOI Open access
Lopez M, Veigas M & Iglesias G (2015) 'On the wave energy resource of Peru' ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 90, 34-40 , DOI
Abanades J, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2015) 'Coastal defence using wave farms: The role of farm-to-coast distance' Renewable Energy 75, 572-582 Author Site , DOI Open access
Dubinsky TJ (2015) 'Introduction' ULTRASOUND QUARTERLY 31, (1) 1-1
Abanades J, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2014) 'Wave farm impact on the beach profile: a case study' Coastal Engineering
Veigas M, Lopez M & Iglesias G (2014) 'Assessing the optimal location for a shoreline wave energy converter' APPLIED ENERGY 132, 404-411 , DOI
Castro A, Carballo R, Iglesias G & Rabunal JR (2014) 'Performance of artificial neural networks in nearshore wave power prediction' APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 23, 194-201 , DOI
Veigas M & Iglesias G (2014) 'Potentials of a hybrid offshore farm for the island of Fuerteventura' ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 86, 300-308 , DOI
Veigas M, Carballo R & Iglesias G (2014) 'Wave and offshore wind energy on an island' ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 22, 57-65 , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2014) 'Wave farm impact: The role of farm-to-coast distance' RENEWABLE ENERGY 69, 375-385 , DOI
Lopez I, Pereiras B, Castro F & Iglesias G (2014) 'Optimisation of turbine-induced damping for an OWC wave energy converter using a RANS-VOF numerical model' APPLIED ENERGY 127, 105-114 , DOI
Sanchez M, Carballo R, Ramos V & Iglesias G (2014) 'Floating vs. bottom-fixed turbines for tidal stream energy: A comparative impact assessment' ENERGY 72, 691-701 , DOI
Lopez M & Iglesias G (2014) 'Long wave effects on a vessel at berth' APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH 47, 63-72 , DOI
Ramos V, Carballo R, Alvarez M, Sanchez M & Iglesias G (2014) 'A port towards energy self-sufficiency using tidal stream power' ENERGY 71, 432-444 , DOI
Pacheco A, Ferreira O, Carballo R & Iglesias G (2014) 'Evaluation of the production of tidal stream energy in an inlet channel by coupling field data and numerical modelling' ENERGY 71, 104-117 , DOI
Veigas M, Ramos V & Iglesias G (2014) 'A wave farm for an island: Detailed effects on the nearshore wave climate' ENERGY 69, 801-812 , DOI
Carballo R, Sanchez M, Ramos V, Taveira-Pinto F & Iglesias G (2014) 'A high resolution geospatial database for wave energy exploitation' ENERGY 68, 572-583 , DOI
Ramos V, Carballo R, Sanchez M, Veigas M & Iglesias G (2014) 'Tidal stream energy impacts on estuarine circulation' ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 80, 137-149 , DOI
Abanades J, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2014) 'Wave farm impact on the beach profile: A case study' COASTAL ENGINEERING 86, 36-44 , DOI Open access
Sanchez M, Carballo R, Ramos V & Iglesias G (2014) 'Tidal stream energy impact on the transient and residual flow in an estuary: A 3D analysis' APPLIED ENERGY 116, 167-177 , DOI
Veigas M & Iglesias G (2014) 'A hybrid wave—wind offshore farm for an island' International Journal of Green Energy
Lopez I & Iglesias G (2014) 'Efficiency of OWC wave energy converters: A virtual laboratory' APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH 44, 63-70 , DOI
Abanades J, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2014) 'Coastal defence through wave farms' Coastal Engineering 91, 299-307 Author Site , DOI Open access
Sánchez M, Carballo R, Ramos V & Iglesias G (2014) 'Tidal stream energy impact on the transient and residual flow in an estuary: A 3D analysis' Applied Energy 116, 167-177 Author Site , DOI
Fraguela Formoso JA, Carral Couce L, Iglesias Rodríguez G & Sánchez Carricoba M (2013) 'The path to excellence: A management strategy based on people' DYNA (Colombia) 80, (182) 7-14
Veigas M & Iglesias G (2013) 'Wave and offshore wind potential for the island of Tenerife' ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 76, 738-745 , DOI
Ramos V, Carballo R, Alvarez M, Sanchez M & Iglesias G (2013) 'Assessment of the impacts of tidal stream energy through high-resolution numerical modeling' ENERGY 61, 541-554 , DOI
Sanchez M, Iglesias G, Carballo R & Fraguela JA (2013) 'Power peaks against installed capacity in tidal stream energy' IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION 7, (3) 246-253 , DOI
Lopez M & Iglesias G (2013) 'Artificial Intelligence for estimating infragravity energy in a harbour' Ocean Engineering 57, 56-63 , DOI
Sánchez M, Iglesias G, Carballo R & Fraguela JA (2013) 'Power peaks against installed capacity in tidal stream energy' IET Renewable Power Generation 7, 246-253
Ramos V & Iglesias G (2013) 'Performance assessment of Tidal Stream Turbines: A parametric approach' Energy Conversion and Management 69, 49-57 Author Site , DOI
Carballo R & Iglesias G (2013) 'Wave farm impact based on realistic wave-WEC interaction' Energy 51, 216-229 Author Site , DOI
Fraguela Formoso JA, Diaz-Casas V, Iglesias Rodriguez G, Carral Couce L & Castro Ponte A (2013) 'Environmental Effects of European Union Sea Transport Policy' NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL 125, (3) 91-100
Veigas M & Iglesias G (2012) 'Evaluation of the wind resource and power performance of a turbine in Tenerife' JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 4, (5) , DOI
Lopez M, Iglesias G & Kobayashi N (2012) 'Long period oscillations and tidal level in the Port of Ferrol' Applied Ocean Research 38, 126-134 , DOI
Fernandez H, Iglesias G, Carballo R, Castro A, Sánchez M & Taveira-Pinto F (2012) 'OPTIMIZATION OF THE WAVECAT WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER' Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, structures.-5
Fernandez H, Iglesias G, Carballo R, Castro A, Fraguela JA, Taveira-Pinto F & Sanchez M (2012) 'The new wave energy converter WaveCat: Concept and laboratory tests' Marine Structures 29, 58-70 , DOI
Iglesias G, Sanchez M, Carballo R & Fernandez H (2012) 'The TSE index - A new tool for selecting tidal stream sites in depth-limited regions' Renewable Energy 48, 350-357 , DOI
Carballo R & Iglesias G (2012) 'A methodology to determine the power performance of wave energy converters at a particular coastal location' Energy Conversion and Management 61, 8-18 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G, Fernández H, Carballo R, Castro A & Taveira-Pinto F (2011) 'The WaveCat©–Development of a new Wave Energy Converter' Volume 9 Marine and Ocean Technology 2151-2151
Iglesias G, del Rio P & Angel Dopico J (2011) 'Policy analysis of authorisation procedures for wind energy deployment in Spain' ENERGY POLICY 39, (7) 4067-4076 , DOI
Fraguela Formoso JA, Carral Couce L, Iglesias Rodriguez G, Castro Ponte A & Rodriguez Guerreiro MJ (2011) 'INTEGRATION OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. NEED FOR A NEW ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE' DYNA-COLOMBIA 78, (167) 44-49
Castro A, Taveira Pinto F & Iglesias G (2011) 'Artificial intelligence applied to plane wave reflection at submerged breakwaters' Journal of Hydraulic Research 49, 465-472 , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2011) 'Can the Seasonality of a Small River Affect a Large Tide-Dominated Estuary? The Case of Ría de Viveiro, Spain' Journal of Coastal Research 277, 1170-1182 , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2011) 'Choosing the site for the first wave farm in a region: A case study in the Galician Southwest (Spain)' Energy 36, 5525-5531 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2011) 'Wave resource in El Hierro—an island towards energy self-sufficiency' Renewable Energy 36, 689-698 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2011) 'Wave resource in El Hierro-an island towards energy self-sufficiency' Renewable Energy 36, 689-698 , DOI
Fernández Soto JL, Garay Seijo R, Fraguela Formoso JA, Gregorio Iglesias G & Carral Couce L (2010) 'Alternative Sources of Energy in Shipping' The Journal of Navigation 63, Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G, Diz-Lois G & Pinto FT (2010) 'Artificial Intelligence and headland-bay beaches' Coastal Engineering 57, 176-183
Iglesias G, Castro A & Fraguela JA (2010) 'Artificial intelligence applied to floating boom behavior under waves and currents' Ocean Engineering 37, 1513-1521 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2010) 'Corrigendum to “Effects of high winds on the circulation of the using a mixed open boundary condition: the Ría de Muros, Spain” [Environ. Model. Software 25 (2009) 455–466]' Environmental Modelling & Software 25, 889-889 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2010) 'Effects of high winds on the circulation of the using a mixed open boundary condition: the Ría de Muros, Spain' Environmental Modelling & Software 25, 455-466 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2010) 'Effects of high winds on the circulation of the using a mixed open boundary condition: the Ria de Muros, Spain (vol 25, pg 455, 2009)' Environmental Modelling & Software 25, , DOI
Castro A, Iglesias G, Carballo R & Fraguela JA (2010) 'Floating boom performance under waves and currents' Journal of Hazardous Materials 174, 226-235 , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2010) 'Offshore and inshore wave energy assessment: Asturias (N Spain)' Energy 35, 1964-1972 , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2010) 'Wave energy and nearshore hot spots: The case of the SE Bay of Biscay' Renewable Energy 35, 2490-2500 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2010) 'Wave energy resource in the Estaca de Bares area (Spain)' Special Section: IST National Conference 2009 35, 1574-1584 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2010) 'Wave power for La Isla Bonita' The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, SEEP 2009 35, 5013-5021 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G, Ibáñez O, Castro A, Rabuñal JR & Dorado J (2009) 'Computer vision applied to wave flume measurements' Ocean Engineering 36, 1073-1079 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G, López I, Carballo R & Castro A (2009) 'Headland-bay beach planform and tidal range: A neural network model' Geomorphology 112, 135-143 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G, López I, Castro A & Carballo R (2009) 'Neural network modelling of planform geometry of headland-bay beaches' Geomorphology 103, 577-587 Author Site , DOI
Carballo R, Iglesias G & Castro A (2009) 'Numerical model evaluation of tidal stream energy resources in the Ría de Muros (NW Spain)' Renewable Energy 34, 1517-1524 Author Site , DOI
Carballo R, Iglesias G & Castro A (2009) 'Residual circulation in the Ria de Muros (NW Spain): A 3D numerical model study' JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 75, (1-2) 116-130 , DOI
Castro A, Iglesias G, Fraguela JA & Carballo R (2009) 'Numerical Analysis of Floating Boom Performance in Open Waters'
Carballo R, Iglesias G & Castro A (2009) 'Residual circulation in the Ría de Muros (NW Spain): A 3D numerical model study' Journal of Marine Systems 75, (1-2) 130-130 Author Site
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2009) 'Seasonality of the circulation in the Ría de Muros (NW Spain)' Journal of Marine Systems 78, 94-108 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Carballo R (2009) 'Wave energy potential along the Death Coast (Spain)' Energy 34, 1963-1975 , DOI
Iglesias G, López M, Carballo R, Castro A, Fraguela JA & Frigaard P (2009) 'Wave energy potential in Galicia (NW Spain)' Renewable Energy 34, 2323-2333 Author Site , DOI
Carballo R, Cancela J, Iglesias G, Marín A, Neira X & Cuesta T (2009) 'WFD Indicators and Definition of the Ecological Status of Rivers' 23, 2231-2247 Author Site , DOI
Iglesias G, Rabunal J, Losada MA, Pachon H, Castro A & Carballo R (2008) 'A virtual laboratory for stability tests of rubble-mound breakwaters' Ocean Engineering 35, 1113-1120 , DOI
Iglesias G, Carballo R & Castro A (2008) 'Baroclinic modelling and analysis of tide- and wind-induced circulation in the Ría de Muros (NW Spain)' Journal of Marine Systems 74, 475-484 Author Site , DOI
Ibáñez O, Rabuñal J, Castro A, Dorado J, Iglesias G & Pazos A (2007) 'A framework for measuring waves level in a wave tank with artificial vision techniques' WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing 3, 17-24
Iglesias G & Negro V (2003) 'An engineering approach to wave propagation' PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-WATER AND MARITIME ENGINEERING 156, (2) 165-174
Iglesias G & Negro V (2003) 'An engineering approach to wave propagation' Proceedings of the ICE-Water and Maritime Engineering 156, 165-174
Sánchez M, Carballo R, Ramos V & Iglesias G 'Energy production from tidal currents in an estuary: A comparative study of floating and bottom-fixed turbines' Energy Author Site , DOI
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2015) 'The economics of wave energy: A review' RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 45, 397-408 , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2020) Ocean Energy and Coastal Protection. Springer International Publishing Publisher Site , DOI
Greaves D; Iglesias G (2018) Wave and Tidal Energy. Wiley Publisher Site , DOI
Zheng S, Greaves D, Meylan MH & Iglesias G (2020) 'Wave power extraction by a submerged piezoelectric plate' Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore CRC Press 149-156 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2019) 'Management of Coastal Erosion Under Climate Change Through Wave Farms' SpringerBriefs in Energy Springer International Publishing 59-73 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2019) 'Management of Coastal Flooding Under Climate Change Through Wave Farms' SpringerBriefs in Energy Springer International Publishing 75-87 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2019) 'Optimization of Wave Farm Location and Layout for Coastal Protection' SpringerBriefs in Energy Springer International Publishing 9-27 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave Energy Converter Configuration for Coastal Erosion Mitigation' SpringerBriefs in Energy Springer International Publishing 29-43 Publisher Site , DOI
Bergillos RJ, Rodriguez-Delgado C & Iglesias G (2019) 'Wave Energy Converter Configuration for Coastal Flooding Mitigation' SpringerBriefs in Energy Springer International Publishing 45-57 Publisher Site , DOI
Iglesias G, Tercero JA, Simas T, Machado I & Cruz E (2018) 'Environmental Effects' Wiley 364-454 Publisher Site , DOI
Iglesias G, Astariz S & Vazquez A (2018) 'The Economics of Wave and Tidal Energy' Wiley 513-532 Publisher Site , DOI
Iglesias G (2018) 'The Marine Resource' Wiley 15-51 Publisher Site , DOI
Hann M & Perez-Collazo C (2018) 'Physical Modelling' in Greaves D; Iglesias Rodriguez JG Wave and Tidal Energy Wiley-Blackwell 233-288 Publisher Site , DOI
Plummer AR, Hillis AJ & Perez-Collazo C (2018) 'Power Systems' in Greaves D; Iglesias Rodriguez JG Wave and Tidal Energy Wiley-Blackwell 191-232 Publisher Site , DOI
Greaves D, Perez-Collazo C, Crawford C, Buckham B, Magar V, Acuña F, Shin S, Shi H & Chenyu N (2018) 'Regional Activities' in Greaves D; Iglesias Rodriguez JG Wave and Tidal Energy Wiley-Blackwell 587-658 Publisher Site , DOI
Iglesias G & Abanades J (2016) 'Wave Power: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation' Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Springer International Publishing 2007-2055 Publisher Site , DOI
Conference Papers
Martinez M, A M & G I (2024) 'Wind energy resources in South America under climate change' Publisher Site , DOI
Fouz DM, Carballo R, López I, Álvarez B & Iglesias G (2023) 'A new resource index for tidal stream farm sitting in estuarine areas' 2023 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) 6-/-0/20236-/-0/2023IEEE Publisher Site , DOI
Egon A, Nash S, Farrell E, Fennell S & Iglesias G (2022) 'Development of Nested Local Scale Wave Model for Storm Study in Brandon Bay Using SWAN' 5792-5801 , DOI
Martinez A & Iglesias G (2021) 'A new index for assessing the exploitability of wave energy'
Zhao X, Geng J, Göteman M, Zheng S, Zheng X & Iglesias G (2021) 'Bragg reflection by a floating breakwater-wec system'
Fouz DM, Carballo R, López I, Ramos V & Iglesias G (2021) 'Hydrokinetic energy production in shallow estuaries: Miño estuary, nw Spain'
Galera-Calero L, Blanco JM, Ocampo R, Izquierdo U & Iglesias G (2021) 'Numerical simulations of a floating offshore wind turbine substructure'
Margheritini L, Frigaard P & Iglesias G (2021) 'Technological and commercial comparison of OWC and SSG wave energy converters built into breakwaters' 167-178
Zheng S, Meylan MH, Zhang X, Iglesias G & Greaves D (2021) 'Wave power extraction from a piezoelectric wave energy converter integrated in a pile-supported breakwater'
Ye Q, Cheng S, Kim B, Collins KM & Iglesias G (2019) 'Structure Design and Assessment of a Floating Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines' 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference , DOI Open access
Howey B, Iglesias G, Collins KM, Hann M, Greaves D, Gomes R & Henriques JCC (2019) 'Wave energy converter arrays: Motion response of inter-connected array' 625-632 Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Deborah G & Gregorio I (2018) 'Proof of concept of a novel hybrid wind-wave energy converter' ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Madrid, Spain 6-/-0/20186-/-0/20181-11 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Musiedlak P-H, Ransley EJ, Brown S, Child B, Hann MR, Iglesias G & Greaves DM (2018) 'Starting a wave structure interaction CFD simulation from an advance time: Hot-start' Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6)/7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) Glasgow, UK 6-/-0/20186-/-0/2018Open access
Collins KM, Howey B, Vicente P, Gomes R, Harnois V, Hann M, Iglesias Rodriguez J & Greaves DM (2017) 'A Physical Mooring Comparison for a Floating OWC' 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Cork, Ireland 8-/-0/20178-/-0/2017Open access
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2016) 'Capital costs in tidal stream energy projects: A site-specific approach' Proceedings of Renew 2016, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore CRC Press Publisher Site , DOI
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'Enhancing marine energy competitiveness: Economic assessment of a co-located wave-wind energy farm' Proceedings of Renew 2016, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore CRC Press Publisher Site , DOI
Collins KM, Hann M, Iglesias Rodriguez G, Greaves DM, Vicente P & Harnois V (2016) 'Breakthroughs in WEC arrays Shared moorings and cablings in the WETFEET project' International Conference on Ocean Energy Open access
Vazquez A & Iglesias G (2016) 'A holistic method to select tidal stream energy hotspots'
Astariz S & Iglesias G (2016) 'Enhancing marine energy competitiveness: Co-located offshore wind and wave energy farms'
García-Hermosa I, Brossard J, Cohen Z, Perret G, Pinon G, Abcha N, Bennis A, Ezersky A, Mouazé D & Rivier A (2015) 'Experimental characterisation of wave induced flow fields due to an offshore wind farm mast' CRC Press 791-797 Publisher Site , DOI
Sánchez M, Carballo R, Ramos V & Iglesias G (2015) 'Harnessing tidal currents in an estuary: A comparative impact assessment between different turbine configurations' CRC Press 637-642 Publisher Site , DOI
(2015) 'Resource assessment –Wind' CRC Press 211-260 Publisher Site , DOI
Rogan C, Miles J, Simmonds D & Iglesias G (2015) 'The hydrodynamics of monopile foundations – Experimental measurements of near bed and free stream turbulence' CRC Press 815-821 Publisher Site , DOI
(2015) 'Wind energy –Aerodynamics' CRC Press 779-804 Publisher Site , DOI
Iglesias G, Carballo R, Abanades J & Greaves D (2014) 'WAVE FARM LAYOUT AND COASTAL IMPACTS' Coastal Engineering Research Council 36-36 Publisher Site , DOI
Perez Collazo C, Astariz S, Abanades J, Greaves D & Iglesias G (2014) 'CO-LOCATED WAVE AND OFFSHORE WIND FARMS: A PRELIMINARY CASE STUDY OF AN HYBRID ARRAY' International Conference in Coastal Engineering (ICCE) Seoul, South Korea 6-/-0/20146-/-0/2014, DOI Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Astariz S, Abanades J, Greaves DM & Iglesias G (2014) 'CO-LOCATED WAVE AND OFFSHORE WIND FARMS: A PRELIMINARY CASE STUDY OF A HYBRID ARRAY' ICCE 2014 Seoul, Korea 6-/-0/20146-/-0/2014
Sanchez M, Carballo R, Ramos V, Vazquez A, Alvarez M & Iglesias G (2014) 'Impact of tidal stream energy exploitation on estuarine hydrodynamics'
López M, Veigas M, López I, Astariz S & Iglesias G (2014) 'Long waves and artificial neural networks'
Pérez C & Iglesias G (2013) 'Physical modelling of an offshore OWC wave energy converter mounted on a windmill monopile foundation' in Troch P; Stratigaki V; De Roo S International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection - COASTLAB 0-/-1/20120-/-1/2012Ghent, Belgium Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University 666-675 Open access
Collins KM, Iglesias G, Greaves D, Toffoli A & Stripling S (2013) 'The New COAST Laboratory of Plymouth University: a World-Class Facility for Marine Energy' Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013 Edinburgh, UK 9-/-0/20139-/-0/2013ICE Publishing Publisher Site Open access
Lopez I, Iglesias G, Lopez M, Castro F & Rodríguez MN (2012) 'TURBINEâˆ'CHAMBER COUPLING IN AN OWC WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER' Coastal Engineering Research Council 2-2 Publisher Site , DOI
Fernandez H, Iglesias G, Carballo R, Castro A, Sánchez M & Taveira-Pinto F (2012) 'OPTIMIZATION OF THE WAVECAT WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER' Coastal Engineering Research Council 5-5 Publisher Site , DOI
Castro F, Pereiras B, Rodríguez M, Lopez I, Iglesias G & Valdez P (2012) 'An alternative approach to match the turbine to the characteristics of an owc wave power plant' 588-592
Castro F, Pereiras B, Rodríguez M, Lopez I, Iglesias G & Valdez P (2012) 'An alternative approach to match the turbine to the characteristics of an OWC wave power plant' 60-66
Nunez C, Castro A, Iglesias G & Carballo R (2012) 'GENERIC SKILLS TRAINING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING' 1177-1187
Pérez C & Iglesias G (2012) 'Integration of Wave Energy Converters and Offshore Windmills' International Conference on Ocean Energy - ICOE Dublin, Ireland
Lopez I, Iglesias G, Lopez M, Ramos V & Carballo R (2012) 'Physical modelling of an OWC wave energy converter' in Troch P; Stratigaki V; de Roo S International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection - COASTLAB Ghent, Belgium Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University
Lopez I, Iglesias G, Lopez M, Castro A & Rodríguez MA (2012) 'Turbine-chamber coupling in an OWC wave energy converter' International Conference on Coastal Engineering Santander, Spain
Castro A, Nunez C, Iglesias G & Valcarce I (2012) 'PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING TRAINING' 1579-1585
Nunez C, Lopez I, Vinas R, Rios F, Iglesias G & Castro A (2012) 'THE USE OF SIMPLE TESTS AND LAB EQUIPMENT AS TEACHING METHOD IN SOIL MECHANICS' 2370-2377
Lopez I & Iglesias G (2011) 'Modelización numérica de un convertidor de energía del oleaje OWC' XI Jornadas de Costas y Puertos Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Fernández H, Iglesias G, Carballo R, Castro A & Bartolomé P (2010) 'Physical and numerical modeling of the WaveCat© wave energy converter'
Iglesias G, Carballo R, Castro A & Fraga B (2009) 'DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN OF THE WAVECAT™ ENERGY CONVERTER' 3970-3982
Iglesias G, Flores J, Corrons A, Losada MA & Izaskun Benedicto M (2003) 'General conditions for stability tests of mound breakwaters' 262-269
Negro V, Varela O, Díez J & Iglesias G (2003) 'Crown wall parapet failure after a severe wave storm. Isle of Alboran, Mediterranean Sea' 1225-1236
Acinas JR & Iglesias G (1997) 'A coupled extreme wave prediction model from meteorological data' 353-364
Iglesias G, Carballo R & Castro A 'Development of the WaveCat wave energy converter' 31st Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng. (ICCE) 3970-3982
Collins KM, greaves D, Hann M, Howey B, Iglesias rodriguez G & Harnois V (2016) D6.1 - Analysis of different potential configurations of non-rigid Inter-moored devices. Publisher Site
(2016) Wave energy capture device. WO 2016/185189 A1
Floating device for harnessing swell energy by lateral overflow.
Presentations and posters
Collins KM, Arber P, Greaves D, Hann M, Iglesias G, Simmonds D, Stripling S & Toffoli A Collins KM, Arber P, Greaves D, Hann M, Iglesias G, Simmonds D, Stripling S & Toffoli A 'Facilitating coastal and ocean research in the laboratory' Open access
Perez Collazo C, Astariz S, Abanades J, Greaves D & iglesias G Perez Collazo C, Astariz S, Abanades J, Greaves D & iglesias G 'Co-located wave and offshore wind farms: A preliminary approach to the shadow effect' Open access
Perez C & Iglesias G Perez C & Iglesias G 'Integration of wave energy converters and offshore windmills' Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Skanberg-Tippen J, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG Perez-Collazo C, Skanberg-Tippen J, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG 'Hydrodynamic response of a jacket-frame mounted WEC sub-system of a novel hybrid wind-wave energy converter'
Other Publications
Perez Collazo C, Skanberg-Tippen J, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG 170426_dataset_EWTEC. Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG 180309_dataset_MDPI_Energies. Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG 180315_dataset_OMAE2018. Open access
Perez-Collazo C, Greaves D & Iglesias Rodriguez JG 180427_dataset_ECM. Open access


Conferences organised

5th Spanish Conference of Coastal and Port Engineering, La Coruña, 1999.

Other academic activities

·   Reviewer of research grant proposals for: European Commission; UK’s EPSRC; Spain’s Ministry of Science and Technology; Portugal’s Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT); Research Foundation Flanders – FWO; etc.

·   Referee for: Renewable Energy, Energy, Geomorphology, Journal of Coastal Research, Geo-Marine Letters, Ocean Engineering, J. of Operational Oceanography, Applied Ocean Research, Energies, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, etc.

·   Member of the Panel for the position of Senior Lecturer in Harbour and Coastal Engineering, University College Cork (Ireland), 20 October 2016.

·   Member of the panel for position 42064, Associate Professor in Wave Energy, at Aalborg University (Denmark), December 2013.


·     Iglesias G, Abanades J. Wave Power - Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. In: Chen W-Y, Suzuki T, Lackner M, editors. Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Springer New York; 2015. p. 1-49.

·     Experimental characterisation of wave induced flow fields due to an offshore wind farm mast. In: Renewable Energies Offshore, Edition: 2015, Chapter: 099, Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, London. Editors: Guedes Soares, pp.791 -797.

·     Iglesias, G., 2013. Marine Energies in Galicia, Forum on Marine Resources and Aquaculture in the Galician Rias, 15, pp. 51-58.

·     Wave Energy Converters, Iglesias, G, Alvarez, M, Garcia, P, 2012. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO.

·     Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., 2011. Wave Mechanics. Press of the University of Santiago de Compostela, ISBN: 978-84-9887-565-2. (In Spanish).

·     Carballo, R., Iglesias, G., 2011. Tides. Press of the University of Santiago de Compostela, ISBN: 978-84-9887-779-3. (In Spanish).

·     Sánchez, M., Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., 2011. Dimensional Analysis. Press of the University of Santiago de Compostela, ISBN: 978-84-9887-779-9. (In Spanish).

·     Iglesias, G., Castro, A., Carballo, R., Losada, M.A., 2008. A.I. and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability. In J. Rabunal, J. Dorado, A. Pazos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, IGI Publishing, Hershey, PA (USA), Vol. 1, pp. 144-150. ISBN: 978-1-59904-849-9.

·     Castro, A., Iglesias, G., Taveira-Pinto, F., Carballo, R., 2008. Wave reflection at submerged breakwaters. In J. Rabunal, J. Dorado, A. Pazos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, IGI Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania (EEUU), Vol. 3, pp. 1603-1609. ISBN: 978-1-59904-849-9.

·     Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., Castro, A., 2008. Modelling of the discharge and the coastal hydrodynamics. In A. de Blas (Ed.), Study of the behaviour in the marine environment of the discharge from the Alúmina Española (ALCOA) plant at San Ciprián (Lugo) (in Spanish). Universidad de A Coruña, pp. 17-202. ISBN: 978-84-691-5210-2.

·     Veloso Gomes, F., Taveira Pinto, F., das Neves, L., Iglesias, G. (Eds.), 2006. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (CoastLab06). International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR), Madrid, Spain, 543 pp. ISBN-10: 90-78046-04-X.     

·     Iglesias, G., Acinas, J.R. (Eds.), 1999. V Spanish Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering (in Spanish). Tórculo, La Coruña. ISBN: 84-7721-952-4.

·     Iglesias, G., Acinas, J.R., Colominas, I., 1998. A numerical refraction-diffraction model in the ray-front coordinate system. In S. Idelsohn, E. Oñate and E. Dvorkin (Eds.), Computational Mechanics: New Trends and Applications. CIMNE, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-89925-15-1.

·     Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G., Navarrina, F., 1998. A numerical wave prediction model based on meteorological data. In S. Idelsohn, E. Oñate and E. Dvorkin (Eds.), Computational Mechanics: New Trends and Applications. CIMNE, Barcelona. ISBN: 84-89925-15-1.





·     Vazquez, A, Astariz, S, Iglesias, G, 2017. A method for the spatial targeting of tidal stream energy policies. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Astariz, S, Vazquez, A, Iglesias, G, 2017. A new tool for selecting sites for co/located wave and wind farms – the CLF index. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Alvarez, M, Carballo, R, Arean, N, Sanchez, M, Ramos, V, Iglesias, G, 2017. Marine Spatial Planning applied to tidal stream energy – a case study. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Carballo, R, Arean, N, Sanchez, M, Ramos, V, Alvarez, M, Castro, A, Iglesias, G, 2017. Intra-annual power performance of WECs: a decision-aid tool for wave farm planning. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Arean, N, Carballo, R, Sanchez, M, Alvarez, M, Lopez, I, Torres, M, Iglesias, G, 2017. Performance assessment of WECs: a case study. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Musiedlak, P, Ransley, E, Greaves, D, Child, B, Hann, M, Iglesias, G, 2017. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Allen, J, Sampanis, K, Wan, J, Miles, J, Greaves, D, Iglesias, G, 2017. Laboratory tests and numerical modelling in the development of WaveCat. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Howey, B, Collins, K, Vicente, P, Gomes, R, Harnois, V, Hann, M, Iglesias, G, Greaves, D, 2017. A physical mooring comparison for a floating OWC. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     Perez-Collazo, P, Skanberg-Tippen, J, Greaves, D, Iglesias, G, 2017. Hydrodynamic response of a jacket-frame mounted WEC sub-system of a novel hybrid wind-wave energy converter. In A. Lewis (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), University College Cork, Ireland, 27 August – 1 September 2017. ISSN: 2309-1983.

·     ORE (Ocean Renewable Energy) Synergies Workshop, EPRSC, London, 13 December 2016.

·     SUPERGEN Wind Hub General Assembly, Cranfield University (UK), 23 November 2016.

·   Astariz, S, Vazquez, A, Carricoba, M, Carballo, R, Iglesias, G, 2016. Enhancing Marine Energy Competitiveness: Co-Located Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Farms. Campus do Mar International Science Conference 2016. Vila Real (Portugal), 17-18 November 2016.

·   Carballo, R, Sanchez, M, Astariz, S, Vazquez, A, Fraguela, JA, Iglesias, G, 2016. Wave Farm Planning Based on High Resolution Performance Computations and Integrated Coastal Management: A Case Study in NW Spain. Campus do Mar International Science Conference 2016. Vila Real (Portugal), 17-18 November 2016.

·   Vazquez, A, Astariz, S, Sanchez, M, Carballo, R, Iglesias, G, 2016. The Choice Experiment Approach Applied to Tidal Energy Funding. Campus do Mar International Science Conference 2016. Vila Real (Portugal), 17-18 November 2016.

·   Arean, N, Alvarez, M, Perez, P, Fonteboa, I, Carballo, R, Iglesias, G, 2016. An Integrated Coastal Analysis for the Installation of a Wave Farm in a Region (P). Campus do Mar International Science Conference 2016. Vila Real (Portugal), 17-18 November 2016.

·   Sanchez, M, Carballo, R, Astariz, S, Vazquez, A, Iglesias, G, 2016. Tidal Stream Plants Power Performance: Intra-Annual Comparison of Different Configurations (P). Campus do Mar International Science Conference 2016. Vila Real (Portugal), 17-18 November 2016.

·   Alvarez, M, Arean, N, Fonteboa, I, Perez, P, Carballo, R, Iglesias, G, 2016. Assessment of the Influence of the Sediment Transport on Port Operativity (P). Campus do Mar International Science Conference 2016. Vila Real (Portugal), 17-18 November 2016.

·   Astariz, S, Iglesias, G, 2016. Enhancing marine energy competitiveness: economic assessment of a co-located wave-wind energy farm, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2016, Lisbon (Portugal), 24-26 October 2016.

·   Vazquez, A, Iglesias, G, 2016. Capital costs in tidal stream energy projects: a site-specific approach, 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2016, Lisbon (Portugal), 24-26 October 2016.

·   Miles, J, Rogan, C, Simmonds, D, Iglesias, G, 2016. Hydrodynamics near Windfarm Monopile Foundations, 3rd PRIMARE Conference, Bath (UK), 5-6 July 2016.

·   Collins, K, Howey, B, Hann, M, Iglesias, G, Greaves, D, 2016. Breakthroughs in WEC arrays. Shared mooring sand cablings in the WEFEET project. International Conference on Ocean Energy, Edinburgh, 23-25 February 2016.

·   García-Hermosa, I, Abcha, N, Brossard, J, Bennis, AC, Ezersky, A, Gross, M, Iglesias, G, Magar, V, Miles, J, Mouazé, D, 2015. Characterisation of impacts on the environment of an idealised offshore wind farm foundation, under waves and the combination of waves and currents. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17.

·   Abanades, J, Greaves, D, Iglesias, G, 2014. Wave farms for coastal protection? Their effects on the beach, CoastLab14, Varna, Bulgaria (28/09/2014 to 3/10/2014).

·   Jakobsen, MM, Iglesias, G, Kramer, M, Vidal, E, 2014. Experimental Study of Forces on Point Absorber, CoastLab14, Varna, Bulgaria (28/09/2014 to 3/10/2014).

·   Carballo, R, Sanchez, M, Ramos, V, Castro, A, Taveira, F, Iglesias, G, 2014. Wave resource characterisation for energy production computations of WECs. RENEW2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 November 2014.

·   Sanchez, M, Carballo, R, Ramos, V, Iglesias, G, 2014. Harnessing tidal currents in an estuary: A comparative impact assessment between different turbine configurations. RENEW2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 November 2014.

·   Garcia-Hermosa, I, Brossard, J, Cohen, Z, Perret, G, Pinon, G, Abcha, N, Bennis, AC, Ezersky, A Mouaze, D, Rivier, A, Iglesias, G, Miles, J, Rogan, C, Simmonds, D, Gross, M, Magar, V, 2014. Experimental characterisation of wave induced flow fields due to an offshore wind farm mast. RENEW2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 November 2014.

·   Rogan, C, Miles, J, Simmonds, D, Iglesias, G, 2014. The hydrodynamics of monopile foundations – Experimental measures of near bed and free stream turbulence. RENEW2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 November 2014.

·   Iglesias, G, Carballo, R, Abanades, J, Greaves, D, Wave farm layout and coastal impacts, 34th International conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Seoul, Korea, 2014 (15-20 June).

·   Perez-Collazo, C, Astariz, S, Abanades, J, Greaves, D, Iglesias, G, Co-located wave and offshore wind farms: a preliminary case study of a hybrid array, 34th International conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Seoul, Korea, 2014 (15-20 June).

·   Lopez, M, Veigas, M, Lopez, I, Astariz, S, Castro, A, Iglesias, G, Long waves and artificial neural networks, 34th International conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Seoul, Korea, 2014 (15-20 June).

·   Sanchez, M, Carballo, R, Ramos, V, Vazquez, A, Alvarez, M, Iglesias, G, Impacts of tidal stream energy exploitation on estuarine hydro-dynamics, 34th International conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE, Seoul, Korea, 2014 (15-20 June).

·   Iglesias, G, Sanchez, M, Ramos, V, Carballo, R, Greaves, D, Effects of a tidal farm on the transient and residual circulation of an estuary, 3rd Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, Oxford, UK, 2014 (7-8 April).

·   Vázquez, A, Astariz, S, Iglesias, G, A strategic policy framework for promoting the marine energy sector, 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, 2014, Porto, Portugal (14-16 April).

·   Astariz, S, Vázquez, A, Iglesias, G, Evaluation and comparison of the levelised costs of tidal, wave and offshore wind energy, 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, 2014, Porto, Portugal (14-16 April).

·   Keri Collins, Deborah Greaves, Gregorio Iglesias, Stuart Stripling, Alessandro Toffoli, The new COAST laboratory at Plymouth University: A world-class facility for marine energy, ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013: From Sea to Shore - Meeting the Challenges of the Sea, 18 - 20 September 2013 - Edinburgh, UK.

·   Magar, V., N. Abcha, A.-C. Bennis, J. Brossard, D.C. Conley, E. Ellis, A. Ezersky, D. Greaves, M.S. Gross, G. Iglesias, K. Littlewood, J. Miles1, D. Mouaze, G. Perret, G. Pinon, D. Simmonds .2013 Laboratory-Scale Environmental Impact Assessment of a Monopile Foundation under Different Wave Conditions (OFELIA). EWEA OFFSHORE 2013, Frankfurt.

·   Iglesias, G., Veigas, M., Wave farm impact and wave-WEC interaction: a sensitivity analysis, European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, EWTEC2013, Aalborg, Denmark (2-6 September).

·   Lopez, M., Iglesias, G., On the long waves disturbing ship operations in Ferrol (Spain), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-13859, 2013 (EGU General Assembly 2013).

·   Iglesias, G., Castro, A., Performance of floating oil booms in unsheltered waters, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-13944, 2013 (EGU General Assembly 2013).

·   Collins, K., Arber, P., Greaves, D., Hann, M., Iglesias, G., Simmonds, D., Stripling, S., Toffoli, A., Facilitating coastal and ocean science research in the laboratory, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-13955, 2013 (EGU General Assembly 2013).

·   Fernandez, H., Iglesias, G., Lopez, I., Schimmels, S., Wavecat® Wave Energy Converter Modelling By Means Of A Rans-Vof Numerical Model, V International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2013, Hamburg, Germany (29-31 May).

·   Perez, C., Iglesias, G., Integration of Wave Energy Converters and Offshore Windmills, ICOE 2012, Dublin, Ireland (17-19 October).

·   Castro F, Pereiras B, Rodriguez MA, Lopez I, Iglesias G, Valdez P. An Alternative Approach to Match the Turbine to the Characteristics of an OWC Wave Power Plant. Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE); Rhodes, Greece; 2012. p. 588–92.

·   Neill, S., Iglesias, G., Impact of wave energy converter (WEC) array operation on nearshore processes, ICOE 2012, Dublin, Ireland (17-19 October).

·   Neill, S, Reche, P, Davies, AG, Iglesias, G, Impact of wave energy arrays on beach processes. American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City (US).

·   Iglesias, G., Sanchez, M., Carballo, R., Ramos, V. Site optimization in tidal stream energy. Coastlab12, 2012, Ghent, Belgium (17-20 September).

·   Castro, A., Iglesias, G., Ibáñez, O., Computer Vision applied to flexible oil boom tests, Coastlab12, 2012, Ghent, Belgium (17-20 September).

·   Perez, C, Iglesias, G, Physical Modelling of an Offshore OWC Wave Energy Converter mounted on a Windmill Monopile Foundation, Coastlab12, 2012, Ghent, Belgium (17-20 September).

·   Lopez, I. Iglesias, G, Ramos, V, Carballo, R, Physical Modelling of an OWC Wave Energy Converter, Coastlab12, 2012, Ghent, Belgium (17-20 September).

·   Lopez, M, Iglesias, G, Lopez, I, Long period waves in the outer basin of Ria de Ferrol (NW Spain), Coastlab12, 2012, Ghent, Belgium (17-20 September).

·   Fernandez, H, Iglesias, G, Carballo, R, Castro, A, Sanchez, M, Taveira-Pinto, F, Optimization of the WaveCat Wave Energy Converter, International Conference of Coastal Engineering, 2012, Santander, Spain.

·   Lopez, I, Iglesias, G, Lopez, M, Castro, F, Rodriguez, MA, Turbine-chamber coupling in an OWC Wave Energy Converter, International Conference of Coastal Engineering, 2012, Santander, Spain.

·   Lopez, M, Iglesias, G, Lopez, I, Low frequency wave energy in the outer port of Ferrol (Spain), , International Conference of Coastal Engineering, 2012, Santander, Spain.

·   Pacheco, A., Ferreira, Ó., Iglesias, G. (2012). Assessment of Tidal Power Potential: application to Faro-Olhão Inlet, Southern Portugal. International Conference of Coastal Engineering 2012, Santander, Spain.

·   Castro, A., Núñez, C., Iglesias, G., Carballo, R. Teaching experiences using cooperative learning in Civil Engineering. International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2012), ISBN: 978-84-615-5563-5, Valencia, Spain (5-7 March).

·   Núñez, C., Castro, A., Iglesias, G., Carballo, R. Generic skills training in Civil Engineering. International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2012), ISBN: 978-84-615-5563-5, Valencia, Spain (5-7 March).

·   Castro, A., Núñez, C., Iglesias, G. Grupo de Innovación Docente en Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, VI Congreso Nacional de la Ingeniería Civil, Valencia, Spain, 23-24 February 2012.

·   Iglesias, G., Carballo, R. Wave Resource Characterization and WEC Selection – a Comprehensive Methodology Applied to NW Spain. 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), 2011, Southampton, UK (5-9 September).

·   Iglesias, G., Fernández, H., Carballo, R., Castro, A., Taveira Pinto, F. The WaveCat – Development of a new Wave Energy Converter. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden (8-11 May).

·   Iglesias, G., Fernández, H., Carballo, R., Castro, A., Taveira Pinto, F. El WaveCat – Desarrollo de un convertidor de energía del oleaje. XI Jornadas Españolas de Costas y Puertos, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 5-6 May 2011.

·   López, I., Iglesias, G. Modelización numérica de un convertidor de energía del oleaje OWC en un dique en Galicia. XI Jornadas Españolas de Costas y Puertos, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 5-6 May 2011.

·   Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., Castro, A., Fernández, H., Bartolomé, P. The coastal energy resource: a new assessment methodology and its application to N Spain (Poster). 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2010. Shangai, China. 2010 (29 June – 6 July).

·   Fernández, H., Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., Castro, A., Bartolomé, P. Physical and numerical modeling of the WaveCat Energy Converter. 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2010. ASCE. Shangai, China. 2010 (29 June – 6 July).

·   Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., Castro, A., Fernández, H., Bartolomé, P., I. López. Coastal wave energy assessment: a new methodology implemented in N Spain. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management, ICCCM‘10. In press. Estoril, Portugal. 2010 (11 – 17 April).

·   Carballo, R., Iglesias, G., Castro, A., Fernández, H., Bartolomé, P., I. López. A sustainable approach to tidal energy. A case study in N Spain. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management, ICCCM‘10. In press. Estoril, Portugal. 2010 (11 – 17 April).

·   Castro, A., Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., Fernández, H., Bartolomé, P., I. López. Floating oil boom efficiency against drainage failure. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management, ICCCM‘10. In press. Estoril, Portugal. 2010 (11 – 17 April).

·   Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., Castro, A. Development and design of the WaveCat wave energy converter. 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); ISBN-13 978-981-4277-36-5. Hamburgo. 2008 (31 August – 5 September).

·   Carballo, R., Iglesias, G., Castro, A. Numerical model study of the tidal energy potential in the Ría de Muros (NW Spain). 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); ISBN-13 978-981-4277-36-5. Hamburg. 2008 (31 August – 5 September).

·   Castro, A., Iglesias, G., J.A. Fraguela, Carballo, R. Numerical analysis of floating oil boom performance in open waters. 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); ISBN-13 978-981-4277-36-5. Hamburg. 2008 (31 August – 5 September).

·   das Neves, L., Lopes, M. L., Veloso Gomes, F., Taveira Pinto, F., Iglesias, G., Garcia, S. Model Tests on Geocontainers for Shore Protections. Coastal Structures‘07. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); ISBN 88-8940-505-8. Venice, 2007 (2 – 4 July).

·   Castro, A., Iglesias, G., J.A. Fraguela, Carral, L., Carballo, R., Bellón, P. Modelización numérica de una barrera flotante de contención de hidrocarburos. IX Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. AZTI-Tecnalia, pp. 49-54. San Sebastián. 2007 (29 – 30 May).

·   Ibáñez, O., Iglesias, G., Castro, A., J. Rabuñal, J. Dorado, Carballo, R., F. Taveira-Pinto. An artificial vision system for the analysis of oil boom performance. Int. Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM2010). ISBN 978-9973-61-680-7. Hammamet (Túnez). 2007 (22 – 26 March).

·   Castro, A., Iglesias, G., Fraguela, J.A., J.M. Sabín, Carballo, R., J. Rabuñal, F. Taveira-Pinto. Numerical model of a floating oil boom. 2nd Int. Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. ISBN 978-9973-61-680-7. Hammamet (Túnez). 2007 (22 – 26 March).

·   Ibáñez, O., Castro, A., Iglesias, G., F. Taveira-Pinto, J. Rabuñal, J. Dorado, Carballo, R. Analysis of wave reflection at submerged breakwaters with a genetic fuzzy system. 2nd Int. Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. ISBN 978-9973-61-680-7. Hammamet (Túnez). 2007 (22 – 26 March).

·   Carballo, R., Iglesias, G., Castro, A., de Blas, A., Suárez, A., Cremades, J. Numerical model of the Ria de Muros (NW Spain). 2nd Int. Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. ISBN 978-9973-61-680-7. Hammamet (Túnez). 2007 (22 – 26 March). 

·   Carballo, R., Cancela, J.J., Cuesta, T., Iglesias, G., Martínez, E. M., Neira, X. Definición del estado ecológico de una pequeña cuenca agrícola del noroeste de España bajo la Directiva Marco del Agua. IV Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería. ISBN 978-84-690-7894-5. Albacete. 2007 (3 – 5 September). 

·   Carballo, R., J. J. Cancela, Cuesta, T., Iglesias, G., X. Neira. Gestión integral del agua en una pequeña cuenca agraria: la depuración de aguas en pequeños núcleos rurales. XI International Congress on Project Engineering. AEIPRO. ISBN: 978-84-690-8134-1. Lugo. 2007 (26 – 28 September). 

·   O. Ibánez, J. Rabuñal, J. Dorado, A. Pazos, Castro, A., Iglesias, G. Artificial Vision System for measuring waves level in a wave tank with a real time approach. 2nd WSEAS Int. Conference on Remote Sensing. WSEAS. ISBN: 960-8457-57-2. Tenerife, 2006 (16 – 18 December). 

·   Iglesias, G., Fraguela, J.A., Castro, A., Carballo, R., Taveira Pinto, F. & Cuesta, T. Oceanic Oil Spill Boom – Design and Laboratory Tests. Coastlab06. IAHR; ISBN-10: 90-78046-04-X. Oporto, Portugal. 2006 (8 – 10 May). 

·   Taveira Pinto, F., Carballo, R., Castro, A., Iglesias, G. Neural Network Analysis of Wave Reflection at Submerged Breakwaters. Coastlab06. IAHR; ISBN-10: 90-78046-04-X. ISBN 972-752-075-8. Oporto, Portugal. 2006 (8 – 10 May). 

·   Das Neves, L., Lopes, M.L., Veloso Gomes, F., Taveira Pinto, F. & Iglesias, G. The GeoWave Project: Experimental Stability Analysis of Geocontainers under Wave Loading. Coastlab06. IAHR; ISBN-10: 90-78046-04-X. Oporto, Portugal. 2006 (8 – 10 May). 

·   Iglesias, G., Fraguela, J.A., Rodríguez, J., Carral, L., García, A. Diseño y Experimentación en Modelo Físico de una Barrera Oceánica de Contención de Hidrocarburos . VIII Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. LIM/Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Sitges (Barcelona). 2005 (17 – 18 May). 

·   Benedicto, I., Iglesias, G., Ramos, M. V., Pato, S, Losada, M. A. , Arévalo, I. R. Reflexión del oleaje en diques en talud: consideraciones en su dimensionamiento. VIII Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. LIM/Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Sitges (Barcelona). 2005 (17 – 18 May). 

·   Iglesias, G., G. Diz-Lois & F. Taveira. Neural Network Analysis of Bayed Beaches. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management, ICCCM’05. Instituto de Hidraulica e dos Recursos Hidricos (IHRH), Univ. do Porto; ISBN: 972-752-076-6, pp. 275-284. Tavira. 2005 (17 – 20 April). 

·   Muiño Fafián, D.; Cuesta García, T. S.; Iglesias, G.; Neira Seijo, X. X. Alternativas en la depuración de aguas residuales en pequeños núcleos rurales: el caso de la comunidad autónoma de Galicia. IX Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos. Universidad de Málaga. ISBN: 84-89791-08-2. Málaga. 2005. 

·   Iglesias, G., J. Flores, A. Corrons, M. A. Losada, M. I. Benedicto. General Conditions for Stability Mound Breakwater Tests. Coastal Structures ’03, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). ISBN 0-7844-0733-9. Portland, EEUU. 2003. 

·   Negro, V., O. Varela, J. Díez & Iglesias, G. Crown Wall Parapet Failure after a Strong Wave Storm, Alboran Isle, Mediterranean Sea. Coastal Structures ’03, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). ISBN 0-7844-0733-9. Portland, USA. 2003. 

·   Iglesias, G., Negro, V., Planform models for bayed beaches: the influence of breakwaters and stream discharges. Breakwaters, coastal structures and coastlines. N. W. H. Allsop (Ed.) Thomas Telford Ltd., London, 2003, pp. 337-346.

·   Iglesias, G., Estrada, J., Valladares, M., M. Clavero, M. A. Losada y A. Bayo. Modelo hidráulico del desarrollo del Muelle de Poniente del Puerto de Almería (1ª Fase). VII Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. Fundación para el Fomento de la Ingeniería del Agua. Almería, Spain (In Spanish) 2003. 

·   Iglesias, G., Martínez, J., C. López. A Planform Model for Bayed Beaches Shaped by Multiple Diffraction. Littoral 2002, The Changing Coast. Eurocoast/EUCC. ISBN: 972-8558-09-0. Oporto (Portugal). 2002. 

·   C. López, Iglesias, G., A. Navarro. Dredging Works Preserving and Enhancing Environmental Values at the Port of Avilés. Littoral 2002, The Changing Coast. Eurocoast/EUCC. ISBN: 972-8558-09-0. Oporto (Portugal). 2002 (22 – 26 September). 

·   Iglesias, G. The Error Index for Beach Planform Models. “Restoring the Beach: Science, Policy and Funding”. California Shore and Beach Preservation Association (CSBPA) / Univ. of California at San Diego . San Diego (EEUU). 2001 (8 – 10 November). 

·   Iglesias, G., Negro, V., J. S. López, Sánchez-Toscano, A. y Chao, M.. Comparación entre modelos de forma en planta. El índice de discrepancia. VI Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas. IMEDEA, Univ. de les Illes Balears y CSIC. Palma de Mallorca. 2001 (17 – 18 May). 

·   Chao, M., Sánchez-Toscano, A., Iglesias, G. Modelos de gestión-financiación en el nuevo milenio. La diversificación de actividades como medio de financiación del desarrollo portuario. La experiencia del Puerto de A Coruña. VI Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas. IMEDEA, Univ. de les Illes Balears y CSIC. Palma de Mallorca. 2001 (17 – 18 May). 

·   Sánchez-Toscano, A., Chao, M., Iglesias, G. Modernización en la gestión de puertos pesqueros: aplicación a las instalaciones y a la nueva lonja del Puerto de A Coruña. VI Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas. IMEDEA, Univ. de les Illes Balears y CSIC. Palma de Mallorca. 2001 (17 – 18 May). 

·   Martínez, J., Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G. Prof. Iribarren’s Contributions to Coastal Engineering . 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2000) . American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Sidney (Australia). 2000 (16 – 21 July). 

·   Iglesias, G., Acinas, J.R., Gómez, J.. Caracterización físico-matemática de la difracción. V Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas. Área de Puertos y Costas, ETS Ing. Caminos, Canales y Puertos de A Coruña. La Coruña. AÑO:1999 (22 – 23 September). 

·   Gómez, J., Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G. Proyecto de mejora de la fachada al mar de La Coruña. Solución a la rotura del paseo marítimo Orzán-Riazor. V Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas. Área de Puertos y Costas, ETS Ing. Caminos, Canales y Puertos de A Coruña. La Coruña. 1999 (22 – 23 September). 

·   Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G. El transporte Galicia-Europa. El puerto exterior como solución. V Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Puertos y Costas. Área de Puertos y Costas, ETS Ing. Caminos, Canales y Puertos de A Coruña. La Coruña. 1999 (22 – 23 September). 

·   C. A. Figueroa, Colominas, I., Iglesias, G., Navarrina, F., Casteleiro, M.. Aplicación de una formulación numérica de elementos finitos para el estudio de problemas de transporte convectivo en zonas portuarias. IV Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería. Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería. Sevilla. 1999 (7 – 10 June). 

·   Iglesias, G., Acinas, J.R.. A new approach to refraction-diffraction modeling. Hydroinformatics‘98. Danish Hydraulic Institute & International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR). ISBN: 978-9054109858. Copenhague (Dinamarca). 1998 (24 – 26 August). 

·   Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G. A coupled extreme wave prediction model from meteorological data . III International Conference on Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions, Coastal‘97. Univ. de A Coruña & Wessex Institute of Technology. ISBN: 1853124990. La Coruña. 1997 (11 – 13 June). 

·   Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G. Modelo de propagación en el sistema rayo-frente . IV Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. Grupo de Oceanografía Física. Univ. de Cádiz. ISBN: 84-7721-573-1. Cádiz. 1997 (13 – 14 May). 

·   Iglesias, G., Acinas, J.R.. Revisión histórica de los modelos utilizados en la descripción y previsión del oleaje. IV Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. Grupo de Oceanografía Física. Univ. de Cádiz. ISBN: 84-7721-573-1. Cádiz. 1997 (13 – 14 May). 

·   Chao, M., Acinas, J.R. , Iglesias, G. El puerto y la ciudad, un proyecto permanente. El caso de La Coruña. IV Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos. Grupo de Oceanografía Física. Univ. de Cádiz. ISBN: 84-7721-573-1. Cádiz. 1997 (13 – 14 May). 

·   Iglesias, G., Acinas, J.R.. El medio litoral: ordenación contra degradación. III Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente. Colegio Oficial de Físicos. Madrid. 1996 (25 – 29 November). 

·   Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G. Variación del nivel medio del mar y cambio climático. ¿Se detecta una elevación del nivel medio del mar en las costas españolas? III Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente. Colegio Oficial de Físicos. Madrid. 1996 (25 – 29 November). 

·   Acinas, J.R., Iglesias, G. Muelles de hierro del siglo XIX. El muelle embarcadero de hierro del puerto de La Coruña. I Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción. Instituto Juan de Herrera y Centro de Estudios Históricos de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo (CEHOPU) ISBN: 8477902526 ISBN-13: 9788477902522. Madrid. 1996 (19 – 21 September).