Miss Georgina Freer-Carmichael

Miss Georgina Freer-Carmichael

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)



DEFRA funded PhD student in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, researching the habitat change caused by implementation of Natural Flood management interventions across Devon.
Dr Catherine Gutmann Roberts 


BSc Marine Biology 2017-2020 University of Liverpool
MSc Environmental Consultancy 2021-2022 University of Plymouth
PhD in Environmental Science 2023-2026 University of Plymouth, Funded by the Devon Resilience innovation project (DRIP) https://www.devon.gov.uk/floodriskmanagement/flood-and-coastal-resilience-innovation-programme-fcrip/ 
Title: Assessing the environmental co-benefits of Natural Flood Management interventions 


Research interests

My research focusses on the intersection of anthropogenic requirements and environmental wellbeing. I am particularly interested in river ecology relating to survivability of Salmonid species primarily in breeding and juvenile phases. 
Other research interests include, Carbon accumulation in rewetted flood plains and the impact of tree cover, vegetation change due to rewetting and soil movement due to Natural flood management interventions/ farm management changes. 
My research is conducted by combining field collection and lab analysis.