Wales rural countryside dementia

The Manifesto

The small schools manifesto has been developed in association with the National Association of Small Schools, who say:
"Small schools are at the top of national performance, not least in low income and remote areas. The effective ingredient is the close partnership between parents and teachers. The children feel from the start safe and secure, that effort is worthwhile and achievement possible. The evidence shows exactly that and the high quality of teaching, relationships and related achievement endures."
Small schools manifesto
Small school 2

Assets to communities

Small schools are twice as likely to close as the national average (O’Brien, 2019). Rapid policy change and reform since 2010 appears to have focused on, and been designed for, large urban schools run through direct funding from the government (academies) and, more latterly, as groups of academies run by a single organisation (multi- academy trusts).
Small schools are assets to communities in many ways, including as centres for innovation, research and development in education, social and other services, sustainability, wellbeing, health and welfare.
Pair of hands holding the world

Learning and Social Justice through the Lifecourse Research Group

The Learning and Social Justice through Lifecourse Research Group combines and connects major strands of the IHC, drawing together issues of health, society, community and culture through the lenses of learning and social justice.
According to UNESCO in 2015: " is the primary vehicle by which marginalised children, young people, and adults can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully in communities and society."