Professor Andy Phippen

Professor Andy Phippen

Visiting Specialist

School of Society and Culture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)

Professor Andy Phippen can be contacted through arrangement with our Press Office, to speak to the media on these areas of expertise.
  • Information technology
  • Computing
  • Online behaviours
  • Social media
  • Computing industry
  • Online safety



1996-2001 PhD, "Component Technologies and their Impact upon Software Development"
1999-2000 Postgraduate Certificate of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE)
1992-1996 B.Sc. (Hons) Computing and Informatics (1st Class)

Professional membership

FBCS (Fellow of the British Computer Society), CITP, CEng
Member of BCS Board

Roles on external bodies

Advisory Council - Open Rights Group
Research partner with the UK Safer Internet Centre
Chair - Headstart Kernow Digital 



Teaching interests

Teaching interests around digital behaviour, cybercrime and legislation

Current teaching:

CCJS3166: Internet Crime and Deviancy

STO308: Current Issues in IT

STO310: Business dissertation

Guest lecturing on topics such as online behaviours, children and technology, digital rights and legislation and IT ethics on programmes such as Education, Social Work, Computer Science, Early Childhood Studies, Law, and Sociology 



Research interests

Children and technology

Digital behaviours in the workplace

IT legislation related to social issues

Digital rights



Key publications

Key publications are highlighted


“Legislating Children’s Screentime—Surely Not A Solution to Children’s Mental Health Challenges?”. Entertainment Law Review 2018 (5)

“’Youth-Involved Sexual Imagery’—A Better Term to Challenge Blame Culture in Youth Sexting Cases?”. w/ Margaret Brennan. Entertainment Law Review 2018 (3).

“Protecting Yourself from Revenge Pornography—Share Your Images Before Your Abuser Does!”. w/ Margaret Brennan. Entertainment Law Review 2018 (2).

“Do Our Law Makers Understand Data Protection and Acceptable Use?”. w/ Margaret Brennan. Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 2018 (2).

“Online technology and very young children: Stakeholder responsibilities and children’s rights”. International Journal of Birth and Parent Education 5(1).

“App Based “Solutions” to Keeping Children Safe Online”. w/ Alan Earl. Entertainment Law Review 2017 (8).

“Oh you’re all children, children do silly things. You’ll be fine. Get over it!”. w/ Christine Kennedy. Entertainment Law Review 2017 (4)

“Doing More” to End Sexting - Facts, fictions and challenges in the policy debate on young people’s sexting behaviour. w/ Maggie Brennan and Jennifer Agate. Entertainment Law Review 2017 (2).

“Age Verification and Online Pornography – An Effective Safeguarding Approach?” Entertainment Law Review, 2016 (5)

“Young People and Pornography – Legislating Our Way Out of a Social Problem”, Phippen, A. Entertainment Law Review March 2016.

“Gaming and Young People – The Right Concerns?, Phippen, A. and Agate, J. Entertainment Law Review November 2015

“New social media offences under the Criminal Justice and Courts Act and Serious Crime Bill: the cultural context”, Phippen, A. and Agate, J. Entertainment Law Review Feb 2015.

“Online Privacy – A Matter of Policy”, Furnell, S. and Phippen, A. Computer Fraud and Security, vol 2012, issue 8.

"Are Schools Equipped to Address Online Safety in the Curriculum and Beyond?" Phippen, A., Wright D., Ovenden-Hope, T. eLearning Papers. No 28. April 2012.

"International enterprise education in Sri Lanka: a blended approach". Kasturiratne D., Lean J., Phippen A. International Journal of Education + Training, 54 (4). 2012.

“The Dark Side of Technology: Some Sociotechnical Reflections”, Coakes, E., Bryant, A., Land, F. Phippen, A. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development vol 3. 2011.

Phippen A & Bond E (2024) 'Why do legislators keep failing victims in online harms?' International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 1-20 Publisher Site , DOI
Phippen AD (2019) 'The UK Government Internet Safety Strategy – Time to Listen to the Youth Voice?' Entertainment Law Review Open access
Brennan M & Phippen A (2018) '“Youth-Involved Sexual Imagery” – A Better Term to Challenge Blame Culture in Youth Sexting Cases?' Entertainment Law Review 29, (3) Open access
Phippen AD & Brennan M (2018) 'Protecting yourself from revenge pornography - share your images before your abuser does!' Entertainment Law Review 29, (2) 33-36 Open access
Phippen AD (2017) 'Online technology and very young children: Stakeholder responsibilities and children’s rights' International Journal of Birth and Parent Education 5, (1) Open access
Phippen AD & Brennan M (2017) '"Doing more" to end sexting - facts, fictions and challenges in the policy debate on young people's sexting behaviour' Entertainment Law Review 28, (3) 91-96 Open access
Phippen A & Brennan M (2016) 'The New Normal? Young People, Technology & Online Behaviour' NOTA News 80, Open access
Phippen A & Ashby S (2013) 'Digital Behaviors and People Risk: Challenges for Risk Management' 1-26 Publisher Site , DOI
Furnell S & Phippen A (2012) 'Online privacy: a matter of policy?' Computer Fraud & Security 2012, 12-18
Kasturiratne D, Lean J & Phippen A (2012) 'International enterprise education in Sri Lanka: a blended approach' Education + Training 54, (4) 306-318
Coakes E, Bryant A, Land F & Phippen A (2011) 'The Dark Side of Technology' International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development 3, (4) 40-51 Publisher Site , DOI
Furnell S, von Solms R & Phippen A (2011) 'Preventative actions for enhancing online protection and privacy' International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA) 4, 1-11
Furnell SM, Tsaganidi V & Phippen AD (2008) 'Security beliefs and barriers for novice Internet users' Computers & Security 27, (7-8) 235-240
Furnell S, Tsaganidi V & Phippen A (2008) 'Security beliefs and barriers for novice Internet users' Computers & Security 27, 235-240
Phippen A & Furnell S (2007) 'Taking responsibility for online protection – why citizens have their part to play' Computer Fraud & Security 11, 8-13
Atkinson S, Johnson C & Phippen A (2007) 'Improving protection mechanisms by understanding online risk' Information Management & Computer Security 15, (5) 382-393 Publisher Site , DOI
Furnell SM, Bryant P & Phippen AD (2007) 'Assessing the security perceptions of personal Internet users' COMPUTERS & SECURITY 26, (5) 410-417 , DOI
Phippen A & Lacohée H (2006) 'eGovernment — issues in citizen engagement' BT Technology Journal 24, (2) 205-208 Publisher Site , DOI
Lacohee H, Phippen AD & Furnell SM (2006) 'Risk and restitution: Assessing how users establish online trust' COMPUTERS & SECURITY 25, (7) 486-493 , DOI
Phippen AD, Taylor J & Allen R (2005) 'Issues in moving from web services to service orientation' INTERNET RESEARCH 15, (5) 518-526 , DOI
Phippen AD (2004) 'An evaluative methodology for virtual communities using web analytics' Campus-Wide Information Systems 21, (5) 179-184 Publisher Site , DOI
Phippen A, Sheppard L & Furnell S (2004) 'A practical evaluation of Web analytics' Internet Research 14, 284-293
Knahl M, Hofmann HD & Phippen A (1999) 'A distributed component framework for integrated network and systems management' Information Management & Computer Security 7, (5) 254-260 Publisher Site , DOI
Evans MP, Phippen AD, Mueller G, Furnell SM, Sanders PW & Reynolds PL (1999) 'Strategies for content migration on the World Wide Web' INTERNET RESEARCH-ELECTRONIC NETWORKING APPLICATIONS AND POLICY 9, (1) 25-34 , DOI
Phippen AD 'Young people and pornography - legislating our way out of a social problem' Entertainment Law Review 27, (3) 79-82 Open access
Furnell SM, Atkinson S & Phippen A 'Securing the next generation: enhancing e-safety awareness among young people' Computer Fraud & Security 2009, (7) 13-19
Phippen AD & Kennedy C 'Sexting and sexting behaviour - "Oh you're all children, children do silly things. You'll be fine. Get over it!"' Entertainment Law Review 28, (6) Open access
Furnell SM, Shams R & Phippen A 'Who guides the little guy? Exploring security advice and guidance from retailers and ISPs' Computer Fraud & Security 2008, (12) 6-10

“Child Protection and Safeguarding Technologies – Appropriate or Excessive ‘Solutions’ to Social Problems?”. Phippen, A. Brennan, M. Routledge. To be published Autumn 2018

“Sexting & Revenge Pornography – Legislative and Social Dimensions of a Modern Digital Phenomenon”. Phippen, A., Agate, J., Ledward, J, Brennan, M. Routledge. To be published Autumn 2018. 

“Invisibly blighted: children and technology in the information society.”. Leaton-Gray, S, Phippen, A. UCL Press. 2017.

“The Impact of Fibre Connectivity on SMEs: Benefits and Business Opportunities”. Phippen, A., Lacohee, H. Palgrace. 2017.

“Children’s Online Behaviour and Safety: Policy and Rights Challenges” Phippen, A. Palgrave. 2016.

“Managing Digital Risk”, Phippen, A, Ashby, S. Bookboon. September 2015.

“Trust and Engagement in ICT–Mediated Services: Understanding Public Perceptions”, Lacohee H, Cofta P, Phippen A, Furnell S. IEC Publications. 2009

Phippen A & Brennan M (2019) Child Protection and Safeguarding Technologies: Appropriate or Excessive ‘Solutions’ to Social Problems?. Routledge , DOI
Agate J, Brennan M, Ledward J & Phippen A (2018) Sexting and Revenge Pornography.
Gray SL & Phippen A (2017) Invisibly Blighted The Digital Erosion of Childhood. Ucl Ioe Press Open access
Phippen A (2016) Children’s Online Behaviour and Safety Policy and Rights Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan Open access
Phippen AD & Lacohee H (2016) The Impact of Fibre Connectivity on SMEs: Benefits and Business Opportunities. Palgrave Open access
Phippen AD & Ashby S (2015) Managing Digital Risk. Bookboon Open access
Cofta P, Lacohée H, Phippen A & Furnell S (2009) Understanding Public Perceptions: Trust and Engagement in ICT-Mediated Services. Intl Engineering Consortium
Atkinson S, Jagodzinski P, Johnson C & Phippen A (2006) Semantic Web: a personal privacy perspective.
Phippen A & Bond E (2020) 'Image Recognition in Child Sexual Exploitation Material—Capabilities, Ethics and Rights' Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications Springer International Publishing 179-198 Publisher Site , DOI
Bond E & Phippen A (2020) 'Tackling Teen Sexting—Policing Challenges When Society and Technology Outpace Legislation' Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications Springer International Publishing 157-177 Publisher Site , DOI
Phippen A (2017) 'Cyberbullying and Peer‐Oriented Online Abuse' Wiley 37-54 Publisher Site , DOI
Hennessy CH, Staelens Y, Lankshear G, Phippen A, Silk A & Zahra D (2014) 'Rural connectivity and older people’s leisure participation' in Hennessy CH; Means R; Burholt V Countryside connections: Older people, community and place in rural Britain Bristol The Policy Press
Conference Papers
Heckmann B, Phippen AD, Moore RC & Wentzel C (2012) 'Agreeing on and controlling service levels in service-oriented architectures' 267-270
Heckmann B, Zinn M, Moore RC, Wentzel C & Phippen AD (2012) 'Economic Efficiency Control on Data Centre Resources in Heterogeneous Cost Scenarios' 675-679
Zinn M, Fischer-Hellmann KP, Schuette A & Phippen AD (2011) 'Information demand model for software unit reuse' 32-39
Zinn M, Fischer-Hellmann KP, Schuette A & Phippen AD (2011) 'Reusable software units integration knowledge in a distributed development environment' 24-35
Zinn M, Bepperling A, Fischer-Hellmann KP, Schuette A & Phippen AD (2011) 'Reuseable software unit knowledge for device deployment' 314-321
Zinn M, Bepperling A, Schoop R, Phippen AD & Fischer-Hellmann KP (2010) 'Device services as reusable units of modelling in a service-oriented environment - An analysis case study' 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010) 7-/-0/20107-/-0/2010IEEE Publisher Site , DOI
Zinn M, Fischer-Hellmann KP, Phippen AD & Schuette A (2010) 'Finding Reusable Units of Modelling - an Ontology Approach' 377-386
Heckmann B, Phippen AD & Turetschek G (2010) 'Quantitative and Qualitative Description of the Consumer to Provider Relation in the Context of Utility Computing' 335-344
Atkinson S, Furnell S & Phippen AD (2009) 'Risk Culture Influences in Internet Safety and Security' Lulu. com 61-61
Schneider O, Bleimann U, Phippen AD & Harriehausen-Muehlbauer B (2009) 'Simplified Creation and Presentation of Non-linear Adaptive Content' 239-+ , DOI
Heckmann B, Stengel I, Turetschek G & Phippen A (2009) 'UTILITY COMPUTING SIMULATION' 175-+
Lacohee Dr. H & Phippen Dr. A (2008) '"Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make, I'Ll Be Watching You:"The Social Impact Of Surveillance Technology' 81-88
Schneider O, Bleimann U, Phippen AD & Harriehausen-Mühlbauer B (2008) 'Inside coherence: Concept for a non-linear elearning solution' 223-233
Atkinson S, Johnson C & Phippen A (2007) 'Personal privacy threats: A taxonomy for risk assessment' 264-272
Atkinson S, Johnson C & Phippen A (2007) 'Vulnerable groups and the impact of technology upon personal privacy' 55-66
Schilke SW, Bleimann U, Stengel I & Phippen AD (2006) 'Fitting extended blended learning and multi-dimensional-personalization into learning management systems' 393-400
Schneider O, Bleimann U, Harriehausen B & Phippen AD (2006) 'Non-linear extended blended learning' 377-384
Atkinson S, Jagodzinski P, Johnson C & Phippen A (2006) 'Personal privacy: Exploitation or control through technology' 269-276
Zincir I, Furnell S & Phippen A (2005) 'Intrusion detection via behavioural profiling on mobile and wireless networked devices' 67-71
Taylor J, Phippen AD & Allen R (2005) 'Issues in implementing service oriented architectures' 343-350
Schilke SW, Bleimann U, Furnell SM & Phippen AD (2004) 'Multi-dimensional-personalisation for location and interest-based recommendation' 379-385 , DOI
Joshi P, Singh H & Phippen AD (2004) 'Web services: measuring practitioner attitude' 366-371 , DOI
Evans MP, Furnell SM, Phippen AD & Reynolds PL (1998) 'Mobility considerations for integrated telecommunications service environments' 101-105
Evans MP, Kettunen KT, Blackwell GK, Furnell SM, Phippen AD, Hope S & Reynolds PL (1997) 'Network Resource Adaptation in the DOLMEN Service Machine' 25-34
Zincir I, Furnell S & Phippen A 'Behavioural Profiling for Impostor Detection in Mobile Networks' Academic Conferences Limited 334-334

Recent Reports for Government, NGOs, Charities and Organisations

 “Online Peer on Peer Abuse – A national survey of Headteachers and Safeguarding Leeds in England and Scotland”. A Phippen, E Bond, K Tyrell. Report written for the Marie Collins Foundation

 “Young People, Internet Use and Wellbeing – Upset” report written for the South West Grid for Learning Trust. June 2018

“Young People, Internet Use and Wellbeing – Screen Time” report written for the South West Grid for Learning Trust. March 2018

“Young People and Sexting – Attitudes and Behaviours Research Findings from the UK, New Zealand and Australia”. Report co-authored with UK Safer Internet Centre, Office of the Australian eSafety Commissioner and Netsafe New Zealand. November 2017. 

“Online Safety Policy and Practice in Wales 2016-2017”. Report for the Welsh Government. November 2017.

“Online Safety Policy and Practice in UK Schools 2016-2017”. Report for UK Safer Internet Centre/UK Council for Child Internet Safety, November 2017.

Review of Online Safety Practice and Policy in Southampton Schools. Reported prepared for Southampton LSCB, April 2017.

Online Safety Policy and Practice in UK Schools 2015-2016. Report for UK Safer Internet Centre/UK Council for Child Internet Safety, October 2016.

Bond, E & Phippen, A (2014) The Children’s workforce across England is ill informed to meet the needs of child victims of online abuse. Marie Collins Foundation, Plymouth University and University Campus of Suffolk.

“Parents, Schools and the Digital Divide”. Phippen, A. Report for AVG Technologies, March 2013.



Reports & invited lectures

Recent Evidence of Esteem and Impact

“Rights and Responsibilities in theDigital World”. Webinar for the British Computer Society. June 2018.

“Revenge Pornography – Issues and Legislation”– Keynote. Virtual Violence Conference, Ipswich, May 2018

“Nudes, Dick Pics, and Jeremy Hunt” – SWSexual Health Conference, Taunton, April 2018

“Online Safety or Online Resilience?”.Keynote for Birmingham University Institute of Mental Health seminar on onlinewellbeing. April 2018.

“Peer on Peer Abuse and Implications forLegislation.” Keynote Address, NOTA Ireland, Dublin. June 2017.

 “Online Safety in the Curriculum”.Keynote. Methodist Independent Schools Trust. London June 2017.

 “Why Online Safety Isn’t Working”. RoyalCollege of Paediatrics, Nottingham University. October 2017.

“Online Safety Isn’t Working. PrincipalEducational Psychologists Conference. New Forest. May 2017

 “Online Child Abuse”, Cornwall LSCBConference, Wadebridge, April 2017

“Safe Children? Moving the Conversationon in Online Safety’. Keynote. Blurring Boundaries Conference, SuffolkUniversity, February 2018.

“Online Safety or Online Resilience?”.Keynote. NSPCC Online Safety Conference. Leicester February 2018.

“Peer on Peer Abuse and LegislativeChallenges”. Interpol Crimes Against Children Conference. Lyon November 2017.

 "Youth Produced Images – Stop CriminalisingChildren”. National Crime Agency Peer on Peer Abuse Conference, October 2017.

“Managing Millennials’ Digital Behaviourin the Workplace”. Society for Compliance and Ethics. March 2016.

“Online Grooming and Peer Issues”.Farrer & Co, March 2016

“Peer Abuse and Safety Policy”. CornwallCouncil. March 2016.

“Online Safety or Digital Wellbeing?”.Headstart Cornwall Conference February 2016.

“Child Sexual Exploitation – Issues ofPeer Abuse”. NSPCC. September 2015

“Sexting – Behaviours, Legislation andProtection”. Farrer & Co, Arpil 2015.

Additional information

Media experience with press, radio and television

Recent media coverage in BBC Radio 4, BBC3, Sky News, ITV Westcountry, Spotlight, BBC Radio Devon, The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Mirror, Western Morning News, Plymouth Evening Herald,