University helps home-learners with new maths resources
The Plymouth Institute of Education has launched Maths4all, a website providing Primary and Secondary level maths resources, free of charge to parents, carers and pupils
Combating lung disease worldwide – event to showcase University’s leading work in rehab and education
Free event open to the public on Thursday 4 April will show how the University is helping to tackle lung conditions in Africa and beyond
Dr Lucy Obolensky
Dr Lucy Obolensky - Lecturer in Global and Remote Healthcare and co-founder of the Global Health Collaborative.
Condition specific modules
University of Plymouth: We are pleased to offer a range of condition specific modules to support workforce development across the Community and Primary Care education contract and the Advanced Practice Acute and Urgent Care education contract.
Government Minister visits Dental School
University of Plymouth news: Health and Social Care Minister Helen Whateley MP met the University of Plymouth team to hear about its innovative work.
Information governance and GDPR
Information governance at University of Plymouth is the management of information through a co-ordinated approach of policies and procedures.
Researchers work with school to develop new guidelines on outdoor learning
A partnership between University academics and a local multi academy trust (MAT) is involving Plymouth schoolchildren in the latest research into outdoor learning.
University donation makes a difference to young people
The University of Plymouth's School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics has decommissioned 35 iPad Minis and presented them to Computing At School, who have in turn shared them between Caen Community Primary School and the Telegraph Museum, Cornwall
Guidelines part of debate in parliament to improve children’s oral care
Plymouth University news: In 2014 Professor Elizabeth Kay contributed to NICE guidelines on children's oral health, guidelines which have been part of a debate in parliament on how to improve children's teeth
Climate change has degraded productivity of shelf sea food webs
New research led by the University of Plymouth shows that larger, nutritious plankton – vital to support fish, seabirds and marine mammals – are being replaced by tiny, primary producers that are of poorer food quality
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