Ms Debra Westlake

Ms Debra Westlake

Honorary University Fellow

Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)



Research Fellow, NIHR SW Peninsula Applied Research Collaboration (PenARC) 


Qualifications: BA (Hons) Speech Pathology and Therapy, Manchester, UK ; MA (Latin American Studies) Chicago, USA.

I am primarily a qualitative researcher, with a specific interest in ethnography and its application to mixed methods studies.I work in applied health service research that seeks to involve patients and practitioners in research design, make research findings accessible to them and inform practice. 

I joined Plymouth University in May, 2014 to work on the ethnographic component of the Avoidable Acute Admissions Study. While with PenARC I have worked on the Person Centred and Coordinated Care (P3C) stream of work as well as other projects. I carried out an evaluation of Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) across the South West and supported NHS England in analysing the progress of IPC nationally . I synthesised the qualitiative findings from the P3C evaluations and involved patients and practitioners in developing theory about engagement with person-centred ways of working with people with multiple long-term conditions (Lloyd et al., 2017). I am also involved in developing a bid for funding on a co-produced community assets based intervention for refugees.

Before coming to Plymouth, I worked for the Department of General Practice, University of Liverpool, on a qualitative study of GP attitudes to completing benefit claim forms, and for the Health and Community Care Research Unit (HaCCRU) at the University of Liverpool, on a mixed methods project that examined the impact of health policy on family management of health. I was also employed by The Children’s Society to design and carry out a study of community child health needs, commissioned by purchasers and providers of local health services. 

I initially qualified as a Speech and Language therapist, working in the health, education and voluntary sectors. I am the co-founder of a project in Peru and a UK registered charity (Westnell UK in partnership with Sembrando Juntos, Peru ) that provides preschool education and community development for families in shanty towns of Lima. Working internationally has allowed me to learn about the joys and challenges of applying practice across cultures and sensitised me to local variation in implementation. My understanding of the role of the community in informing health and parenting practices in families has been key to this work.

Key publications

Rance S, Westlake D, Brant H, Holme I, Endacott R, Pinkney J & Byng R (2020) 'Admission Decision-Making in Hospital Emergency Departments: The Role of the Accompanying Person' Global Qualitative Nursing Research 7, 233339362093002-233339362093002 , DOI Open access
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Research interests

Qualitative methods, ethnography, child and family health, emergency care, international community development



Key publications

Rance S, Westlake D, Brant H, Holme I, Endacott R, Pinkney J & Byng R (2020) 'Admission Decision-Making in Hospital Emergency Departments: The Role of the Accompanying Person' Global Qualitative Nursing Research 7, 233339362093002-233339362093002 , DOI Open access

Key publications are highlighted

Tierney S, Westlake D, Wong G, Markham S, Turk A, Gorenberg J & Mahtani K (2023) 'Fitting in or belonging: emerging findings from a realist evaluation of social prescribing link workers in primary care' British Journal of General Practice 73, (suppl 1) bjgp23X733521-bjgp23X733521 Publisher Site , DOI
Westlake D, Tierney S, Wong G & Mahtani KR (2023) 'Social prescribing in the NHS—is it too soon to judge its value?' BMJ p699-p699 Publisher Site , DOI
Westlake D, Elston J, Gude A, Gradinger F, Husk K & Asthana S (2022) 'Impact of COVID‐19 on social prescribing across an Integrated Care System: A Researcher in Residence study' Health and Social Care in the Community , DOI Open access
Westlake D & Lloyd H (2021) 'Terms of Engagement for Working with Patients in a Person-Centred Partnership: A Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data' Health and Social Care in the Community , DOI Open access
Rance S, Westlake D, Brant H, Holme I, Endacott R, Pinkney J & Byng R (2020) 'Admission Decision-Making in Hospital Emergency Departments: The Role of the Accompanying Person' Global Qualitative Nursing Research 7, 233339362093002-233339362093002 , DOI Open access
Lloyd H, Pearson M, Sheaff WR, Asthana S, Wheat H, Sugavanam T, Britten N, Valderas J, Bainbridge M & Witts L (2017) 'Collaborative action for person-centred coordinated care (P3C): an approach to support the development of a comprehensive system-wide solution to fragmented care' Health Research Policy and Systems , DOI Open access
Pinkney J, Rance S, Benger J, Brant H, Joel-Edgar S, Swancutt D, Westlake D, Pearson M, Thomas D & Holme I (2016) 'How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions? A mixed-methods study of four acute hospitals' Health Services Delivery Research 4, (3) 1-1 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hiscock J, Byrne P, Peters S, Westlake D & Gabbay M (2009) 'Complexity in simple tasks: a qualitative analysis of GPs’ completion of long-term incapacity forms' Primary Health Care Research & Development 10, (03) 254-254 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hiscock J, Hodgson P, Peters S, Westlake D & Gabbay M (2005) 'UK general practitioner behaviour and attitudes in the provision of medical evidence for long-term sickness benefit' EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 15, 137-137 Open access
Westlake D & Pearson M (1997) 'Child protection and health promotion: Whose responsibility?' Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 19, (2) 139-158 , DOI Open access