Technology paints in-depth picture of organisms’ response to climate change
EmbryoPhenomics, revolutionary new technology created at the University of Plymouth, could fill a major gap in our understanding of how organisms’ early development will be impacted by climate change
The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems
University of Plymouth: PhD studentship – funded PhD project (UK students only): The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems.
Staff privacy notice
University of Plymouth: staff privacy notice
Hepatology Research Group
The hepatology research group (HRG) at the University of Plymouth is dedicated to improving the understanding and treatment of liver disease.
Seeing through another’s eyes – research shows for the first time how we use others’ viewpoints to make decisions
New research by the University of Plymouth has provided the first direct evidence that we often use other people’s eyes to see situations and make judgements.
Fulfilling the ambition of a lifetime
University of Plymouth graduate Dr Emma Rendle will join the crew of eXXpedition for 24 days as it sails from Easter Island to Tahiti
Staff leaver privacy notice
University of Plymouth: Staff leaver privacy notice
Multiple Sclerosis research project updates
Find out about the latest events and read research updates from the Multiple Sclerosis research team at the University of Plymouth.
Professor Shouqing Luo - Professor of Neurobiology
Naval figureheads – a short history
BA (Hons) History blog: naval figureheads – a short history by Dr Elaine Murphy
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