Learn more about 2016's panellists
With the planet warming at unprecedented rates, do you think that the time has come to introduce global climate engineering techniques such as stratospheric veiling to produce a global cooling effect? Omar Abu-Seer
How can we help restore the Great Barrier Reef to its former glory, or is it too late? Natasha Wilcox
The measurement of GDP should be re-named "Globally Destructive Paradigm". How can we ever really keep our planet's ecosystems sustainable while economists and politicians use GDP as a yardstick of progress? Peter Brooks
Large areas of productive arable land in the UK are being covered in photo-voltaic (PV) panels by grant farmers. To counter this trend, should planning law be changed to require developers to install PV panels on new large commercial development? David Rushby
Recently some academics have begun to question the emphasis on scientific findings when communicating the risks from Global Climate Change. How do you believe we can best inspire and create real change in people's lifestyles, beliefs and motives to counter climate change? Kieran Green
If you had to choose just one change that could be made by all of us, what would it be? Charlotte Murphy