Implementation of standing frame provision across the NHS; A mixed methods, co-design project
University of Plymouth PhD studentship: Implementation of standing frame provision across the NHS; A mixed methods, co-design project.
Embracing the noise: micro-environmental variability as a means to infer models for plant abiotic stress responses
University of Plymouth PhD studentship: This project will provide an unprecedented multi-factorial understanding of drought stress physiology that will support the selection of crops that will perform better under future climate conditions.
Generative AI for image and video reconstructions from brain signals
University of Plymouth: PhD studentship: Generative AI for image and video reconstructions from brain signals
AI-driven control system for hydrogen-electric maritime energy infrastructure
The School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics are currently accepting applications for 16 PhD and 3 EngD studentships available to start on 01 October 2025.
Flexible bulge wave energy converter design integration
The School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics are currently accepting applications for 16 PhD and 3 EngD studentships available to start on 01 October 2025.
The Development and Optimisation of Micro/Nano Plastic Sensors for Sustainable Green Hydrogen Production
The School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics are currently accepting applications for 16 PhD and 3 EngD studentships available to start on 01 October 2025.
SWDTP Psychology studentships
University of Plymouth SWDTP Psychology studentships
SWDTP Advanced Quantitative Methods studentship
University of Plymouth - SWDTP Advanced Quantitative Methods studentship
SWDTP Social Policy studentship
University of Plymouth research studentship – SWDTP Social Policy.
SWDTP Management and Business studentships
University of Plymouth - SWDTP Management and Business studentships
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