Dr Anne Pass

Dr Anne Pass

Lecturer in Economics

Plymouth Business School (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)



I am a theoretical economist specialising in Macroeconomics and Central Banking. I am multilingual.
I am the Programme Manager for BSc (Hons) Economics.
In 2011-2012 I worked as a Leading Statistician at the Department of National, Financial, and Environmental Accounts at the National Statistical Institution in Estonia. I calculated the FISIM (Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured) component of GDP and compiled Financial and Non-Financial Accounts for the financial sector of the economy. This experience fuelled my interest in the interconnectedness of monetary policy, the financial sector, and the macroeconomy.


2012-2021 PhD Economics, Swansea University
PhD thesis title: Essays on information, coordination, and monetary policy.
2010-2011 MSc Economics, University of Manchester
2007-2010 BA Economic and Social Studies (Hons), University of Manchester


Teaching interests

Macroeconomics; Monetary economics and central banking; Game theory
Modules in 2022/23:
ECN6001 Advanced Economic Theory and Policy − central bank institutional arrangements and communication policy [Module Leader]
ECN4003 Data Analytics for Business Decision Making − mathematical and game-theoretic component
ECN5008 Managing Business Information: Economic and Financial Data and Business Analytics − topics in decision-making
ECN6007 Game Theory and Strategic Behaviour − various topics in game theory


Other academic activities

Volunteer tutor in the Shekinah Knowledge Exchange
Volunteer presenter on Hospital Radio Plymouth - tune in 4pm Thursdays