Boost for South West’s floating offshore wind ambitions
The South West Floating Offshore Wind Accelerator has been chosen to work up a detailed bid for over £30m of potential government funding provided through UKRI’s flagship Strength in Places Fund.
The risks of robot companions in care homes
Professor Ray Jones and Research Associate Hannah Bradwell from the University's Centre for Health Technology explore the risks and benefits of robot companions in care homes during the pandemic. Part of 'The Old Normal: Our Future Health' series.
Dr Ness Avery - Clinical Lecturer in Dental Education
Dr Jane Peters - Lecturer in Public Health Nursing (Education)
Neural stem cell placement for student
Plymouth University news: An internationally-respected University of Plymouth research team which is investigating neural stem cells has provided a research opportunity for a biochemistry graduate from the University of Bristol
Protected Area Network Across the Channel Ecosystem (PANACHE)
Plymouth University research - Protected Area Network Across the Channel Ecosystem (PANACHE)
University announces the appointment of new Deputy Vice-Chancellors
University of Plymouth news: The University appoints Professor Julian Chaudhuri as Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience, and Professor Jerry Roberts as Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise.
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business Student Hub
University of Plymouth: the online student support resource for students who are part of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business.
Event to inspire new health professionals in Plymouth
Trainee podiatrists from the University of Plymouth will be showcasing their profession at the Prospects Skills Show on 13 and 14 March.
30-day project to fund pulmonary rehab centre in Uganda
The University of Plymouth aims to raise £10,000 this April to fund a pulmonary rehabilitation centre in Kampala, Uganda. The centre will provide treatment space and training for an evidence-based intervention not involving drugs.
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