Remote sensing and GIS
Of course it’s not all about the traditional laboratory. The ability to collect, use and analyse a wide range of digital data, using a variety of specialist software programmes, is essential for all our students. The specialist software used will vary depending on your degree: from chemical analyses programme for chemists, subsurface seismic analysis for geologists, or quantitative questionnaire analysis for geographers. Across our programmes you will have the opportunity to develop skills in remote sensing and Geographical Information Science (GIS).
In our dedicated high-performance computer labs we have dual screen, high-spec desktops fitted with specialist software and industry standard programmes such as ArcGIS Pro and QGIS, MOVE and Kingdom, along with standard office and graphical packages.
We also aim to link the field with the lab through the use of GPS handsets and our expanding fleet of drones and survey equipment – a mavic mini for urban mapping, a phantom 4 v2 for rural surveys, and a sensefly Ebee with a range of sensors including infrared.