University of Plymouth's Fresh Air project: RECHARGE: Addressing chronic lung disease in the low- and middle-income countries through pulmonary rehabilitation
Teaching resources
University of Plymouth: Teaching resources from the FRESH AIR project - Lung health education materials for use in schools in Uganda.
Public Health: Plymouth Priorities (PHeePP)
University of Plymouth Primary Care research: Public Health: Plymouth Priorities - PHeePP. Blowing the starting whistle on constructive Public Health research in Plymouth
Digital access to care
University of Plymouth - Digital access to care
PROGROUP study findings
PROGROUP: How are treatment outcomes for people with severe obesity ImPROved by GROUP-based behavioural intervention?
Peninsula Adult Social Care Research Collaborative (PARC)
Peninsula Adult Social Care Research Collaborative (PARC): Embedding research into practice to improve social care outcomes 2
Nature is not a place to visit, it is home
University of Plymouth research: PhD studentship addressing the critical gap in understanding the nuanced relationship between engagement with nature and quality of life for people with dementia.
7 questions with Sophie Shaw
7 questions with Sophie Shaw. Get to know our BEd Primary (Maths Specialism) student who is influencing our next generation from her classroom.
Alzheimer’s Society Doctoral Training Centre for Integrated Dementia Care
University of Plymouth research: The mission of the I-Care DTC is to revolutionise dementia care by training dementia researchers in an integrated approach combining primary care, secondary care, and health and social services.
New method to help GPs manage patients with multiple health conditions
The SHERPA model could be an effective tool for GP trainees, new research shows.
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