Co-designing a bean-themed game with school children
School of Health Professions
University of Plymouth Synergy project: Codesigning a bean-themed game with school children.
Working with farmers to identify the threats and opportunities of cultured meat technology
School of Health Professions
University of Plymouth Synergy project: Working with farmers to identify the threats and opportunities of cultured meat technology.
Co-creating a local food action plan with ShefFood
School of Health Professions
University of Plymouth Synergy project: Co-creating a local food action plan with ShefFood.
Your data, your choice: the benefits of blockchain for patient consent and preventive healthcare research
Dr Edward Meinert, Associate Professor of eHealth at the University of Plymouth's Centre for Health Technology discusses the role of Blockchain technology to store, access and protect health data, providing opportunities to improve preventative medicine.
Is agricultural technology the answer to the global food security crisis?
University of Plymouth: Is zero world hunger possible? Will future generations thrive? Can Earth still support us? What lies ahead for humankind and is technology the answer?
The next pandemic is already here – why our world leaders should take notice of AMR
Plymouth Perspectives: The next pandemic is already here – why our world leaders should take notice of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Dr Tina Joshi
‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’: the future of digital health
Professor Ray Jones, Professor of Health Informatics and Co-Director of the Centre for Health Technology at the University of Plymouth, shares his views on the future of digital health in a post-Covid-19 world.
e-coachER study findings
University of Plymouth: Peninsula Clinical Trails Unit (PenCTU) – e-coachER study findings
Digital architectural production for social good
University of Plymouth research: The multidisciplinary team working towards digital architectural production for social good is investigating the social and environmental benefits of modern methods of construction and digital architectural design.
Information for funders
Plymouth University - information for research funders, policies and strategies
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