David McMullan

Academic profile

Professor David McMullan

Professor in Theoretical Physics
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)

About David

I have had various jobs while at the University of Plymouth but, after several years in management roles, I am currently enjoying my research in quantum field theory and my teaching on a variety of undergraduate courses.


I have a wide experience of teaching Mathematics and its applications. Previously I have taught at the University of Utah, the University of Glasgow, the University of Warwick and in Ireland while based at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.

My current teaching in Plymouth is on two first year modules on our mathematics degrees: Mathematical Reasoning and also Calculus and Analysis. Some of this involves using Python. I also teach mechanics to engineering students.

I really enjoy supporting students in their final year projects, and currently I have students working on topics such elliptic curves and encryption, quantum computing and quantum entanglement.

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