Antony Robotham

Academic profile

Dr Antony Robotham

Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering)

The Global Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. Antony's work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

Goal 04: SDG 4 - Quality EducationGoal 07: SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 08: SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 09: SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

About Antony

Apr 2015–present
University of Plymouth, UK
Associate Professor: Mechanical Engineering
Since arriving at Plymouth, I have primarily taught Engineering Design at all levels. Developed the MSc Advanced Engineering Design (currently MSc Mechanical Engineering Design). My roles have included Associate Head (Teaching & Learning) and Deputy Head of School in the former School of Engineering. Latterly, I have been Project Lead for the new Babbage facilities overseeing the development of the specialist laboratories and managing an £11m budget for the procurement of new equipment on behalf of the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics. Currently, I am engaged on the STRIDE project that provides product development support to SMEs in Cornwall.

Nov 2012–Feb 2015
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Senior Lecturer: Engineering Design
Teaching and research in Engineering Design and Virtual Engineering technologies. Engineers Without Borders. 
Feb 2010–Oct 2012
University of Liverpool, UK
Executive Director: Virtual Engineering Centre
Leadership of the Virtual Engineering Centre accountable to the University and Partners: Airbus (UK), BAE Systems, Morson Projects, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, and Northwest Aerospace Alliance. The aim of the VEC was to demonstrate to SMEs virtual engineering practice across the product lifecycle using integrated, interactive simulation and modelling software. Industrial sectors included aerospace, automotive, defence and nuclear. Manage quality of the Technical Team/Work Package outputs. Facilitate a strong culture of research excellence, knowledge exchange and collaborative engineering.
Sep 2000–Jan 2010
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Associate Dean: School of Engineering and the Built Environment
Management of postgraduate taught and research programmes, knowledge transfer projects, and business support activities across the School of Engineering and the Built Environment. Project development, bidding for funding, and project leadership enabling external income streams of >£4m per annum through a range of School-wide activities. Health & Safety.

Director: Innovative Product Development Centre
Strategic leadership and management of a university-based R&D centre providing product design and development services to engineering businesses using state-of-the art CAD, CNC, and rapid manufacturing technologies (e.g. direct metal laser sintering). Recruitment and line management of concurrent engineering delivery teams. Budget control & management of >£5m of RDA/ERDF revenue & capital income, delivery of outputs, and collation of results. Liaison with external partners, suppliers and funding bodies. Projects: Innovation Direct, West Midlands Technology Network, Polymer Cluster, Advanced Engineering Cluster, Process Innovation for Rapid Product Development, and the Manufacturing Advisory Service.

Principal Lecturer: Engineering Design
Section Leader for Computer-Aided Engineering Design subject group - Line management of academic staff; Teaching & Quality of Computer Aided Engineering Design and Computer Aided Product Design degrees; accreditation of programmes with IED. Development of MSc in Advanced Technology Management. Knowledge transfer projects.
Nov 1988–Aug 2000
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Associate Professor: Product Development
New Product Development research for P* project with Danish industrial partners: Bang & Olufsen, Nokia, Danfoss. P* Objective – define next NPD paradigm. Teaching of Design for Manufacture. BEST Summer School: New Product Development.

Jan 1991–Oct 1998
Coventry University, UK
Senior Lecturer: Engineering Design
Programme Leader: BEng Automotive Engineering Design – a problem based learning programme with industrially defined projects and studio learning environment. Teaching CAD and Engineering Design at PG & UG levels. DTi Automotive Initiatives to China in collaboration with Design & Business Schools. DTI/EPSRC Foresight Vehicle ZEFREDO project with Daewoo Motor Company & Mayflower Vehicle Systems. CUCID research centre for integrated design.
Oct 1986–Aug 1990
Portsmouth Polytechnic, UK
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Engineering Design
Teaching Engineering Design, CAD and CAE at BEng & HND level.

Jul 1980–Oct 1983
GEC Large Machines, UK
Quality Engineer
Implementation of BS5750 Quality Assurance procedures.

Graduate Engineer / Student Trainee
Graduate training programme. Design & test of end-winding airflow test rig.


ENGR102 Engineering Practice and Experimental Techniques
MECH342 Mechanical Engineering Design and Practice
MECH550 Design for Excellence
MECH552 Advanced Engineering Design Practice
MECH553 Advanced Engineering Design Project

Contact Antony

Room 016, Reynolds, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA
+44 1752 586104