The wave energy shadow cast by an offshore wave energy converter array
University of Plymouth's COAST Engineering Research Group - completed project: The wave energy shadow cast by an offshore wave energy converter array
Survivability of Wave Energy Converter and Mooring coupled system
Plymouth University's COAST Engineering Research Group - completed project: Survivability of Wave Energy Converter and Mooring coupled system
Modelling and control of an oscillating water column wave energy converter
Plymouth University's COAST Engineering Research Group - completed project: Modelling and control of an oscillating water column wave energy converter
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model for wave energy converters in survival conditions
University of Plymouth's COAST Engineering Research Group - active project: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model for wave energy converters in survival conditions
Impact of marine energy converters
University of Plymouth's COAST Engineering Research Group - completed project: Impact of marine energy converters.
An evaluation of a new hybrid wave and wind energy converter
Plymouth University's COAST Engineering Research Group - An evaluation of a new hybrid wave and wind energy converter
University works to explore environmental impacts of wave energy
The University of Plymouth is among the partners in SEA Wave, a European Maritime and Fisheries Fund project addressing long-term environmental concerns around the development of emerging wave energy technologies
Physical modelling of a wave energy converter in collaboration with Sea Energy Associates Ltd.
Plymouth University's COAST Engineering Research Group - completed project : Physical modelling of a wave energy converter in collaboration with Sea Energy Associates Ltd.
Scientists receive $1.3 million to study new propulsion idea for spacecraft
Dr Mike McCulloch, from the University of Plymouth, has received $1.3million from the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for a four-year study into his idea of quantised inertia (QI)
Guidelines for adapting coursework for submission to Plymouth Institute of Education Open Journal (PIEOJ)
School of Society and Culture
University of Plymouth research: Guidelines for authors on adapting their work for submission to the Plymouth Institute of Education Online Journal.
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