Dr Davide Vadacchino

Dr Davide Vadacchino

Lecturer in Applied Mathematics/Theoretical Physics

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)



Lecturer in Theoretical PhysicsPrior appointments:
2020 - 2022: Simons Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin
2018 - 2020: Assegnista di Ricerca, INFN - Sezione di Pisa
2017 - 2017: Research Software Engineer, Accademy of Advanced Computing - Swansea
2016 - 2017: Postodoctoral Research Officer, University of Swansea - Physics department


  • 2016: PhD degree in Theoretical Physics from Università degli Studi di Torino. 
    Advisor: Prof. Michele Caselle.
    Thesis: "Confinement in the U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in D=2+1 dimensions".
  • 2012: M. Sc. in Theoretical Physics from Università degli Studi di Torino. 
    Advisor: Michele Caselle.
    Thesis: "A Numerical Study of confinement in lattice QED". 110/110 Magna cum Laude
  • 2008: B. Sc. in Physics from Università degli Studi di Torino. 
    Advisor: Prof. S. Sciuto.
    Thesis: "Bell Inequalities in Quantum Mechanics" 110/110.

Professional membership

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Teaching interests

Current Courses:
  • MATH1610 - Numerical and Computational Analysis
  • MATH3701 - Partial Differential Equations
  • MATH3708 - Modelling and Numerical Simulations
  • MATH3712 - Mathematics of Planet Earth
  • PHYS050 - Physics 1 for Foundation Year in Engineering
Past Courses:
  • 2021 - Lattice Field Theory --- M. Sc. in Quantum Fields, Strings and Gravity, Trinity College Dublin


Research interests

Non-perturbative aspects of Quantum Field Theory: Glueballs, the confinement problem, HPC for simulations in particle physics
Statistical learning theory for statistical mechanics and particle physics

Grants & contracts

STFC Consolidator Grant ST/X000680/1 "Lattice investigations of strongly Interacting theories in the Standard Model and beyond"


Key publications

Key publications are highlighted

  • Ed Bennett et al. - Glueballs and strings in Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories
    Phys. Rev. D103.5 (2021), p. 054509.
    doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.103.054509. arXiv:2010.15781[hep-lat].
  • Ed Bennett et al. - Sp(4) gauge theories on the lattice: quenched fundamental and antisymmetric fermions in
    Phys. Rev. D101.7 (2020), p. 074516. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.101.074516. arXiv:1912.06505[hep-lat].
  • Ed Bennett et al. Color dependence of tensor and scalar glueball masses in Yang-Mills theories.
    Phys. Rev. D102.1 (2020), p. 011501.doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.102.011501. arXiv:2004.11063[hep-lat].
  • Giuseppe Clemente et al. Quantum computation of thermal averages in the presence of a sign problem.
    Phys. Rev. D101.7 (2020), p. 074510.doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.101.074510. arXiv:2001.05328[hep-lat].
  • Ed Bennett et al. Sp(4) gauge theories on the lattice: Nf=2 dynamical fundamental fermions
    JHEP12 (2019), p. 053.doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2019)053. arXiv:1909.12662 [hep-lat].
  • Caselle, Michele and Nada, Alessandro and Panero, Marco and Vadacchino, Davide. Conformal field theory and the hot phase of three-dimensional U(1) gauge theory
    JHEP05 (2019), p. 068.doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2019)068. arXiv:1903.00491 [cond-mat.str-el].
  • Giannetti, Cinzia and Lucini, Biagio and Vadacchino, Davide. Machine Learning as a universal tool for quantitative investigations of phase transitions
    Nucl. Phys.B944 (2019), p. 114639.doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2019.114639. arXiv:1812.06726
  • Armoni, Adi and Ireson, Edwin and Vadacchino, Davide. Equivalence of Meson Scattering Amplitudesin Strong Coupling Lattice and Flat Space String Theoryin:Nucl. Phys.B928 (2018), pp. 72–92.doi:10 . 1016 / j . nuclphysb . 2018 . 01 . 002. arXiv:1708.05309 [hep-lat].
  • Bennett, Ed and Hong, Deog Ki and Lee, Jong-Wan and Lin, C. -J. David and Lucini, Biagio and Piai,Maurizio and Vadacchino, Davide. Sp(4) gauge theory on the lattice: towards SU(4)/Sp(4) composite Higgs (and beyond)
    JHEP03 (2018), p. 185.doi:10.1007/JHEP03(2018)185. arXiv:1712.04220 [hep-lat].
  • Hong, Deog Ki and Lee, Jong-Wan and Lucini, Biagio and Piai, Maurizio and Vadacchino, Davide. Casimir scaling and Yang–Mills glueballs. 2017.doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2017.10.050. arXiv:1705.00286 [hep-th].
  • Caselle, Michele and Panero, Marco and Vadacchino, Davide. Width of the flux tube in compact U(1) gauge theory in three dimensionsin:JHEP02 (2016), p. 180.doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2016)180. arXiv:1601.07455 [hep-lat].
  • Caselle, Michele, and Panero, Marco and Pellegrini, Roberto and Vadacchino, Davide. A different kindof string
    JHEP01 (2015), p. 105.doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2015)105. arXiv:1406.5127 [hep-lat]

Bonanno C, Bonati C, Papace M & Vadacchino D (2024) 'The θ-dependence of the Yang-Mills spectrum from analytic continuation' Journal of High Energy Physics 2024, (5) Publisher Site , DOI
Bonanno C, Nada A & Vadacchino D (2024) 'Mitigating topological freezing using out-of-equilibrium simulations' Journal of High Energy Physics 2024, (4) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Boyle PA, Del Debbio L, Forzano N, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lenz J, Lin C-JD, Lucini B & Lupo A (2023) 'Symplectic lattice gauge theories in the grid framework: Approaching the conformal window' Physical Review D 108, (9) , DOI Open access
Lucini B, Mason D, Piai M, Rinaldi E & Vadacchino D (2023) 'First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method' Physical Review D 108, (7) , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Holligan J, Hong DK, Hsiao H, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Mesiti M, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2023) 'Sp(2N) Lattice Gauge Theories and Extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics' Universe 9, (5) , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories on the lattice: Scale setting and topology' Physical Review D 106, (9) , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Color dependence of the topological susceptibility in Yang-Mills theories' Physics Letters B 835, , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Hong DK, Hsiao H, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Mesiti M, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Lattice studies of the Sp(4) gauge theory with two fundamental and three antisymmetric Dirac fermions' Physical Review D 106, (1) , DOI Open access
Bonanno C, D'Elia M, Lucini B & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Towards glueball masses of large-N SU(N) pure-gauge theories without topological freezing' Physics Letters B 833, , DOI Open access
Lee J-W, Bennett E, Hong DK, Hsiao H, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Composite dynamics in Sp(2<i>N</i>) gauge theories' EPJ Web of Conferences 274, , DOI Open access
Lucini B, Bennett E, Holligan J, Hong DK, Hsiao H, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Mesiti M, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Sp(4) gauge theories and beyond the standard model physics' EPJ Web of Conferences 258, 08003-08003 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Holligan J, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2021) 'Glueballs and strings in Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories' Physical Review D 103, (5) , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Holligan J, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2020) 'Color dependence of tensor and scalar glueball masses in Yang-Mills theories' Physical Review D 102, (1) , DOI Open access
Clemente G, Cardinali M, Bonati C, Calore E, Cosmai L, D’Elia M, Gabbana A, Rossini D, Schifano FS & Tripiccione R (2020) 'Quantum computation of thermal averages in the presence of a sign problem' Physical Review D 101, (7) Publisher Site , DOI
Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Mesiti M, Piai M, Rantaharju J & Vadacchino D (2020) 'Sp(4) gauge theories on the lattice: Quenched fundamental and antisymmetric fermions' Physical Review D 101, (7) , DOI Open access
Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2019) 'Sp (4) gauge theories on the lattice: Nf = 2 dynamical fundamental fermions' Journal of High Energy Physics 2019, (12) Publisher Site , DOI
Giannetti C, Lucini B & Vadacchino D (2019) 'Machine Learning as a universal tool for quantitative investigations of phase transitions' Nuclear Physics B 944, 114639-114639 Publisher Site , DOI
Caselle M, Nada A, Panero M & Vadacchino D (2019) 'Conformal field theory and the hot phase of three-dimensional U(1) gauge theory' Journal of High Energy Physics 2019, (5) Publisher Site , DOI
Armoni A, Ireson E & Vadacchino D (2018) 'Equivalence of meson scattering amplitudes in strong coupling lattice and flat space string theory' Nuclear Physics B 928, 72-92 Publisher Site , DOI
Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2018) 'Sp(4) gauge theory on the lattice: towards SU(4)/Sp(4) composite Higgs (and beyond)' Journal of High Energy Physics 2018, (3) Publisher Site , DOI
Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2017) 'Casimir scaling and Yang–Mills glueballs' Physics Letters B 775, 89-93 Publisher Site , DOI
Caselle M, Panero M & Vadacchino D (2016) 'Width of the flux tube in compact U(1) gauge theory in three dimensions' Journal of High Energy Physics 2016, (2) Publisher Site , DOI
Caselle M, Panero M, Pellegrini R & Vadacchino D (2015) 'A different kind of string' Journal of High Energy Physics 2015, (1) Publisher Site , DOI
Conference Papers
  • Jack Holligan et al. Sp(2N)Yang-Mills towards large-N
    PoSLATTICE2019 (2019), p. 177.doi:10.22323/1.363.0177. arXiv:1912.09788 [hep-lat].
  • Jong-Wan Lee et al. Meson spectrum of Sp(4) lattice gauge theory with two fundamental Dirac fermions
    PoSLATTICE2019 (2019), p. 054.doi:10.22323/1.363.0054. arXiv:1911.00437 [hep-lat].
  • Bennett, Ed and Hong, Deog Ki and Lee, Jong-Wan and Lin, C. -J. David and Lucini, Biagio and Piai,Maurizio and Vadacchino, Davide. Higgs compositeness in Sp(2N) gauge theories – Determining the low-energy constants with lattice calculationsin
    EPJ Web Conf.175 (2018), p. 08011.doi:10.1051/epjconf/201817508011. arXiv:1710.06941[hep-lat].
  • Bennett, Ed and Hong, Deog Ki and Lee, Jong-Wan and Lin, C. -J. David and Lucini, Biagio and Piai,Maurizio and Vadacchino, Davide. Higgs compositeness in Sp(2N) gauge theories — Resymplecticisation, scale setting and topology
    EPJ Web Conf.175 (2018), p. 08012.doi:10.1051/epjconf/201817508012. arXiv:1710.06715[hep-lat].
  • Bennett, Ed and Hong, Deog Ki and Lee, Jong-Wan and Lin, C. -J. David and Lucini, Biagio and Piai,Maurizio and Vadacchino, Davide. Higgs compositeness in Sp(2N) gauge theories — The pure gaugemodel
    EPJ Web Conf.175 (2018), p. 08013.doi:10.1051/epjconf/201817508013. arXiv:1710.07043[hep-lat].
  • Lee, Jong-Wan and Bennett, Ed and Hong, Deog Ki and Lin, C. J. David and Lucini, Biagio and Piai,Maurizio and Vadacchino, Davide. Progress in the lattice simulations of Sp(2N) gauge theories
    PoSLATTICE2018 (2018), p. 192.doi:10.22323/1.334.0192. arXiv:1811.00276 [hep-lat].
  • Pellegrini, Roberto and Lucini, Biagio and Rago, Antonio and Vadacchino, Davide. Computing the density of states with the global Hybrid Monte Carlo
    PoSLATTICE2016 (2017), p. 276.doi:10.22323/1.256.0276.
  • Caselle, Michele and Panero, Marco and Vadacchino, Davide. Squared width and profile of the confining flux tube in the U(1) LGT in 3D
    [PoSLattice2016,347(2017)]. arXiv:1610.08315 [hep-lat].
  • Caselle, Michele and Vadacchino, Davide and Panero, Marco and Pellegrini, Roberto. On the rigid string contribution to the interquark potentialin:PoSLATTICE2014 (2014), p. 348.doi:10.22323/1.214.0348. arXiv:1410.7433 [hep-lat].
  • Vadacchino, Davide and Caselle, Michele and Panero, Marco and Pellegrini, Roberto. Effective string description of the interquark potential in the 3D U(1) lattice gauge theory
    PoSLATTICE2014 (2014), p. 349.doi:10.22323/1.214.0349. arXiv:1410.7436 [hep-lat].
  • Vadacchino, Davide and Caselle, Michele and Pellegrini, Roberto and Panero, Marco. Fine structure of the confining string in an analytically solvable 3D model
    PoSLATTICE2013 (2014), p. 373.doi:10.22323/1.187.0373. arXiv:1311.4071 [hep-lat]

Hsiao H, Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2023) 'Chimera baryon spectrum in the Sp(4) completion of composite Higgs models' The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/2023Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Forzano N, Bennett E, Boyle P, Lee J-W, Lenz J, Lucini B, Lupo A, Piai M, Vadacchino D & Del Debbio L (2023) 'Lattice studies of Sp(2N) gauge theories using GRID' The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/2023Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Nada A, Bonanno C & Vadacchino D (2023) 'Out-of-equilibrium simulations to fight topological freezing' The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/2023Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Mason D, Lucini B, Piai M, Rinaldi E & Vadacchino D (2023) 'The deconfinement phase transition in $Sp(2N)$ gauge theories and the density of states method' The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/2023Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hsiao H, Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2023) 'Spectroscopy of chimera baryons in a Sp(4) lattice gauge theory' The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/20228-/-0/2022Sissa Medialab , DOI Open access
Mason D, Lucini B, Piai M, Rinaldi E & Vadacchino D (2022) 'The density of state method for first-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories' The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/20228-/-0/2022Sissa Medialab , DOI Open access
Vadacchino D, Bennett E, Lin C-JD, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lucini B & Piai M (2022) 'Topological susceptibility, scale setting and universality from $Sp(N_c)$ gauge theories' The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/20228-/-0/2022Sissa Medialab , DOI Open access
Lee J-W, Bennett E, Hong DK, Hsiao H, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Spectroscopy of $Sp(4)$ lattice gauge theory with $n_f=3$ antisymmetric fermions' The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/20228-/-0/2022Sissa Medialab , DOI Open access
Bonanno C, D'Elia M, Lucini B & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Towards glueball masses of large-$N$ $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ Yang-Mills theories without topological freezing via parallel tempering on boundary conditions' The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 8-/-0/2022Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Lee J-W, Bennett E, Holligan J, Hong DK, Hsiao H, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Mesiti M, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2022) 'Progress in $Sp(2N)$ lattice gauge theories' The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 7-/-0/2021Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI
Mason D, Lucini B, Piai M, Rinaldi E & Vadacchino D (2022) 'The density of states method in Yang-Mills theories and first order phase transitions' 8-/-0/20228-/-0/2022EDP Sciences 08007-08007 , DOI Open access
Holligan J, Bennett E, Hong DK, Lee J-W, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2020) 'Sp(2N) Yang-Mills towards large N' 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 6-/-0/2019Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI
Lee J-W, Bennett E, Hong DK, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2019) 'Meson spectrum of Sp(4) lattice gauge theory with two fundamental Dirac fermions' 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 6-/-0/2019Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI
Lee J-W, Bennett E, Hong DK, Lin C-JD, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2019) 'Progress in the lattice simulations of Sp(2N) gauge theories' The 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 7-/-0/2018Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI
Bennett E, Ki Hong D, Lee J-W, David Lin C-J, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2018) 'Higgs compositeness in Sp(2N) gauge theories – Determining the low-energy constants with lattice calculations' in Della Morte M; Fritzsch P; Gámiz Sánchez E; Pena Ruano C EDP Sciences 08011-08011 Publisher Site , DOI
Bennett E, Ki Hong D, Lee J-W, David Lin C-J, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2018) 'Higgs compositeness in Sp(2N) gauge theories — Resymplecticisation, scale setting and topology' in Della Morte M; Fritzsch P; Gámiz Sánchez E; Pena Ruano C EDP Sciences 08012-08012 Publisher Site , DOI
Bennett E, Ki Hong D, Lee J-W, David Lin C-J, Lucini B, Piai M & Vadacchino D (2018) 'Higgs compositeness in Sp(2N) gauge theories — The pure gauge model' in Della Morte M; Fritzsch P; Gámiz Sánchez E; Pena Ruano C EDP Sciences 08013-08013 Publisher Site , DOI
Vadacchino D, Caselle M & Panero M (2017) 'Squared width and profile of the confining flux tube in the U(1) LGT in 3D' 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 7-/-0/2016Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI
Pellegrini R, Lucini B, Rago A & Vadacchino D (2017) 'Computing the density of states with the global Hybrid Monte Carlo' 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 7-/-0/2016Sissa Medialab , DOI Open access
Vadacchino D, Caselle M, Panero M & Pellegrini R (2015) 'Effective string description of the interquark potential in the 3D U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory' The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 6-/-0/2014Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI
Caselle M, Panero M, Pellegrini R & Vadacchino D (2015) 'On the rigid string contribution to the interquark potential' The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 6-/-0/2014Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI
Vadacchino D, Caselle M, Pellegrini R & Panero M (2014) 'Fine structure of the confining string in an analytically solvable 3D model' 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory LATTICE 2013 7-/-0/2013Sissa Medialab Publisher Site , DOI


Reports & invited lectures

  • 2021 - Lattice QCD: a primer of methods and results - Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze
    In the series ``Theory Lectures by Young Researchers''

Conferences organised

Organizing Committee:
  • 2020: Mini-Workshop on Glueball hunting, https://indico.cern.ch/event/1035153/
  • 2020: EuroPLEx progress Workshop 2020, https://indico.cern.ch/event/965890/

Other academic activities

Referee for Physics Letters B