Why we need more men to become nurses
Discover how the University of Plymouth is helping to bust the myth that nursing is only a career for women

It is time that we grasped the nettle and busted the myth that nursing is only a career for women. The medical profession gender imbalance has changed in recent times, so it is time that the gender imbalance within nursing followed suit.
“My biggest inspiration is my desire to help those that need it most during times when they are at their lowest. An opportunity arose for me to take a huge step out of my comfort zone and change my life’s pathway. Being male and a mature student, at first I feared how I would be accepted by a predominantly female group. Now, I would not dream of being without the amazing nursing students I am working with and who have accepted me as part of the team.”
“Nursing is not only a caring role, but a fantastic career path – and we need more people to go into it. We aim to ensure our nursing and midwifery cohorts replicate the diversity of our society. I would genuinely encourage everyone to consider nursing.”
“We are trying really hard to bridge the gap and explain it is not just a job for women. Men can care just as well as women can.”