Professor Ewen McColl - Head of Peninsula Dental School
Plymouth University: As academic staff, we always welcome enquiries from students interested in marine physics and who wish to be involved in fieldwork.
Learning and Social Justice through the Lifecourse Research Group
University of Plymouth: The Learning & Social Justice through the Lifecourse Research Group has a record of innovative interdisciplinary research.
Featured module: Professional Writing
We study contemporary journalism and feature writing on this module.
Medical Research Council Project
University of Plymouth researchers are partnering with the SIPHER consortium to use a structured approach to design a future programme of community-referred social prescribing suitable for individuals to use and access community assets for their health.
Medical students deliver online reading sessions to local schools
The Right to Read Scheme, run by Plymouth Children in Poverty (PCiP) and funded by Plymouth Drake Foundation, sees students from across Peninsula Medical School drop in online to read a story to pupils, and follow it up with a discussion.
FUTURES Researchers in Schools 2022–23
Researchers in Schools is a new schools engagement programme linked to FUTURES2022, delivered in primary schools across the Southwest.
Protecting our Planet Day (POP) 2023: Protecting Our Ocean
Protecting our Planet Day (POP) 2023. An inspiring live-streamed event for schools led by the UK Space Education Office (ESERO-UK) at STEM Learning, in collaboration with the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency.
Chlorine disinfectant is no more effective than water at killing off superbug
University of Plymouth news: Research published during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week explores the impact of using chlorine chemicals to tackle Clostridioides difficile, the most common cause of antibiotic associated sickness in healthcare settings.
Jonny Rowden - BA (Hons) Theatre and Performance; MA Performance Practice graduate
Plymouth University has provided Jonny Rowden with a vibrant community in which to achieve his artistic endeavours.
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